to the Nephilim:
He goes to them and informs them
that they will never be allowed to enter heaven again but will be bound in
chains in the earth.
particular sentence caught my eye for one reason, it echo’s the fate of the
Titans, who where defeated and cast into Tartarus by their children lead by
Zeus. Mythology around the world is filled with the exploits of gods and their
children, who were the great heroes of the past, helping to defeat great armies
or doing so almost single handed, either by cunning or by sheer brute strength.
question that remains is did they really exist or were these just stories to
explain strange events, triumph over impossible odds or to boost the hearts of

we take into account Greek mythology, alone, one of the greatest and most well
known heroes, Hercules or his true name Herakles was born of a union of
seduction between Zeus the King of the gods and Alcmene.
Zeus fell in love with her and when her husband was away he seduced and impregnated
her. This angered Zeus’ goddess wife Hera and she tried to prevent the birth.
Despite her best efforts Alcmene gave birth to her son, and to add insult to
injury named him Herakles (wonder if she did this to thumb her nose at Hera), as
the name Herakles means "glorious gift of Hera" in Greek, so
obviously Hera was in a murderous mood, literally. She tried to kill him by
sending snakes into his crib but being a strong baby, strangled them. After
Herakles became a warrior and was married and had two children, Hera decided to
make his life as miserable as possible and sent a madness which caused him to
murder his wife and children. In atonement for his sin, he wanted to right the
wrong he had done, the God Apollo set him 10 labours which later increased to
12. He was told once the labours where completed he would become immortal; he
didn’t just complete the 12 tasks but had many great adventures, also marrying
Deinira was captured by Nessus the centaur, after he had crossed a
river with her Herakles shot and killed him with a hydra poisoned arrow but as
he lay dying he told Deinaira that a mixture of
olive oil and his heart's blood would ensure that Herakles would never again be
unfaithful. She foolishly believed him and took some of the blood and when
her faith began to wane she anointed a cloak and gave it to her husband as a
gift with horrifying results. The centaur blood was toxic to Herakles and he
was in agony for many days as the poison burned through his body. He had his
friends build him a funeral pyre and lay himself down onto it and as he began
to burn alive, Hera yielded, agreeing with Zeus that he had suffered enough and
allowed him to be brought to Olympus where he became an immortal god.
Hercules, as we know him was one of the most famous of demigods but
the list is longer than my arm; Perseus and Zetes just to name a few, not to
mention Atalanta one of few female hero’s in Greek mythology.
Gilgamesh was a Mesopotamian “demigod”, also known as Bilgamesh in
Sumerian texts. He was described as two-thirds god and one-third man. The world
over there are these stories of demigods and superhumans, who have graced the
world, their great deeds and battles have been carried down as mythology to us
but are these simply just myths, stories or might their be some truth to it. Having
recently explored the idea of Nephilim; giants, half human half angelic beings,
who walked the earth during biblical times. Taller and stronger than mortal
men, and we are given the idea that they weren’t just physically superior but
mentally as well one does begin to wonder. Also, along with these stories of a
“super-race” across the world we find very strange artefacts that the most
learn people through our scientific age are still fully, not only trying to
explain, but also duplicate to prove that it was simply ancient ingenuity. Some
of these items of our ancient age are of monolithic proportion, others small
and as baffling as I would imagine it would be trying to explain what fire is
to someone who has never seen or felt it before, promotes these myths of super
strength and intelligence that we are told developed of a few hundred years…
“Biblical text humanity” itself is only a few thousand years old,
science tells us that man is a few million years old and that the oldest
civilizations existed tens of thousands of years ago. Yet man’s progression in
knowledge is amazing. Which ever account we choose to accept either biblical or
scientific the leaps in mans knowledge is still astonishing. Why do I say this,
there is proof that many of the innovations that we believe to be only a few
decades to a few hundred years old was once well practiced by civilizations
older than what we ever realised. Text like the Midrash says that this
knowledge was given to man by the angels; queue Greek mythology, which says
that some of man’s discoveries like fire were stolen from the gods. All these that
these premises have in common is that our knowledge came from somewhere other
than human resourcefulness.
As far as we are concerned everything mechanical is quite modern
and electricity was discovered a little of 200 years ago.
The true is Electricity is older than that, but still very young
as far as history is concerned, discovered just over 2000 years ago, by the
ancient Greeks. Quite a few of us don’t realise that by the 17th century, many electricity-related discoveries had been made,
such as the invention of an early electrostatic generator, the differentiation
between positive and negative currents, and the classification of materials as
conductors or insulators. Then Benjamin Franklin came along in 1752 and
attached a key to a kite standing on top of Christ Church in Philadelphia, he
wanted to prove that lightening was electricity and he wanted to find a way to
protect buildings from lightening. So as far as I see it he was the inventor of
the lightening rod not electricity. But there are discoveries out there that
just still completely perplexes the human mind, if these finds are so young how
is it that the artefacts found, the monoliths that exist, how are where they
made possible, there are those who have stated it is possibly not of this
planet (yes I know, I know).
The Antikythera
Mechanism is one of
the world’s oldest known geared devices. Unlike other
debatable antiques, most scholars & experts conform in its authenticity and
ingenuity. It has puzzled historians of all types since its discovery. Assumed
to be originated around 100 B.C.E this perplexing artifact composed of many
gears and wheels which were recovered by sponge-divers from a shipwreck in 1900
off the coast of Antikythera, a small island that lies northwest of Crete. An
X-Ray of the mechanism revealed that the object contains a sophisticated system
of differential gears inside. Gearing of this complexity was not known to exist
until 1575! The miniaturisation of the object is what makes it remarkable and
for the complexity of its small parts. It has over 30 gears, although Michael
Wright (an expert in this field) has suggested as many as 72 gears, with teeth
formed through equilateral triangles (and I so hated math).
The device was being carried on a Roman ship that was wrecked between 80
and 60 B.C.E. The ship was believed to have been sailing to the Anatolian
Peninsula (also called Asia Minor) to what is
now Turkey and was carrying some of the finest works of art of its day.
wasn’t until 50 years after it was originally discovered that an Australian
archaeologist using X-rays began to discover that there was a lot more to the
mystery piece than was originally thought. However, due to still limited
technology at the time, the actual function of the Antikythera Mechanism wasn’t
known until decades later.
2005, using sophisticated software and technology, it was finally discovered
that the Antikythera Mechanism was an astronomical device, and by using it, one
could navigate one’s position at sea by charting the stars in the skies. It was
also an astrological device. By setting it to a particular day, such as a
person’s birth date, one could see how the stars and planets would line up for
that person. Using it as a timeline, one could then tell that person’s future
by looking at the planets’ alignment for decades to come.
device could also predict lunar phases, lunar eclipses, and the positions of
the sun and moon for years to follow. Later it was also found that the device
could predict the motion of the planets, and cast horoscopes for planning
future festivals and events in the ancient world.
The mechanism is the oldest known complex scientific calculator being over 2000 years old. It contains many gears, and is
sometimes called the first known analogue computer, although its flawless manufacturing suggests that it may have had a number of
predecessors during the Hellenistic Period which have not yet been discovered.
It appears to be constructed upon theories of astronomy and mathematics
developed by Greek astronomers and it is estimated that it was made around
150-100 B.C.E. One hypothesis is that the device was constructed at an academy
founded by the ancient Stoic
philosopher Posidonius on the Greek island of Rhodes, which at the time was known as
a centre of astronomy and mechanical engineering, and that perhaps the
astronomer Hipparchus was
the engineer who designed it since it contains a lunar mechanism which uses
Hipparchus's theory for the motion of the Moon.
Professor Michael Edmunds of Cardiff University who led a
study of the mechanism said:
device is just extraordinary, the only thing of its kind. The design is
beautiful, the astronomy is exactly right. The way the mechanics are designed
just makes your jaw drop. Whoever has done this has done it extremely
carefully...in terms of historic and scarcity value, I have to regard this
mechanism as being more valuable than the Mona Lisa."
Mathias Buttet, director of
Research and Development at the Swiss watchmaking company Hublot, said,
“It includes
ingenious features which are not found in modern watchmaking.” Buttet has
managed to recreate a smaller version of the device the size of an average
wrist watch.”
Altogether, the Antikythera Mechanism used about 30 gear wheels, with
very sophisticated and intricate parts that all interconnect. Researchers are
still not sure who created the device or what its true purpose ultimately was.
you wonder why they don’t teach THIS in school, I think someone should
seriously revise the education system!)
Flying Machine Models?
An object was found in 1898 in a tomb at
Saqquara, Egypt and was later dated as having been created near 200 B.C.E. It
was thrown into a box marked "wooden bird model" and then stored in
the basement of the Cairo museum. It was rediscovered by Dr. Khalil Messiha,
who studied models made by ancients. The "discovery" was considered
so important by the Egyptian government that a
special committee of leading scientists was established to study the object.
Why? Remember when this item was found in 1898 airplanes were unknown, the
first airplane was invented by the Wright Brothers in 1903, so it was just
thought to be a model like any other, possibly a child’s toy. So why was it
thought to be more by Dr. Khalil Messiha? Well in 1969 Dr.
Khalil Messiha noticed the difference between this model and the rest of the
birds. The typical models of the ancient
Egyptian birds
have legs but this one did not. Other bird models had painted feathers but not
this one. The model has a 7-inch (17.78cm) wingspan and a vertical tail, not a
horizontal one like typical ancient Egyptian bird models.
Let's consider some other aspects of the
model. The model has the exact proportions of a very advanced form of
"pusher-glider" that is still having "some bugs ironed
out". This type of glider will stay in the air almost by itself—even a
very small engine will keep it going at low speeds, as low as 45 to 65 mph
(72.42 to 104.61 km), while it can carry an enormous payload. This ability is
dependent on the curious shape of wings and their proportions. The tipping of
wings downward, a reversedihedral wing as it is called, is the feature behind
this capability. A similar type of curving wings are implemented on the
Concorde airplane, giving the plane a maximum lift without detracting from its
Messiha's brother, a flight engineer, reproduced it in balsa
wood and launched it and it flew. Dr. Messiha was then sure it was a model of
an airplane not a bird. The model was from the 3rd century B.C.E, from an age
of invention that followed the death of Alexander the Great. That so-called
Hellenistic period gave us gears, screws, plumbing, control valves, Euclidean
geometry, Archimedes, and Ptolemy's astronomy. The hieroglyphs on the model
airplane say "the Gift of Amon".
Amon in ancient Egypt was known to be the god of wind and air and this was
another proof that the model was more than a model bird. In addition to the
phrase on the assumed model, the phrase "I
want to fly" was found in three papyrus scripts.
In that context, it seems rather
incredible that someone, more than 2,000 years ago, for any reason, devised a
model of a flying device with such advanced features, requiring quite extensive
knowledge of aerodynamics. There were no such things as airplanes in those times;
we are told by archaeologists and historians. But this case seems to be an
exception, living in the midst of the rather unimaginative and rigid paradigm
of contemporary science. It is also necessary to point out
that Egyptians are known to have nearly always made scale-models of projects
and objects which they planned to create or build. So if this was never meant
to be built why does a model exist?
Gold trinkets were also found
in an area covering Central America and coastal areas of South America,
estimated to belong to a period between 500 and 800 C.E, but since they are
made from gold, accurate dating is impossible and based essentially on
stratigraphy which may be deceptive. However, we can safely say that these gold
objects are more than 1000 years old. Archaeologists labeled these
objects as zoomorphic,
meaning, animal shaped objects. The
question is what animal do they represent? When we compare these with other objects from the same
cultures depicting animals, a curious facet of the comparison would be obvious:
the other objects are recognizable, rendered usually with great accuracy and
attention to realistic detail. Yet these, although animal-like do not seem to
represent any kind of species that we are familiar with, unless these creatures
are now extinct.
There are several types of animals which
fly that this could represent—birds, insects, and several mammals, such as bats
and some gliders, for instance flying squirrels, opossums, and then there are
some lizards; there are also some fish which for brief periods glide through
the air. There are water animals which seem to fly through the water,
such as rays, skates and some selachians. But how does this golden object compare with these choices? All its features taken
into a consideration, we have no match. Seen from above, the object obviously
has no fish features, but seems to show rather explicitly mechanistic ones.
The structures just in front of the tail are
strongly reminiscent of a combination of ailerons and elevators with a slight
forward curve, but they are attached to the fuselage, rather than the wings. In
any case, they look more like airplane parts than like the claspers of a fish.
If the two prominent spirals on the wings are supposed to be a stylized version
of the eyes of a ray, then what are the two globular objects positioned on the head supposed to represent? To complicate the
identification even more, the spirals on the wings have their copies positioned on the nose of the object, in
the opposite direction. When the object is viewed in profile, the dissimilarity to anything
from the animal kingdom is even more pronounced. If the zoomorphic explanation
is supposed to hold, then why did the artist cut the head off almost three quarters from
the body? And why is the nose practically rectangular and the cut tilted
forward, with eyes positioned at either side, when fish eyes are usually more
near the centre of the bodyline and
far forward on the head? What we can make of the semicircular grooves on the inside of the cut? What is it supposed to
be—fishwise? And what about the scoop,
forward and under the cut? It
is a scoop, not just a ridge for drilling a hole through to place the object on
a necklace or chain. Then there is another rectangular feature, positioned further
back at the approximate centre of gravity under the fuselage. The wings when
viewed from the side are perfectly horizontal, but when seen from the front,
they curve slightly downward. The elevators,
which are right behind the wings, are positioned on a slightly higher
horizontal level and are square-ended, thus a definite geometric shape. Above
them is another rectangular shape, with a relief which may be reminiscent of knobs. The tail is equally
intriguing. No fish has only a single, upright and perpendicular flange. But this tail
fin has an exact shape of fins on modern airplanes. There are also some
markings on the tail which are hard to identify, but it does not seem to be
anything related to animals, either. The photos and enlarged outline of
the object has been submitted for an analysis to several people from the field
of aerodynamics. One of them was Arthur Young, a designer of Bell helicopters
and other aircraft. His analysis
confirmed that the object contains many features which would fit the airplane
hypothesis, but there were several ones which would not fit that scenario. The
wings do seem to be in the wrong place—they should be further forward so that
their 1/4-chord coincides with the centre
of gravity. The nose is not like anything on airplanes, as well. So, while the
object is suggesting an airplane, some features would not seem to support this
But let's entertain several possibilities.
If we imagine that the separation after the windshield is not a cockpit and that the pilot and
the cargo were located somewhere in the main fuselage body, then we can
envision the nose as something else. Let's assume that the
nose is actually a jet. If the machine needs to slow down, the jet flow
directed against the path of flight would accomplish just that. But how to re-direct
the jet into the opposite direction? If we envision the nose as a movable part
of the plane, turning around the point located where the nose and fuselage
meet, thus pivoting the nose downward to tuck it under the fuselage, which
would enable the desired effect. What's more, it will re-adjust the centre of
gravity and the wings would be just in the right place for a high powered
flight. Another problem, though, that does appear is the drag which would be
created by the back of the nose now positioned in front. But that can be
attributed to artistic license. That
seems to be the case, because several other similar planes feature the back part of the nose tilted more forward, so the angle of the back of
the nose when pivoted is more corresponding to aerodynamic principles.
All things considered, the object seems to
represent a convertible type of craft, with two possible configurations—one for
ascent when the nose is facing backwards, and the other for descent with the
nose facing forward. One unsolved item remains—the spirals on the both wings
and the nose. According to Amerindian iconography, these spirals have
discernable meaning—they represent ascending and descending, depending on
whether they are right-oriented or left-oriented, respectively. As the spirals
are not only on wings but also on the nose, the meaning is fairly obvious—the
wings and the nose (as much) were the features which were directly involved in
ascent and descent. These are all possibilities.
There are other cultures which mention
flying vehicles of some sort or another. The most known of these sources are
Indian epics, especially the Mahábhárata and other Védic sources such as
Bhágavata Purána and Rámáyana. The flying devices were called vimánas and were extensively discussed in Vaimánika Shástra,
describing multitude of machines with different purposes and capabilities.
What we know about ancient Indian flying vehicles
comes from ancient Indian sources; written texts that have come down to us
through the centuries. There is no doubt that most of these texts are
authentic; many are the well known ancient Indian Epics themselves, and there
are literally hundreds of them. Most of them have not even been translated into
English yet from the old Sanskrit. Too many to be co-incidence or hoaxed.
There has been said to be
a secret society created by Indian Emperor Ashoka called the "Secret Society of the Nine Unknown
Men" (yes I know, stupid title for a secret society): great
Indian scientists who were supposed to catalogue the many sciences. Ashoka kept
their work secret because he was afraid that the advanced science catalogued by
these men, culled from ancient Indian sources, would be used for the evil
purpose of war, which Ashoka was strongly against, having been converted to
Buddhism after defeating a rival army in a bloody battle.
The "Nine Unknown Men" wrote a
total of nine books, presumably one each. One of the Books number was "The
Secrets of Gravitation!" This book, known to historians, but not actually
seen by them dealt chiefly with "gravity control." It is presumably
still around somewhere, kept in a secret library in India, Tibet or elsewhere
(perhaps even in North America somewhere). One can certainly understand
Ashoka's reasoning for wanting to keep such knowledge a secret, assuming it still
exists (or ever did exist).
Ashoka’s reasons for keeping these secrets
hidden from the world was based on the so-called "Rama Empire" of
Northern India and Pakistan which developed at least fifteen thousand years ago
on the Indian sub-continent and was a nation of many large, sophisticated
cities, many of which are still to be found in the deserts of Pakistan,
northern, and western India. Rama existed, apparently, parallel to the
Atlantean civilization in the mid-Atlantic Ocean, and was ruled by
"enlightened Priest-Kings" who governed the cities. The seven
greatest capital cities of Rama were known in classical Hindu texts as
"The Seven Rishi Cities."
According to ancient Indian texts, the
people had flying machines which were called "Vimanas." The ancient
Indian epic describes a Vimana as a double-deck, circular aircraft with
portholes and a dome. Sound eerily familiar…who else is thinking of “flying
It flew with the "speed of the
wind" and gave forth a "melodious sound." There were at least
four different types of Vimanas; some saucer shaped, others like long cylinders
("cigar shaped airships"). The ancient Indian texts on Vimanas are so
numerous, it would take volumes to relate what they had to say. The ancient
Indians, who manufactured these ships themselves, wrote entire flight manuals
on the control of the various types of Vimanas, many of which are still in
existence, and some have even been translated into English.
(I can hear a few people’s eyebrows going
up and eyes rolling, go look it up people)
Now for some background on the great doubtful
ruler himself:
Ashoka the Great (304 B.C.E. – 232 B.C.E) was
an Indian emperor, ruling over a territory roughly corresponding to modern
India, from Afghanistan in the north to the Kerala Coast in the south, grandson
of Chandragupta, the first ruler to unify the Indian subcontinent.
Since there is a fair amount of documentary
evidence about his life including his 33 Edicts, inscribed into stone pillars
throughout his empire, proclaiming his devotion to Buddhist moral precepts,
references to him in 2nd Century stories (Aśokāvadāna and Divyāvadāna),
and his appearance in the Sri Lankan Mahavamsa, we can be sure he was a real
man, not myth and that he did exist.
He was so wonderful in
fact that he killed 500 of his ministers over a loyalty oath, had a harem of
500 women some of whom he burned to death when they displeased him (he seemed
to like the number 500 didn’t he?), built himself an intricate torture chamber
for his own amusement (wonder if Vlad read about him), and was generally
regarded as a brilliant military strategist, although leaning heavily towards
the bloodthirsty side.
After the particularly nasty battle to conquer
the Kalinga territory, resulting in the deaths of 100,000 soldiers, countless
civilians, and 150,000 deportations, he seems to have had a moment of personal
reflection while viewing the battlefield strewn with bloody corpses, of which
he had been the cause. Thus Ashoka seems to have come to the conclusion that he
was tired of being such an “unpleasant” man, commenting,
“What have I done? If
this is a victory, what’s a defeat then?”
(Makes you wonder what he thought before this
great massacre)
Anyway this is considered to be the catalyst
for his conversion to Buddhism, and the benevolent reign of a new, less
homicidal Ashoka.
So given the first half of his reign, which
seem to have been quite an entertaining time, it stands to reason that Ashoka
decided that some knowledge was simply too dangerous for humanity in their
barbaric state (the information he seemed to be in possession of possibly was
from the mythical Rama Empire, an Indian version of Atlantis), and created the
secret society of the Nine Unknown Men dedicated to preserving the secrecy of
knowledge that could lead to our destruction.
As I said before each of the Nine was tasked
with guarding and adding to a particular realm of knowledge:
(1) Propaganda and Psychological Warfare
(2) Physiology
(3) Microbiology
(4) Alchemy
(5) Communication
(6) Gravitation
(7) Cosmology
(8) Light and
(9) Sociology
And no you didn’t read that list incorrectly, I
said what I meant and meant what I said.
Various famous personages are said to have been
in contact with the Nine (according to Jacques Bergier and Louis Pauwels,
authors of the fascinating, if somewhat loopy Morning of the Magicians),
including Pope Sylvester II, a French consul at Calcutta named Louis Jacolliot
(1837-1890), a Pastuer collaborator named Alexandre Yersin, and a variety of
important figures in Indian history.
So where is the proof that the Nine where in
contact with notable persons of history?
Well Pope Sylvester II, born 920-12 May 1003,
after his visit to India acquired various strange skills which astounded and
stupefied his entourage. It is said and documented that he possessed a bronze
head that answered yes or no to questions posed on politics or the general
position of Christianity. Sylvester claimed it was a perfectly simple operation
corresponding to a two-figure calculation and was performed by an automation
similar to our modern binary machines. It was destroyed after his death.
what was the Rama Empire, which I’m carrying on about exactly?
According to
ancient Sanskrit texts like the Ramayana and Mahabahrata, the Rama Empire
thrived thousands of years before the English believed a civilization even
existed in the area. Current texts admit that this great civilization ended
somewhere between 2,500 and 4,500 B.C.E. When did it all begin? Some Sanskrit
scholars would say the Rama Empire thrived around 10-15,000 B.C.E and that only
remnants survived the Great War that their history recorded.
In 1856 a group of English engineers in the British-dominated
India where confronted with an incredible discovery. They had been seeking
hard-to-find rocks to place under the railroad they were constructing and asked
the locals for advice on where to look. The answer was an ancient deserted town
nearby a place called Mohenjo-Daro, which translates to “Mound of the Dead”.
The British found no such place marked as Mohenjo-Daro. Fortunately they
decided to check the site that was described to them and discovered a lost city
in the ruins under the dust. It was not until 1920 that Mohanjo-Daro was
established as part of the seven great Rishi (Sanskrit for Master) cities of the ancient Rama Empire of the Indus Valley of
ancient India.
Western archaeologists
have long insisted that the tales of a technologically advanced civilization
were merely figments of some over-imaginative Indian writer, but they will
admit to being puzzled at the findings at Mohenjo-Daro and other Rishi cities.
The cities were
highly developed with a great degree of pre-planning in streets, covered sewage
systems, private toilets, running water to homes, remarkable plumbing and homes
constructed of kiln-fired brick. This is more sophisticated than many of the
cities in India, Pakistan and
Asia today.
Mohenjo-Daro's "chief
glory" was a complex system of drains that ran throughout the city.
According to one scholar, "only the Romans, more than two thousand years
later, had a comparable drainage system." Clay pipes carried dirty, used
water from buildings on the citadel and homes in the lower city to the main
sewer system that ran along the city streets. The water and other sewage were
emptied into the Indus River. This sewer system made it possible for both the
rich and the poor to have bathrooms in their homes. There does appear to be a
public bathhouse which is quite usual and might even have been used for
religious purification, one building had an underground furnace (known as ahypocaust), possibly for heated bathing. Most houses had inner courtyards, with
doors that opened onto side-lanes. Some buildings had two stories. Also located throughout the city are deep wells, in
which the people of Mohenjo-Daro stored their water.
So if we look at
later civilizations such as England, more than 2000 years later, who were using
chamber pots and walking with buckets to the nearest well for water, we are
left wondering how everything went backward.
According to
papers I’ve read on the actual excavation of the Mohenjo-Daro site there are a
number of interesting facts. One of these is that the City has about seven
strata. Now strata and stratum is exactly the same thing. This basically means
it is the discernable layers of archaeological matrix or features revealed by
excavations. Sedimentation thicker than 1 centimetre would be construed as a
stratum. In such a layer one would find artefacts, skeletons and dwelling
remains. It is more or less uniform or gradual, material, visually separable
from one level to another by a discrete change in the type of makeup of
material being deposited or a sharp break in deposition or both in fact. These
layers could be determined by a change, however slight, in texture, colour or
mineralogy. A break would mean, to me, a layer where there is no evidence of
civilization being found and underneath that evidence of another period of
It is a well know
fact in archaeology one civilization often builds on top of another, quite
often aware of predecessors. It has even been known to happen that one
civilization has made use of the foundations of other deceased cultures buildings
as supports for its own.
During the excavations
between the subsoil water and the summit of the mound no less than 7 strata were
be identified; at late period which
would be strata 1-3, Intermediary
4-6, and the current strata 7. Not
only is there archaeological evidence currently being lost because there do not
seem to be funds to preserve it but the underground water level appears to be
rising. The water level is currently recorded at being 15 ft (-+ 4.6m) of the
surface, this means that the water level was 10-15 ft (3- 4.6m) above ground
level 5000 years ago. The latest 3 are distinguishable from its predecessors by
increasing signs of decadence in the size of and construction of buildings, and
that in some areas there is also a well defined break between the remains of
the 3rd and 4th strata from the top of the city level
which has been reduced to ruin. The lower strata levels show clear signs of
kiln fired brick and heavy support systems that appear to have been an attempt
to raise the city from the rising water level. When compared to the upper level
of building done there seems to quite a difference as the upper brick work appears
to be clay. The quality of pottery and art work seem to be higher and more
detailed on the lower level. All this information tells us that the city was
therefore destroyed and rebuilt at least 7 times and that the was also a
definite decline in quality as well as possible ability. Many have marked the
similarity in the city layout of Mohenjo-Daro and
Harappa which leads to the postulation that there was some form of civic plan,
therefore an administrative government for the area.
What is so special
about kiln-fired brick? According to Jay Carrigan, the former VP of Alton Brick
of Illinois,
"It requires 1,700-1,900 degrees of
heat to bake the bricks. Currently a ceramic lining is used inside the ovens
and the oven needs to withstand temperatures of 2,500 to 3,000 degrees".
So there is a
definite decline in the society at Mohenjo-Daro, why this
is no one seems to be able to explain. But all are in agreement there seems to
be an attempt at raising the city from the underground water level as another
much later strata shows where ruins of the city where actually filled in to
raise the city level.
37 Skeletons where found on site, but from studies these seem to be at
differing strata level. Although some sources claim 44 skeletons where found in
very strange positions. From my research here I cannot really comment as most
information written by the archaeologists themselves all confirm 37 and that
they were found on at varying strata’s so the fact that this denoted a grizzly
end does not seem to fit as some sources have stated. There are 3 sets of
skeletons that baffle scientist and that is the remains of an elderly man,
young woman and child. The three are holding hands but there are no signs of
violence of any kind to say that they were in distress. Also the claim that the
skeletons where found on what was once a street does not seem to be completely
accurate either. The skeletons where found beneath
what once was a street. So they seem to have been buried in this way. But those
who found the skeletons all say one thing; the skeletons themselves are very
baffling as except for these few there is no burial site/s, which to me does
seem strange.
Now it gets even stranger, I have spent more hours trying to find a way
not to mention the following and it has been frustrating beyond words, but for
the sake of representing more than one view point I suppose I am obliged to add
the information.
There is just too much information out there on the
Mohenjo-daro and Harappa Ruins, most of the information state the following
that the skeletons found show that people must have died suddenly but there is
no sign of fighting and as there are so few skeletons, it does prove that all
the inhabitants at Mohenjo-Daro had time to flee. There is a claim that one
strata found contained clay and green glass. Green glass as per these sources
are a result of intense sudden heat that lasts more or less for 5minutes. Also
there has been talk of vitrification of soil and what appears to be small
portions of walls. Now I have found credible sources that state that green
glass is the result of sudden, extreme heat as well as vitrification of any
surface. These reasons caused the hypothesis by David William Davenport and
Ettore Vincenti to be that this had to have been caused by something like an
Atom bomb. Based on the proof that green glass has been found to be formed
after such an explosion, occurring as a result of melted clay. Radioactive dust
has been found at other sites across a wide range of the section near
Mohenjo-daro and Harappa according to these same sources. Some have also said
that the bodies are well preserved and that there are no signs that they where
scavenged, having said this adds to the theory of radioactivity, in addition
that have stated that the ruins of Harappa are covered by radioactive dust. Also
it is stated that another curious sign of an ancient nuclear war in India
is a giant crater near Bombay.
nearly circular 2,154-metre-diameter Lonar crater, located 400 kilometres
northeast of Bombay and aged at less than 50,000 years old, could be related to
nuclear warfare of antiquity it has been stated
No trace of any meteoric material, etc., has
been found at the site or in the vicinity, and this is the world's only known
"impact" crater in basalt. Indications of great shock (from a
pressure exceeding 600,000 atmospheres) and intense, abrupt heat (indicated by
basalt glass spherules) can be ascertained from the site.
But there are quite a few problems with these statements.
We need to keep in mind that these skeletons were
found between 1922-1931, so this is over a period of time. And it is possible
that the finds where not well researched or catalogued at the time as scholars
have criticized the methodology of the dig at the time. As stated before those
reputable scientists who wrote credible research paper on the subject all agree
that these people did not all die at the same instant, but are scattered at
different strata, meaning different levels in the city soil. So it is possible
that these people could have died for any number of reasons that could have
caused the inhabitants to flee that has nothing to do with ancient atomic warfare.
Which include illness, evacuation of the city for a number of reasons including
pending war or rising flood waters? What is clear,
from studies of the Harappan site, is that Harappan society was not entirely
peaceful, with the human skeletal remains demonstrating some of the highest
rates of injury (15.5%) found in South Asian prehistory. Paleopathological
analysis demonstrated that leprosy and tuberculosis were present at Harappa,
with the highest prevalence of both disease and trauma present in the skeletons
from Area G (a pit of skulls located south-east of the city walls).
Furthermore, rates of cranio-facial trauma and infection increased through
time, demonstrating that the civilization collapsed amid illness and injury.
The reasons for the preservation of the “bodies” could be the very hot climate.
Which could cause the body to “dry out” faster reducing the effects of insects
and lessening the opportunity for scavenges to desiccate the bodies. These are
just observations of course. And it has already been clearly established that
on some of the strata, there has been clear attempts at raising the ground
level with clay and other supports
The only place I can find of there being mention made of green glass is on
conspiracy sights and most of them seem to be “copy and paste” jobs from one
particular site. Now I have nothing against conspiracy sites or alien theorists
but I need some harder evidence than just some obscure quotes. If you look hard
enough these theories usually fall apart.
An article by David Childress is many one of these sites; “Ancient Atomic
Warefare” (access here) is one of the sites that claim that the presence of this type of glass
is proof of that. Now I am no expert, but I can access experts, one of these
claims is that desert glass found in some places also proves that Atomic
warfare as well as the vitrification of walls in places like Scotland. And
since I am one of those sceptical people I need more meat, I searched until I
found these interesting articles explaining how these events could have
occurred. As far as the finding of a yellow-green desert glass formation found
in particular in the Libyan Desert nestled between 100 meter tall sand dunes in
a remote part of southern Egypt a geologist attempts to explain some things
about its formation. And talks about tektites (access here) apparently
this type of glass has high silica content and forms on two occasions, during
volcanic activity and during meteoric activity. He explains that it stands to
reason that the Libyan Desert glass is a form of tektite, a natural forming
glass. Volcanic tektite contains 50%-70% silica, whereas meteoric forming
tektite has a much higher content. These types of tektite are much rarer and
the Libyan glass samples that were tested have a silica content of 98%.
According to the geologist this form of tektite is very much like high quality
artificial glass in that it is very resistant to heat and will not melt until
it reaches much higher temperatures. He does however admit that there is no
proof of an impact creator at the Libyan site but I do tend to agree with him
that after so many 100’s of years a meteor site would be difficult to find
under desert sands. It does appear from his article that a meteor doesn’t have
to actually impact to form such glass, but midair explosion of a meteor would
cause the same effect. So my reasoning is this, it is possible in the Libyan
desert and from mentions in his article and additional research there was an
explosion in Tuguska, Siberia, in 1908 and once again there was the UFO theory
and Atomic bomb. The description (here) by witnesses is very much like that of a nuclear explosion, but scientists
have now come to the conclusion that a comet exploded mid air (here). So this is my theory that there was meteor activity at the
Mohenjo-Daro and Marappa sites at some point in the past which might even be
the reason the city was abandoned at one point.
And although the Lonar
crater northeast of Bombay has been claimed by some so be very strange with no
proof of how it came there, so it must be further proof of ancient atomic bomb,
when in actuality Lonar Lake which lies within the only known extraterrestrial
impact crater found within the great Deccan Traps basaltic formation
of India is proof of meteoric activity. The lake was initially believed to be
of volcanic
origin, but now it is recognized as an impact crater
created by the hypervelocity impact of either a comet or a meteorite. The
presence of plagioclase that
has been either converted into maskelynite or
contains planar
deformation features (PDFs) has confirmed the impact
origin of this crater. It is argued that only shock
metamorphism caused by hypervelocity impact can
transform plagioclase into maskelynite or create PDFs. The presence of shatter
cones, impact deformation of basalt layers comprising its
rim, shocked breccia inside
the crater, and non-volcanic ejecta blanket surrounding
the crater are further proof of the impact origin of Lonar crater. The crater
has an oval shape. Meteorite impact came from the east, in a tilt of 35 - 40
degrees. There are various estimates of the age of impact crater. Earlier
thermo luminescence analyses gave a result of 52 thousand years, while recent Argon-argon
dating testifies that this crater is much older -
it could be 570 000 ± 47 000 years old. This greater age is in line with the
degree of erosion processes of crater rims.
Now as for the Vitrification of walls? Well,
throughout Scotland you will find vitrified walls and forts. Most of these are
pre-historic and according to sources they are notable for one reason, the
rocks that make up the walls were originally stacked dry, with no mortar; but
have been fused together into a solid surface through a process called
vitrification, the transformation into glass. How can rock be melted into glass
using prehistoric technology? As stated before some say that it can't because
the temperatures required to do it are far too high, and that the only
plausible explanation is an ancient atomic blast. The popularly given number of about sixty
known examples in Scotland is correct. Some are small grassy lumps, hardly
recognizable; some are large and exposed enough that visitors can walk right up
and examine them. They're great, sloping piles of stone, often built on
hilltops, and enclosing an area that we usually presume was to be defended.
Timbers were often used to reinforce the walls from within, and from these
timbers radiocarbon dating telling us when the forts were built. Most were
built or repaired in various centuries during the first millennium B.C.E,
around 700 to 300 B.C.E.
The vitrification is apparently not that
easy to spot, it doesn't look like glass; it looks like the native white rocks
embedded in a sort of darker asphalt. Sometimes there are lava-like bubbles in
the darker vitrified stone, and sometimes there are solidified drips; but
without knowing what you're looking at, it's unimpressive visually. If you do know what you're
looking at, it's really something else. As I said this process takes a very
high heat to accomplish this effect of melting stone and this wouldn’t have
been possible during this time period would it? What we all need to remember is
that the first millennium B.C.E was smack dab in the middle of the British Iron
Age, a historical era named after the smelting of ore into iron this of course
means that Metalworking, forging, and especially vitrification were well known to the
people of the age. It was not a mysterious technology! The melting of rocks to
serve the purposes of mankind was the technological focus of this particular
period. And even in this early date, it was not a new concept. The Iron Age was
preceded by the Bronze Age. Mankind had been melting ore for perhaps 10,000
years, ever since (nobody really knows for certain) accidental discoveries were
made in pottery kilns. And this is the key word we are all forgetting, kilns.
We’ll get to why in a bit.
We often hear in reports, especially
archaeology studies, of some cultures and their various methods for doing
things, that it isn’t known how it was done.
But when this is said it doesn’t necessarily
mean this in the literal sense. As per an archaeology site when the
archaeologists studied the vitrified forts and report that “we don't know how
they were made”, all that was meant was that it was unknown exactly what method
was used. It was not meant that it is a surprising or inexplicable accomplishment
just that any number of methods could have been used; they were not sure which.
The vitrified rocks, as seen in Scotland, require about 1100°C to vitrify in
the observed manner.
Various researches in the archaeology
field found that some of these methods could be recreated:
The most famous experiment, widely
trumpeted in virtually all writings about the vitrified forts, was performed in
1934 and repeated in 1937 by Wallace Thorneycroft and Vere Gordon
Childe who built a fire against an experimental
stone wall, built to the observed specifications. As described in the 1966-67 editions
of The Proceedings of the Society of
Antiquaries of Scotland:
The experimental wall was 6 ft. (1.8m)
wide and 6ft. (1.8m) high, with horizontal timbers interlaced with stone slabs.
After ignition through brushwood fires around the wall face, the wall began to
burn and after three hours it collapsed. The core of basalt rubble became red
hot, probably reaching 800 to 1200°C, and after excavation the bottom part of
the rubble was found to be vitrified, with rock droplets and casts of timber
preserved. The experiment proved that a timber-laced wall of this character
could become vitrified through fire, but the explanation of the reasons for
such widespread treatment of these Iron Age forts remains uncertain.
By that, they meant whether the
vitrification was done deliberately by the builders, accidentally in a fire, or
deliberately by attacking forces.
Unfortunately this is an anthropological
question, the certain answer to which is lost to history. Is it the result of
an attack? Vitrification by attackers did not breach or destroy the walls, nor
make them easier to scale. Builders may have done it on purpose; why, we don't
know. It did not make the wall stronger or more difficult to breach. It was not
always done; and even on most vitrified forts, it was usually done
inconsistently in various patches. It could have been as simple as that the
practice was traditional or ceremonial, or even merely aesthetic. It know it
was done; archaeologists just are not sure why. All this suggests is that the
reason is unknown, not that it was necessarily extraordinary.
According to some research pieces found, a
number of evidence suggests that on a few forts, the vitrification was done
from within the wall, during construction. Such walls were usually built with
solid stone facings on the inner and outer sides, with rubble filling in the
center. During construction, fires could have been built in the centre of the
wall, covered with turf for insulation, and allowed to vitrify the stone faces.
Rubble could then be filled in, and construction would move up to the next
level where the process would repeat. Other vitrified walls show evidence that
the fire was built against the outside of the wall, as Thorneycroft and Childe
did in their test. Keep in mind also that Thorneycroft and Childe were
archaeologists with minimal stone melting skills, while the men who vitrified
the forts two and a half millennia before them were expert professionals whose
knowledge was based on centuries of experience.
It's important to keep in mind that
wherever an Iron Age fortification was under construction, the supporting
infrastructure of workers and local people would certainly have included
blacksmiths, whose furnaces of the day reached some 1300°C. There was no lack
for expertise in the arts of building smelting fires or keeping them hot.
Therefore why is it that some people like David William Davenport and Ettore Vincenti when
they looked at Mohenjo-daro began to think “Ancient Atomic War”? The
inhabitants clearly knew how to use a kiln, as we have already noted the use of
kiln-fired bricks and the fact that an underground
furnace was found tells us, well me anyway, that it is quite possible that as
those of the iron age in Scotland that these inhabitants might have also know
about vitrification. Even just taking into account the intricate jewellery
found at the Mohenjo-daro and Harappa
sites says a great deal about this society.
For some reason it seem that some
researches have taken things completely out of context or singled something out
for their own purposed, even though it is easy to so how one could see the
inexplicable nature of these finds when looked at in their abundant occurrence
in a society which many have thought never to have existed or should not have
had, as far as our knowledge, the capacity for these things. Both Davenport and
Vincenti have written books on the atomic war theory in ancient times as well
as in support or as proof of alien interference…
What also seems to
have fuelled their ideas as well as others are extracts from Sanskrit texts
concerning the Rama Empire. These amazing cities, because of their very
apparent advancement that seems to have disappeared with time and since no one
has yet found reason why has fuelled the atomic war thoery. What is even more
baffling is how the ancient Sanskrit texts say the civilization of the Rama
Empire ended and since Mohenjo-daro
and Harappa have been equated with this empire one begins to understand the
reasoning a great deal better.
According to the
texts a great war erupted between the Rama Empire and a more militaristic group
called the Atlans (some say this is the lost city of Atlantis because according
to literature during Atlantis’ peak it was a very military based society that expanded
greatly because of its military prowess and it seems that the only reason the
expansion was stopped was because of their sudden extinction). The Asvin Priest
Kings of the Rama Empire were forced to use their mental-psychic powers to
create a defensive illusion. While this tactic was successful at first, the
Atlans persisted and returned with their ultimate weapon. This weapon is
described as Kapillas Glance in both theMahabaharata and Drona Parva.
It was described,
"A single projectile, charged with
all the power of the universe. An incandescent column of smoke and flame as
bright as the thousand suns rose in all its splendour. It was an unknown
weapon, an iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced the
entire race of the Vrishnis and Andhakas to ashes. The corpses were so burned
as to be unrecognizable. The hair and the nails fell out. Pottery broke without
apparent cause and the birds turned white. After a few hours all the foodstuffs
were infected. To escape from this fire, the soldiers threw themselves in
streams to wash themselves and their equipment."
Sounds like a
nuclear blast doesn’t it?
Yet the evidence is also there that it might be something a lot simpler.
And as for the Radio active Ash found at the Rajasthan site west of
Jodhpur…well although there does not seem to be anyone who has even begun to debunk this very long string of
self- professed truth sayers.
Medical reports for the entire Rajasthan area, as is correctly reported
on numerous sites, are reported having a high rate of birth defects and cancer.
Unfortunately not due to any form of nuclear fall out, this area is an
agricultural district. Farmers use a high rate of unregulated pesticides, some
cases 923g/ha, which is above the national usage of 570g/ha. The use of
fertilizer is also sky-high according to the National Centre for Agriculture,
Economics and Policy research.
Adding to the contaminated water with high heavy-metal toxicity and the
fact that some families store water and food in empty pesticide containers and
you have a lethal mix.
It is also reported that the ash covered a three-square mile area (more
copy and paste in my opinion). What everyone is forgetting, drum roll please,
is that the Indian government has used the Rajasthan area for nuclear testing.
The first of such tests which took place on 18
May 1974.
Excavation sites that can be found in the area surrounding
Rajasthan and Jodhpur are vast. Kilibangon 29.67 °N; 74.12 °E and Osian which
is west of Jodhpur, being a major religious centre because of the ruined
temples dating back to 8th and the 11th centuries. And of
course my favourite Kuldhara.
Just as important, Davenport and Vincenti were not scientist but
researchers. Neither where experts in any field, and neither where their claims
substantiated by scientific findings but rather by what they saw.
Although some
people have jumped to some vast conclusions, there is proof that our ancestors
defiantly had knowledge that was forgotten and had to be rediscovered. There’s
testament to this lost and forgotten knowledge all around the world. Some we
might never discover again. Stonehenge still baffles and the pyramids in Egypt
still confound archaeologists and scientist of all forms, we have theories why
the pyramids where built, we know important persons where supposed to be buried
here, but this still does not seem to be the full function of these monoliths.
If we look at The Pyramids of Giza especially the Great Pyramid. The stones
where supposed to have been chiselled with stools of copper and stone yet how
these stones were lifted and placed so precisely has still never been
completely solved. The Great Pyramid is the most
remarkable building in existence on the face of our planet today. It was built
with such precision that our current technology cannot replicate it, yes you
heard right. This pyramid is so precisely constructed that until recently (with
the advent of laser measuring equipment) scientists
were not able to discover some of its subtle symmetries (not to mention duplicate them). Among other aspects, there are also
very exact geometric relationships between all the structures in the pyramid
complex at Giza.
pyramid is estimated to have about 2,300,000 stone blocks weighing from 2-30 tons
(1814- 27215 kg) each with some weighing as much as 70 tons (63503 kg). There is so much stone mass in the pyramid that the
interior temperature is constant and equals the average temperature of the
earth, 20°C. The
base of the pyramid covers 55,000m² with each side greater than 20,000m² in
area. The
outer mantle was composed of 144,000 casing stones, all highly polished and
flat to an accuracy of 1/100th of an inch, about 100 inches thick and weighing
about 15 tons (13608 kg) each. The average casing stone on the lowest level was
5 ft (1.5 m) long by 5 ft (1.5 m). high by 6 ft (1.8 m) deep and weighed 15
kg). The mortar used is of an unknown origin. It has been analyzed and its chemical composition is unknown and it can't be
reproduced. It is stronger than the stone and still holding up today. There is
a theory that has been floating around and was first suggested in the 1930,
that some of the stone block used in building the Pyramids of Giza were cast
not cut. Linn Hobbs, professor of materials science and engineering and professor of nuclear science and
engineering at MIT and co-teacher of the pyramid-building class which attempted
to test the block casting theory in 2008 stated that the idea was so
controversial that you couldn’t get research funding and it was difficult
getting a paper through peer review.
Great Pyramid was originally encased in highly polished, smooth white limestone
and capped, according to legend, by a perfect pyramid of black stone, probably
onyx. Covering an area of 22 acres (8hecters), the white limestone casing was
removed by an Arab sultan in AD 1356 in order to build mosques and fortresses
in nearby Cairo. According to our present knowledge the Great Pyramid is mostly solid mass;
it’s only known interior spaces being
the Descending passage (the original entrance), the Ascending passage, the Grand Gallery,
a mysterious grotto, an equally mysterious subterranean chamber, and the two
main chambers. These two chambers, called the King's Chamber and the Queen's
Chamber, have unfortunately retained the misleading names given to them by early Arab visitors to the pyramid as no king or queen ever
had been buried here.
mathematical complexity, engineering requirements, and sheer size of the Giza
plateau pyramids represent an enormous, seemingly impossible leap in abilities
over the third dynasty buildings. Contemporary Egyptological explanation cannot
account for this leap, nor can they account for the clear decline in
mathematics, engineering and size of the constructions of the fifth dynasty.
Textbooks speak of "religious upheaval" and "civil wars,"
but there is no evidence whatsoever of these having occurred. The
cornerstone foundations of the pyramid have ball and socket construction
capable of dealing with heat expansion and
earthquakes, something that we have only in recent years re-discovered. There are no hieroglyphics or writing in the Great Pyramid.
In March 2008, on the north cliff of Giza’s plateau, Andrew Collins a
British explorer discovered an entrance, more a large crack, to underground
caves beneath the pyramids of Giza. He tracked down the caves after reading the
memoirs of 19th century diplomat and explorer General Henry Salt. It
documents his exploration of the underground catacombs in 1817 in the company
of Italian explorer Giovanni Caviglia. According to Collins the entrance enters
a natural cave and they explored it until the air became too thin. He stated
that the cave was highly dangerous, with unseen pits and hollows, colonies of
bats and venomous spiders. He believes that these system of caves to be
thousands if not tens of thousands of years old and might have been the reason
for the building of the pyramid field.
"Ancient funerary texts clearly allude to the
existence of a subterranean world in the vicinity of the Giza
pyramids," Collins told Discovery News
was indeed known anciently as Rostau, meaning the "mouth of the passages."
is the same name as a region of the ancient Egyptian underworld known as the
the section of the caves that were explored by Collins and his team, and where
it has been recorded that mummified birds were found which have lead them to
the tentative idea that the bird cult made use of these caves. Andrew Collins
stated that since the Tomb of the Birds was
approximately 517 yards
(473 meters) from the northwest corner of the Second Pyramid, he suspected
that it was into this area that Salt and Caviglia journeyed underground in
1817, this distance constituted the "several hundred yards" they
travelled before reaching the reported spacious chambers, from which went other
passages. If so, then this is a very interesting realisation it is taken into
account that the Sabaean belief was that the Second Pyramid marked the position
of the cave-tomb of Hermes.
It is hightly possible that the bird cult
which was once associated with this site honoured Hermes, the Graeco-Egyptian
form of the Egyptian god Thoth, the keeper of ancient records and guardian of
the ancient wisdom. If this hypothesis is correct then future excavations
inside the tomb and caves might well reveal that the bird mummies purportedly
left here were as ritual offerings (and found by Vyse and Perring in 1837)
contained the remains of ibises, a bird sacred to Thoth-Hermes. If the birds
found here were not ibises, but raptors, such as hawks and falcons, then the
cult was probably that of Sokar, the guardian of the Duat of Memphis, or
Rostau, the ancient name for Giza. Either solution will go some way to prove
that the Tomb of the Birds was seen as an entrance into a cave underworld.
Zahi Hawass, chief of Egypt's Supreme
Council of Antiquities, has dismissed the discovery.
"There are no new discoveries to be
made at Giza. We know everything about the plateau," he stated.
Yet there
seems to be proof against this statement as not only
did the Second Pyramid mark the location of the hidden cave-tomb of Hermes in
medieval Sabaean tradition, but in 1977 a scientific survey conducted jointly
by the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) and the Ain
Shams University, Cairo, used ground penetration radar (GPR) equipment to
search for subterranean structures beneath the plateau at Giza. Aside from some
interesting discoveries in the area of the Sphinx, the team, under the
leadership of geophysicist Lambert T. Dolphin, detected the presence of previously
unknown chambers in the vicinity of the Second Pyramid. One, at least, was
situated beneath Belzoni's Chamber inside the structure, while another was
found beneath the monument's northwest corner on the west side (Dolphin, 1977).
Radar satellite imagery of the Giza plateau created by the TerraSAR-X
satellite, launched in 2007 and operated jointly by Astrium GmbH and the German
Aerospace Centre (DLR), shows a shadow line, running from the proximity of the
Tomb of the Birds towards the south, that corresponds pretty well with the
positioning beneath the ground of the caves explored so far. Additionally, the 1977 team noted the presence of
localized faulting on the northwest corner of the Second Pyramid, adding weight
to the conclusion that the shadow lines shown on the TerraSAR-X radar satellite
imagery of 2007 really do record the presence of either sub-surface or
subterranean geological features. Yet, strangely, nothing is visible on
the ground in the corresponding Google satellite image taken, coincidentally,
around the same time in 2007, making this shadow line a mystery, especially as
the TerraSAR-X satellite programme is promoted as being able to detect underground
More incredible is the
fact that the shadow line on the TerraSAR-X radar satellite image seems to
connect with another wider shadow line that starts at a position corresponding
to a gully in the plateau's northern cliff, just west of the Tomb of the Birds,
and curves towards the Second Pyramid, where it is finally lost from sight on
the north side of the monument's square
base. Once again, there are no visible features on the corresponding Google
satellite map to explain this anomaly (actually, a second, more fainter, shadow
line is also seen on the radar satellite image. It
commences in the proximity of the caves explored so far and curves towards the
Second Pyramid, where it is lost, finally, as it approaches the west side of
the pyramid).
The section of the
TerraSAR-X radar satellite image of the Giza plateau shows a shadow line
corresponding to the course of the cave tunnels explored to date (picture :
Strium GmbH and the German Aerospace Centre [DLR])
The strange things that
keep cropping up with the pyramids, not just Giza, but all around the world
astounds and would fill numerous pages if I allowed myself the luxury, but Giza
more than others. Let me permit myself one last thing about Giza, in 1872
shafts were found which lead from the Queens Chamber of Khafu (the Great
Pyramid) upward by Waynman Dixon an engineer who had been requested by the
Astronomer Royal of Scotland, Piazzi Smyth, to undertake some casual
exploration of the pyramid. It seems that Dixon reasoned that if there where shafts
in the King’s Chamber there had to be shafts in the Queens chamber as well (the
Egyptian builders do seem to have been consistent after all), after examining
the walls of the Chamber he found a creak in one of the blocks and realised
that it was hollow. Breaking through it, they now found the shaft except that
it didn’t seem to go very far but in it was a small bronze hook. On the
opposite northern wall a replica shaft was found this also did not raise up
very far and in this shaft Dixon and an associate, James grant, found a piece
of ceder like wood with notches carved in it as well as a granite ball. The
shafts were left unexplored until 1993 as there was no way to explore it. And
the builders of the pyramid had blocked these shafts and it was believed to be
completely closed off. As for the artefacts, which became known as the Dixon
Relics, they went missing for a 100years. Mr. Dixon had them taken to England
by his older brother John Dixon, an engineer as well, from there the relics
were sent to Piazzi Smyth who recorded them in his diary, they were
subsequently returned to John Dixon who arranged for details and drawings of
the objects to be published in the science journal “Nature” and the London
paper “The Graphic” in December 1872 and then later they seem to be mentioned
one last time by Piazzi Smyth. After this they simply seem to have been
forgotten, until in 1972 with the discovery and news reports of the Tomb of
Tutankhamun and the subsequent exhibition, Mrs. Elizabeth Porteous, a great
granddaughter of John Dixon, recalled the relics she had inherited and donated
them to the British Museum where they were catalogued and once again completely
forgotten. By the time they were re-discover, after much searching as no one
remembered the relics donation, in 1993 the piece of wood had been lost. It
remained lost until 2001 when it was traced to Marischal Museum in Aberdeen,
Scotland, we can only guess how it got there.

Now the shafts of the
pyramid are a mystery, there are a few that lead from the Kings chamber to the outside
and archaeologists assume that it was used for ventilation for the workers
working on the inside of the structure. But no on is really sure of their
purpose. Besides the two in the Kings chamber there are two in the Queens
chamber as well, one in the northern Wall and one in the opposite Southern
wall. Where as the shafts in the King chamber lead outward, the shafts in the
Queens chamber has been closed off so the seem to run no where. In 1992 Dr.
Hawass made the decision to close the Great Pyramid to visitors to begin a
project to reduce the humidity and damage caused by salt that is produced in
the chambers of the pyramid by the breathing and perspiration of visitors. The
shafts in the kings chamber where cleared, they are 20cm wide and 14cm high,
ventilation equipment was then installed in these shafts. A robot was used to
inspect these shafts first and as it was so successful that it was decided to
use the robot to inspect the shafts in the Queens chamber as well, in 1992 the Gantenbrink robot was used. The Robot
was able to climb 60m, where it encountered a barricade - a limestone “door”
with two copper handles! After making this remarkable find, the robot was sent
into the northern shaft. At 18 meters, the robot encountered a bend of about 45
degrees to the left, and was unable to go any further. Gantenbrink returned to
Germany, and a team had to be found with a robot equipped to navigate the bend.
The National Geographic Society agreed to collaborate with the SCA on
developing a new robot to explore the shafts in the Great Pyramid. A firm from
Boston, USA, was brought in to design the machine, called iRobot. Finally, in
2002, this robot was sent into the southern shaft and was able to drill a small
hole in the limestone blocking. Everyone was amazed when a small camera
inserted into the hole revealed a second stone “door” blocking the passage
about 20 cm beyond the first one! The second door was unlike the first. It
looks as if it is screening or covering something, and there were cracks all
over its surface. This same robot was also able to explore the northern Queen’s
Chamber shaft, navigating the sharp bend to the left. It discovered two
further, smaller bends to the right at about 23 and 25 meters. It was realized
that the reason for all of the turns in the northern shaft was that if it had
been made straight, it would have crossed paths with the Grand Gallery. The builders had to add the bends to
avoid this. Finally, at a distance of about 65 meters from the Queen’s Chamber,
the robot found a door very similar to the first one in the southern shaft! The
copper handles in the first doors in both the north and south shafts are
similar to those on the canopic box of Tutankhamun in the Egyptian Museum
Cairo, which were used to pull the box. The doors themselves are made of fine
white limestone from Tura, and it seems as thought the handles might have been
used to pull them into place. There are many thoughts on the reasons for shafts
in the tombs one of which is that the shafts are a way for the soul of the
pharaoh to leave the pyramid but then why are there these doors present in the
Queens Chamber. It is written in the Pyramid Texts that the king will face
bolted doors before beginning his journey and the doors with handles on them
have been give as possible explination for this. Yet then why is the Queens
chamber shafts the ones with the doors and not the kings chamber? The Great
pyramid is also the only pyramid with these hidden shafts and strange doors.
Also there are as stated before no hieroglyphs’ of any kind in the great
pyramid and there is no proof that any rulers’ remains have ever been buried
there. The second door has todate never been breached, Dr. Hawass stated that a
3rd team would be appointed for this task between 2009-2010, to date
this is yet to be accomplished.

intricacies of The Great Pyramid are so many and the secrets it still guard would allow for many more pages (another blog I’d love to do in future). In the
last few years, when people began to think there was nothing left to discover
these great structures unveil the unexpected. Subterranean chambers we knew
nothing about, internal chambers that no one can get to or explain why they
I ask where did this knowledge go, let alone come from. Why did it seemingly
disappear from the face of the planet?
researching the nephilim I found even more strange mentions in history that
either no one thought to point out or maybe we just skim over it. And as it
turns out fact is definitely stranger than fiction.
know many will wonder how these strange wonders of our world can possibly link
up to the story of the nephilim, I am not going to tell you how to do this. But
I will present some of the facts and stories I have come across that just
simply leave one scratching ones head and wondering how in the name of heaven I
managed to miss it.
truth the world of giants has always existed. Archaeology and palaeontology
have proven this. The environmental conditions
that early world would exercise the full genetic viability of all life forms.
There is evidence that the earth supported plant and animal life of fantastic
size and numbers. The fossil record shows that all terrestrial life has
decreased in size. The largest members of the animal kingdom are either
becoming extinct, or shrinking as if touched by a
magic wand. Mammals were often twice the
size of their current counterparts. There were kangaroos as large as today's
hippopotamuses, with skulls a meter long. Sheep were as big as today's horses.
Frogs were 2 to3
with heads half a meter long - and jaws more powerful than those of a modern
ox. Fossil eagles have been found; these birds were
long and 4 meters high. Oh yes, and
lobsters 2 meters long, now that’s a
crustacean I wouldn’t want to meet. Australian koalas were as big as rhinos. In
the northwest of South Australia, between
were found of a colossal wombat as large as a rhinoceros! It was given the name
Diprotodon. In New Zealand, zoologists from Christchurch chipped out of a cave
roof the fossil skeleton of a penguin 2.2
tall. On the Matakaoa foreshore, near Te Araroa, were found preserved prints of
a huge animal. The prints extended for some distance. Some were
cm in breadth. Personnel at the Dominion Museum suggested the tracks might be
those of either the Megatherium or the Labrynthodon, huge mammals estimated to
have weighed up to 30 tons (27215 kg).
They did exist, that is the
most amazing thing and if they had not become smaller with time we would be way
at the bottom of the food chain. We also know that three types of humans once
inhabited the earth during the same time period.
Traditions drawn from the racial memory of
races worldwide state that the very first people on earth were mighty and of
immense stature, but that they later degenerated in size and vigour.
For example, the present day Kotoko people
of Chad, Africa, claim that their ancestors were giants.
those days men were so tall they could look over the trees," they
twice as tall as us" once inhabited the "realm of delight", claim
stories of old China, but they lost it by not living "by laws of virtue".
was angry with the giants”, say the Montagnais Indians of Canada, “and sent a flood upon them”.
It is a fact that the whole world seems to
enshrine ancestral memories of giants. One could cite scores of such legends,
from everywhere.
These are more than just biblical stories
of Giant Babylonians, and the account of Enoch, these are stories, myths that
span the globe.
Babylonian Talmud mentions a prehistoric race of giants who had double rows of
Danavas and Daityas were giants, as were the Rakshasas of the Hindu epic.
medical lamasery in Tibet claims that long ago Tibet was peopled by a giant
race [males averaging 15
ft (4.6m) in height; females averaging 12 ft
(3.6m) in height].
secret city of Burrunga in Australia's northern hinterlands was inhabited by
gigantic white men with red hair.
this is even stranger…white men with red hair? Which nation do we know of that
fits this description?)
lord of the Arawa Maori migration, now buried on Mt Moehau, Coromandel
Peninsula, was 9 ft (2.7m) tall.
Indian tribes worshipped "men of huge stature" who inhabited the
region before they arrived.
the native Americans were also not native to the US)
and his brother giants survived the world flood and built a pyramid to reach
the clouds.
first race created by the gods before the Flood were giants. Two prominent
giants were Atlan [Atlas?] and Theitani [Titan?]
tickling you yet? Is it just me or do there somehow seem to be links forming??)
my two favourites:
Long ago a race of
giant men came from the Pacific Ocean in ships, invaded the lowlands of old
Peru, forcing the Inca high up into their mountain strongholds in the Andes. These
giants were so huge that "from the
knee down, they were as tall as a tall man".
The city of
Tiahuanaco in Bolivia was built by survivors of the Flood; it was built by
A manuscript called The Apocalypse of
Baruch, a pseudepigraphical work written around C.E (A.D) 100 and preserved only in the sixth-century
Syriac Vulgate (and which seems a little unclear in parts) appears to hint at
the origin of giants:
began as giants. These first giants were very highly developed, intellectually,
artistically and physically: they had power over birds and animals… they
misbehaved and were abolished by God, and ordinary men took their place…"
So many of the legends recall that mankind
also lived far longer - even hundreds of years.
else notice the similarities, from the previous topic?
common legend is so wide spread that only two reasons are possible. That as
different races interacted they interchanged mythologies, yet some of these
races only came into contact with one another many hundreds of years later and
there is documented proof that dates back to before any contact could have been
made. Second reason could be that the giants of myth spread throughout the then
known world, either running from the flood spreading their story or that those
that somehow survived still continued to rule the earth.
On October19, 1984, in Nairobi, Kenya,
museum director Richard Leakey showed off an ancient skeleton of a 12 year old boy. Commenting on widely held
scientific beliefs that man's ancestors were smaller than modern man, Leakey
said: "This specimen confirms early hints that Homo erectus (upright human), [sometimes
divided further into Homo
ergaster (working
human)], individuals were fully as tall as modern people. We
can now ask if any modern populations are smaller than their early ancestors
and if so why." (The Sun, Melbourne, Australia, October 20, 1984).
A similar assessment of ancient man was
reported in Time magazine: "Taking a
fresh look at the… fossils… Weidenreich [of Manhatten's American Museum of
Natural History] now believes that
'gigantism and massiveness may have been a general or at least a widespread
character of early mankind.'" (Time, July 3,
There are two divergent views concerning
giant men.
1. The
evolutionary approach is that from a savage and primitive start, isolated
animals developed into cavemen, who, by trial and error, will eventually become
supermen. Giants never existed, because there have been no fossil finds from
which we can infer the existence of such a race.
2. A totally opposite claim comes from
those who accept the Bible as factually true.
They claim that from a higher, blissful
condition, man has fallen and has deteriorated. They insist that man was
created with a noble physique and a powerful brain, which have degenerated
through wrong living.
"there were giants." They overran the earth with "mighty"
wonders. A cosmic disaster (known as the Deluge, or the Great Flood)
intervened. It wiped out that original world, and drastically altered the topography,
fertility and climate of the planet.
In the
impoverished environment which followed the Deluge, degeneration was
accelerated. However, for some time there persisted a significant, though
decreasing proportion of mankind who retained enormous stature.
Their intellect
and physique remains legendary.
In the 1879 autobiography of Bill Cody of Buffalo
Bill fame, Cody and his friends were five miles above Ogallala on the South
Platte when a Pawnee Indian came to their camp with the bones of a giant. The
surgeon in their group confirmed one of the bones to be a human thigh bone.
Then the Indian related to them a curious legend.
According to Buffalo Bill's own account,
"The Indians claimed that the bones they had found were those of a
person belonging to a race of people who a long time ago lived in this country.
That there was once a race of men on the earth whose size was about three times
that of an ordinary man, and they were so swift and powerful that they could
run along-side of a buffalo, and taking the animal in one arm could tear off a
leg and eat the meat as they walked. These giants denied the existence of a
Great Spirit so he caused a great rain-storm to come, and the water kept rising
higher and higher so that it drove those proud and conceited giants from the
low grounds to the hills, and thence to the mountains, but at last even the
mountain tops were submerged, and then those mammoth men were all drowned.
After the flood had subsided, the Great Spirit came to the conclusion that he
had made man too large and powerful, and that he would therefore correct the
mistake by creating a race of men of smaller size and less strength. This is
the reason, say the Indians, that modern men are small and not like the giants
of old, and they claim that this story is a matter of Indian history, which has
been handed down among them from time immemorial."
(William Cody,
Buffalo Bill: Autobiography) This Indian legend agrees with the biblical
explanation concerning long-lived giants.
There is no physical barrier for giant
humans to have existed in the past. There have been giant plants, giant
insects, giant reptiles, mammals, birds and fish. Why not also giant humans?
The fact of giants need not be surprising.
The race was much purer and therefore physically healthier than now.
It may be asked: Would not a gigantic body
function less efficiently, on the basis of gravity?
Such an argument must be dismissed as
speculative. The fundamental characteristics of gravity still elude analysis by
modern physics. A number of scientists believe that electromagnetic energy
supersedes the orthodox law of gravity, and can neutralize gravity. Such forces
may well have operated on living organisms, including men, to an even more
significant degree before the Flood. From facts to hand, one is led to ask:
Could it be that conditions governing biological equilibrium (air pressure,
gravity, etc.) were different from what they later became?
There is abundant evidence that the world
was in much better condition in the beginning. The climate and environment both
on the land and in the sea enabled creatures to live long ages and reach huge
sizes. Evidently, when the book of Genesis tells us, "there were giants in the earth in those days" (Genesis 6:4), (after
the floor) it is recording not myth, but fact.
Today, abnormally oversized humans are
nearly always recognisable as such, because their height is often gained at the
expense of their build (as in giantism). Apparently, ancient giants possessed a
build in balanced proportion to their height.
and other Artefacts
The idea of giant men in the past is
compatible with enormous artefacts left behind, including buildings.
For example:
An ancient metal
crown was been discovered, in Ecuador. This crown is gigantic - made for a head
many times larger than that of a modern person.
A door 18 ft (5.49m) high surmounted by a 100 ton
stone crosspiece 30 ft (9m) long.
Stone chairs which
suggest shin bones 13 ft (3.96m) long
A mammoth
staircase, with steps 7 ft 10 inches apart (3.03m),
descending 5 miles (8km) into the deep sea, and cut
into the continental shelf (constructed when this area was above sea level).
Interior and
exterior doors 9 ft (9.74m) high and 4 ft (1.22m) wide,
some of them cut out from one solid stone
Gateway carved from a single block of
stone 10 ft (3.04m) high and over 6 ft (1.83m) wide.
The ruins of Tiahuanaco comprise what was
once a whole city built on the scale of people whose average height was
gigantic, between 10 ft (3.04m) and 12 ft
Enormous buildings and monoliths are found
almost all over the world - impossible to explain unless by the fact that these
men were giants or had techniques unknown to us.
Strange City
In the western Pacific Ocean some 1000 miles (1600 km) northeast of Papua New Guinea lie the
islands of the Federated States of Micronesia. One of the islands of this group
(formerly the Caroline Islands) is Pohnpei Island. On the southeast corner of
this small volcanic island lies an immense, ancient megalithic stone city, 28 km in size, called Nan Modal.
Considered to be one of the greatest archaeological
wonders of the world, it is the only ancient city ever built atop a coral reef,
and, like Easter Island, it is an engineering marvel.
Built out onto a
coral reef and intersected by artificial canals. It has been labelled
"Venice of the Pacific". There are 90 to 100 artificial islands in the central 2.5 square km of Nan Modal. The megalithic structures were constructed primarily with basalt
logs, a volcanic rock that breaks naturally to form long blocks, then stacked
horizontally, log cabin style
to form walls as high as 50 ft (15m) and up to 17 ft (5.2m) thick. Each of
these islands is made up of giant basalt logs with and average weight of 5 tons
(4536kg)each, some of the stones weigh up to 25 tons (22680 kg) the total
weight of the columnar basalt that make up the city’s construction is up
to750,000 metric tons. Walls reach 30 ft (10
This is all the more remarkable when we
consider that today many of the island's inhabitants live in grass huts.
The name Nan Madol means “spaces
between” and refers to the canals that criss-cross the ruins. However, its
traditional name was Soun Nan-leng (Reef of Heaven), according to Gene
Ashby in his book Pohnpei,
An Island Argosy.
stones and columns are so heavy that conventional and mainstream scholars have
yet to conclude how it was built and who built them. Probable quarry
sites around the island have been identified, but the exact origin of the
stones used in the construction of Nan Madol is yet to be determined.
Radio carbon dating
archaeological excavations puts Nan Madol to be as old as 200 B.C.E. It has
been determined that the stones are not natural but instead, man-made and certainly did not come from the immediate area. Therefore, there is
no logical explanation as to the origin of the massive hexagonal shaped stones.
Scientific theory suggests the stones were brought from the mainland using
bamboo rafts to float them across the water. However, in 1995 while making a
documentary movie for the Discovery Channel, all attempts to transport stones
weighing more than a ton in this fashion failed. Nan Madol, which means
“between spaces,” lives up to its nickname as it does seems to be lodged in
between truth and myth. What mainstream scholars cannot explain, locals myths
can. No written records on the islands history exist and it has been kept alive
word of mouth only. The local practice of
keeping secrets is sacred and is one of the obstacles to learning more
about their history. Most Pohnpeians believe the legend that Nan Madol
began with the arrival of twin sorcerers Olisihpa and Olosohpa from the
mythical Western Katau. The twins were said to be much taller than native
Pohnpeians. The brothers sought a place to build an altar so that they could
worship Nahnisohn Sahpw, the god of agriculture. The two sorcerers successfully
built an altar at Nan Madol, where they performed rituals to levitate the huge
stones with the aid of a flying dragon. When Olisihpa died of old age, Olosohpa
became the first Saudeleur.
the many mysteries of Nan Madol are the strange mineral findings. Contained
within the rock basalt of Nan Madol are large crystals, which are highly
magnetized. These heavy basalt crystals are so magnetized that compasses spin
out of control when held near the walls.
Nobody knows who the builders of this
ancient city were - but the bones of humans, which were MUCH LARGER than the
Micronesians who live there now, were apparently discovered and excavated at
Nan Modal.
You can motor through the city by launching
at high tide. The canals are 30 ft (9 meters)
wide and at high tide 1.5meters
deep (although filled with silt).
occasional cry of a bird can be heard in the swamp. Fruit bats fly overhead.
The ruins are eerie - deserted and silent. To think that this was once a
bustling, thriving city of canals! Most natives keep away. They think ghosts
haunt the islands and canals. At its peak Nan Modal was
inhabited by no more than 1000 people, there is no freshwater on the islands or
food as it in the middle of the ocean. The Priest-kings relied on those from
the mainland whom they governed to supply these necessities
to Nan Madol on the southeast corner of Pohnpei is Madolinihmw Harbor, which is
known to contain underwater columns in a straight row and assorted sunken
ruins, including a so-called “castle,” 60 meters down in murky water.
In recent years, the Universities of Ohio and Oregon and the
Pacific Studies Institute (Honolulu) have undertaken expeditions. Giant stone
columns were discovered submerged, as well as a system of tunnels through the
coral reef.
Swimming along the underwater streets among sharks, author and
adventurer David Childers found columns up to four stories high in 60 to 100 ft
(18.3 to 30.5 m) of water. There was evidence of ruins descending to depths of
over 200 ft (61m). His team discovered underwater inscriptions – “geometric
designs such as crosses and rectangles.”
Aerial photographs reveal straight lines running hundreds of
metres and turning at right angles in the coral reef, forming what appear to be
city blocks encrusted with coral. Japanese pearl divers claim to have seen
buildings, streets and sunken columns encrusted with coral in the deep waters
off Nan Madol.
These sunken cities are all over our
globe. Rising sees have covered them over hundreds of years and sinking land
has plummeted them to the depths of the oceans.
Off Morocco, on the Mediterranean side of Gibraltar, marine
archaeologist Dr. J. Thorne has investigated an undersea wall. The wall extends
for 9 miles (14 km) atop a submerged mountain 120 ft (36m) below the surface.
Some of its stones are each larger than 2-story houses (about as large as those
used in the gigantic foundation of the Baalbek temple of Lebanon). Dr. Thorne
observed roads going down the mountain further into unknown depths.
Under the waters of Scotland’s Loch Ness, sonar photography has
traced ancient stone ruins. Unlike most lakes, Loch Ness connects underground
to the sea. These ruins were evidently submerged as the sea level rose to form
the lake.
In 1970, Dr. Ray Brown of Mesa, Arizona, and four other divers, was
off the Berry Islands of the Bahamas when their compasses went berserk and
their magnometers failed. Suddenly they saw the outlines of buildings under the
water. Diving down to investigate, Dr. Brown recalls:
“I turned to look toward
the sun through the murky water and saw a pyramid shape shining like a mirror. About
thirty-five to forty ft from the top was an opening. I was reluctant to go
inside… but I swam in anyway. The opening was like a shaft debouching into an
inner room. I saw something shining. It was a crystal, held by two metallic
hands. I had on my gloves and I tried to loosen it. It became loose. As soon as
I grabbed it I felt this was the time to get out and not come back.” (Ibid.,
This story originated from claims made by Dr. Brown that aired on
the History channel. There are not enough facts about this find to say neither
that it is definitely true or that it is totally untrue. Besides this report on
the history channel some while back there is very little in main stream media
about this and it took some digging (which I love) to find even a few facts.
According to NPL
his eye movements from the interview says that he is not lying about the story
but is in fact recalling it kinesthetically, Kinesthetic is a form of learning
also called tactile learning in which learning occurs by the student carrying
out a physical activity. In other words physical experience, which has two
sub-channels, tactile (touch) and kinesthetic (movement). Therefore this would
mean he was recalling his physical experience through sight and touch.
Recalling kinesthetically the eyes may move to the lower right hand corner,
during learning this also occurs.
And if anyone is
unsure of the location where this discovery was made, allow me to simplify it
for you…the Bemuda Traingle…
The monumental
discovery or rather re-discovery was made by French explorers is a partially
translucent, crystal-like pyramid rising from the Caribbean seabed— its origin,
age and purpose are completely unknown
at this point. These potential amazing underwater pyramid structures were first
identified using sonar technology according to oceanographer Dr. Verlag Meyer.
In terms of the size of this re-discovered pyramid, it is larger in scale than
the pyramids of ancient Egypt. Interestingly, on the top of the pyramid are two
very large holes. Water moves at high speeds through one of the holes causing
waves to roll by forming a giant vortex.
This causes a
massive surge of waves and mist on the surface of the sea. Scientists are now
pondering a new idea, is this vortex effect explaining what has been happening
with disappearing passing boats and planes in the mysterious Bermuda Triangle?
Since the 1960s these underwater
crystal-like pyramids, yes pyramids as there are two along side one another,
have been independently verified by diving teams from France and the U.S. Nonetheless,
this re-discovery has rocked scientists around the world. As this underwater pyramid is reportedly
surrounded by buildings. The total complex is estimated at 5 miles (8 km) wide,
and even longer.
Upon Dr. Ray Brown’s
investigation of the structure he was amazed by the detail that the sides of
the pyramid were completely smooth and the joints between the individual blocks
to be nearly indiscernible. Upon entering the pyramid, Dr. Brown was further astounded
by the clean, smooth sides of the interior: no algae or coral grew on the
walls. Inside the pyramid he was fascinated by the various structures and items
he saw inside. At one point he attempted to remove a multi-faceted red gemstone
attached to a metallic rod that descended from the centre of the ceiling but was
unable to dislodge it. As he continued on, about 1.2m below the point of the
gemstone, he saw a bronze sculpture of two open hands. Resting in the open
hands is a now famous crystal sphere that he was able to take from its resting
place. 10 cm diameter, Dr. Brown was surprised that he could lift the crystal
sphere easily.
Generally as an enquiring minded person myself
I would have thought, as many would that the world’s scientists and governments
would rush to explore this magnificent find. I am sure that funding and
resources could easily be granted to discover what is going on with the
pyramid, the vortex and especially when the pyramid was built, I for one would
like to know, yet since its original discovery to its recent re-discovery
nothing much seems to have been done about this totally confounding discovery.
Especially now that we know why there is this strange current and weather
surrounding this area.
It is also believed
that further study of this pyramid could confirm what some engineers believe
about pyraminds…that their original design was created as a massive power
sources. This might help finally solve the riddle of all the pyrimds around the
world and might finally lead us to clues on Atlantis (yes I know I sound like
those crazy people but lets face Atlantis does seem to keep cropping up in
historical documents, don’t they?).
In the years following, Dr. Brown has sometimes shown the round
crystal to lecture audiences. Inside it, a series of pyramidal forms are
visible. A throbbing sensation is felt in the hand when it is held, according
to reports.
lets look at the “gigantic specs”:
Gigantic worked
stones, including enormous stones set into buildings: eg –
200 ton (181437 kg) blocks at
Ollantaytambo and Ollantayparubo, Peru.
100 to 200 ton (90718 to 181437 kg) foundation
and wall blocks of Tiahuanaco, Bolivia.
340 ton (308443 kg) 65 ft (19 m) high standing stones of
Brittany, France.
2000 ton (1814396 kg) foundation stone, and 1000 ton (907185
kg) 180 ft
stones fitted 20 ft (6.1m) up in the building at the Temple
of Jupiter, Baalbek, Lebanon
50 (45359 kg) to 300 ton (272155 kg) blocks of Sacsayhuamen,
Peru, fitted precisely without cement
20,000 ton (18143695 kg) block the size of a 5-storey
house in same locality.
50 ton (45359 kg) building blocks transported
across a lake in Mexico
Walls 40 ft (12.2m) thick, Chan Chan, Peru
50 ton (45359 kg) building slabs, in the
Amazon jungle
Stone heads the size of a 7-storey building, cut, moved and erected,
on Easter Island
25 to 50 ton (22679 to 45359 kg) blocks at
Stonehenge, England
233- 20,000 pound (9072 kg) geometrically shaped
blocks at El Enladrillado, Chile
23 ft (7m) thick walls at Magdalensburg,
240,000 pound (108862 kg) 30 ft (9m) long stone crosspiece above an 18 ft (5.5m) high door, in Peloponnesus,
50 ft (15m) thick walls at Tiryns, Greece
170 ton (154221 kg) stone tomb on Tonga Tabu,
Pacific Ocean
65 ft (19m) giant statues and one 900 ton (816466 kg) 70 ft (21m) high statue with a
big toe 3 ft (1m) long, at Thebes, Egypt
40 ton (36287 kg) monolith on Vanua Levu,
65 ft (19m) high columns on Rimatara
Statue 18 stories high, Bemian, Afghanistan
Also buildings hundreds of ft high
Stones set in
place by preceding, unknown races are so much larger and more difficult to
transport than those put in place by subsequent cultures.
We noted the biblical record of a giant by
the name of Og, king of Bashan.
Og king of Bashan remained of the remnant of the giants; his bedstead was… nine
cubits the length thereof, and four cubits the breadth of it… Bashan, which was
called the land of giants" (Deut. 3:10-13).
So says Moses, writing 3,500 years ago.
The ancient territory of Bashan now lies
in southern Syria; it is dangerous Bedouin country.
The Bible says that the conquest of Bashan
by the Israelites began with Moses and was completed by Jair. In Argob, one of
its little provinces, Jair took no less than sixty great cities,
with high walls, gates and bars; besides unwalled towns a great many" (Deut. 3:4,5,14).
Such a statement seems all but incredible.
How could a province measuring not more than 30 by 20 miles (50 by 32kilometers) support such a number of
fortified cities, especially when the greater part of it was a wilderness of
But, mysterious and incredible as this
seems, the cities built and occupied 4,000 years ago by these giants exist even yet.
Nineteenth century explorer, Josiah Porter,
traversed their empty streets; he opened doors of their houses; he slept
peacefully in their long-deserted halls.From a tower in one of them, Salcah,
Porter counted some 30 towns and villages dotting the surface of
the plain.
He reports: "On the spot,
with my own eyes, I have seen that it is literally true. The cities are there
to this day. Some of them retain the ancient names recorded in the Bible."
(Porter, The Giant Cities of Bashan).
These ancient cities contain probably the
very oldest complete specimens of domestic architecture now existing in the
world.Various Bible writers describe Bashan as
almost an earthly paradise - the strength and grandeur of its oaks, the beauty
of its mountain scenery, the unrivalled luxuriance of its pastures, the fertility
of its wide-spreading plains and the excellence of its cattle. Remnants of the oak forests still clothe
the mountainsides.
Ancient Bashan comprises a vast field of
basalt, elevated some 30 ft (9m) above the plain. It is
called the "Lejah". Here stood the giant cities. Surrounding it was
the fertile plain of Bashan. Worldwide, most ancient cities have
vanished. Not so Bashan. It is literally crowded with towns and large villages
- most of them, until recently, deserted. Yet they are not ruined! Many of the
houses in these cities are perfect, as if only finished yesterday. The walls
are sound, the roofs unbroken, the doors, and even the window-shutters in
The walls of the cities are 15ft (4.6m) thick and 30 ft (9m) high. Porter found the huge gates
still in place.
Some of the buildings in the city of
Bozrah would grace the proudest modern Western city.
These ancient streets were paved - still
perfect, not a stone out of place. Even the walls of houses are up to eight ft
thick, built of large squared blocks of basalt, without cement. The roofs are
made of basalt slabs, cut like planks and reaching from wall to wall. Heavy
slabs form the ceilings. The very doors and window-shutters
are of stone. The massive doors hang upon pivots, working in sockets, as do the
window-shutters. The black basalt used is almost as hard as iron. Porter
measured doors 9ft (2.7m) high by 4½ ft (1.4m) wide and 10 inches (25.4cm) thick.
In one door was seen a place for a massive lock. The doors are tastefully
ornamented with panels and garlands of fruit and flowers, sculptured in relief.Rooms inside private houses measured up to 20 ft (6.1m) high. Here are huge rooms and
apartments in perfect preservation. One by one, Porter entered some of these
old houses, went up stairs and visited the rooms.
Moss grew over the ruins. Groups of
tapering columns sprang up from the dense foliage of the oaks. Luxuriant
creepers twisted around the pillars. Brambles grew in festoons over the
doorways. Branches of trees shot through gaping cracks in some old walls. When Porter explored this area, he was
stunned. So perfect was every street, every house, every room - so perfect, yet
not a sound. Huge houses built among wild rocks, hundreds of houses per city,
still perfect, but not a man to dwell in them. Remains of fountains and
statues. The rocks are black, the soil is black, the buildings are all black -
but not gloomy. The grass is green, the oak foliage, glittering in the sun, was
brilliant. The private houses bore the marks of most remote antiquity. They
leave us to conclude that the cities were built by giants - a race of giants
that has been extinct for more than 3,000 years.
Porter noted that the highways of Bashan
were still in place, completely covered here and there, with the branches of
oak trees and straggling brambles. It makes you wonder, doesn't it? Here we
have the biblical record, more than 3,000 years old, containing incidental
descriptions, statements and statistics, which few men would be inclined to
receive on trust, which some would throw aside as "glaring
absurdities" and "gross exaggerations", and yet which close and
thorough examination proves to be accurate in the most minute detail.
But if you really want to see something
staggering, read the biblical prophecies concerning particular cities of
Bashan, most unlikely of fulfilment when they were made. (I regret the lack of
space here.)The whole of Bashan (and adjacent Moab) is one great fulfilled
In November 2000, an Australian member of an
archaeological Discovery crew, Denis Heath, went into southern Syria. He
had suggested that I explore south-east Syria for evidence of the 60 'cities of
the Giants of Bashan', which were conquered by Moses, as described in
Deuteronomy 3:3-5. I did this by taxi one day. There
is plenty of evidence of ancient black basalt 'cities', mostly within modern
townships, which are integrated with the ruins. Some of the evidence is very
good, including the high-arched doorway into a large house in Al Harisah, which
has cleverly designed, high-arched stone ceilings. It supports a new house
which has just been plonked on top, with livestock and accumulating debris occupying
the rooms below.
'cities' are really walled towns normally only about a hectare (2½ acres) in area. They appear to be scattered around the ancient fortress
just outside El Khodor, which is built on a high volcanic plug. This fortress
has been built and rebuilt several times since, but there is plenty of evidence
of really ancient foundations and structures dating well before the Roman
ruins, which are very obvious. I imagine that King Og (referred to in Numbers 21) ruled from this fortress.
it is now a communications centre for the Syrian armed forces and my taxi
driver and I were hauled before some senior army people after I photographed it
and started to climb it. Then two varieties of secret police arrived to
interrogate us (there are eight varieties in Syria). However, after receiving
my side-screen video of old ruins and pretty Druse girls, they saw the humour
of the situation. Then I was feted with cups of 'chi' (black tea) and a formal
apology, 'on behalf of the President of Syria,' who is 'pleased to have
tourists, and welcomes you with open arms.'I have
no doubt that the occupants of the Bashan cities were very large people because
all the doorways were wide and high. However, I could not tell how high the
rooms were because there was always a few ft of debris on the floors and
entrances, I would guess twelve ft high, on average."
(By the way, King Og's bedstead would be 15.45 ft or [4.7m] long.)
The Capital of King Og named Earei is now
named the City of Dera and the current city has been integrated into the ruins.
And just so that every one is aware the
Ruins of Petra are part of the cities of the Edomites, the original capitol of
Edom, Bozrah.
come back to this in a minute but now I’d like to continue further a field if I
may. My fingers just itch for this next serious of “inputs”.
There is an ancient copper mine near
the coastal town of Llandudno in North Wales. This area rises 220m above the
Irish Sea, and it is known as the location of the Great Orme Copper Mine. It
dates to the Bronze Age, about 3500 years ago. More than 2500 hammers have been
recovered at the mine.
So what? you may ask, it is a mine
after all.
The mine itself is believed to
stretch for many kilometers, with 6 km already surveyed. It is known to have
nine levels within it, and over 1700 tons (1542214 kg) of copper are known to
have been removed from this mine.
This without the benefit of today’s
modern tools, but they certainly had hammers, sledge hammers…
days the largest typical sledge hammer weighs 9kg, though sledge hammers of 5kg
are probably more average. I suppose a grown man, definitely not me, could
wield a 9kg sledge hammer for short periods of time, and if he was in the
construction business for a bit longer, yet this would be just stupid as a
sledge hammer is usually lifted over the shoulder and then swung forward.
Wouldn’t want to imagine how much effort it would take to not only lift it over
your shoulder but to bring it back up toward a wall, it would take monumental
power. Therefore a 5kg hammer does seem more logical but even so I have
witnessed workmen wield these and after a very short time they are tired and I
imagine their bodies must not be a happy place. Now the head of a 9kg sledge
hammer is roughly the size of a regular house brick. Beautiful image isn’t it?
Now can u imagine anyone mining with a hammer this size all day long? Me? Not particularly.
It's very hard to imagine using one of these for mining, day in and day out. Now
increase the size of 9kg by 300% to the size of a 27 kg sledge
hammer (which is not currently manufactured or ever will be I think). The
handle would be 3m long, with the metal head about the size of a cement block.
An even bigger 29kg sledge hammer was found at the copper mine by archaeologists.
To lift this 29kg hammer using only the far end of a 3m long handle would be
beyond the strength of any man. To swing it with force would be virtually
So who or what could have wielded
one of these back-breakers? If we scale the up the size of the ancient people
so they could use this tool, the giants at the copper mine may have been
perhaps 12 to 18 feet (3.7 to 5.5m) tall, or about 3 times taller than an
average human being of today.
This was not
the only large find.
University researchers unearthed evidence from Lake Makgadikgadi in the
Kalahari Desert, which at 66,000 square km is about the same size of present
day Lake Victoria that suggests that the region was once much drier and wetter
than it is today. Their research was prompted by the discovery of the first of
what are believed to be the world’s largest stone tools on the bed of the lake.
Although the first find was made in the 1990s, the discovery of four giant axes
has not been scientifically reported until 2009. Four giant stone hand axes,
measuring over 30 cm long and of uncertain age, were recovered from the lake
There are
doubled headed Minoan axes or Labrys on display at the Heraklion Museum. Now labrys are most commonly
associated with the Minoan civilization, which reached its
peak in the 2nd millennium B.C.E. The labrys might
have been used during sacrifices. The sacrifices would likely have been of
bulls. The
labrys symbol has been found widely in the Bronze Age archaeological recovery
at the Palace of Knossos on Crete. It has been stated that some Minoan labrys
have been found which are taller than a human. Now we might think that this is only
slightly taller right can’t be that much and if we research further we find
that according to archaeological finds on Crete this double-axe was used
specifically by Minoan priestesses for ceremonial uses. Of all the Minoan
religious symbols, the axe was the holiest. To find such an axe in the hands of
a Minoan woman would suggest strongly that she held a powerful position within
the Minoan culture. So they can’t be that big right? I mean if it was that much
bigger and it was used in sacrificial rights specifically by women who would
have to make actual use of it there’s no way it could be that big…?
Well the Minoan axes on display at Heraklion,
for which there is no notation of height that I can find and it has been
clearly stated were for votive
or worship practices and never actually used as tools or weapons (none the less
I’d still like to know what their exact size is), are three times the height of
an average person. The only way one can determine the size of these items are
when tourists have stood beside them to take photographs.
So my question is
this, if I were a priestess of about 1.6m in height how in the name of all that
is good and sane in the world would I have been able to lift these axes for
ritual sacrifices? Once again just my opinion.
There are every day objects
that have been found across the world, many of them very similar to one
another. Not only giant axes and hammers but swords that no human could lift
today, not only because of their weight but because of their size. We are well
aware that the standard broad sword came to just a little under the hip of its
owner but I am referring to swords larger than this.
Another strange find was made
20 miles (20km) north of Peoria, Illinois, in August of 1870, although not of
giant proportions, it’s presence is still perplexing. Three men were dulling an
artesian well, when the pump brought a small metal medallion to the surface
from a depth of over a hundred feet. One of the workmen, Jacob W. Moffit, from
Chillicothe, was the first to discover it in the drill residue. Professor
Alexander Winchell, who was a noted scholar of the time, reported in his book “Sparks From a Geologist’s Hammer”, that
he received from another eye-witness, W.H. Wilmot, a detailed statement, dated
December 4, 1871, of the deposits and depths of materials made during the
boring, and the position where the metal “coin” was uncovered.
The strange “coin-medallion”
was composed of an unidentified copper alloy, about the size and thickness of a
U.S. quarter of that period. It was remarkably uniform in thickness, round, and
the edges appeared to have been cut. Researcher William E. Dubois, who
presented his investigation of the medallion to the American Philosophical
Society, was convinced that the object had in fact passed through a rolling
mill, the edges showed 'further evidence
of the machine shop’, this would have been extremely unusual practice at
the time.' Despite its 'modern
characteristics,' however, Dubois plainly saw that, upon the object, 'the tooth of time is plainly visible'.
Both sides of the medallion were marked with artwork and hieroglyphs, but these
had not been metal-engraved or stamped. Rather, the figures had somehow been
etched in acid, to a remarkable degree of intricacy. One side showed the figure
of a woman wearing a crown or headdress; her left arm is raised as if in
benediction, and her right arm holds a small child, also crowned. The woman
appears to be speaking. On the opposite side is another central figure, that appears
to be a crouching animal: it has long, pointed ears, large eyes and mouth,
claw-like arms, and a long tail frayed at the very end. Below and to the left
of it is another animal, which bears a strong resemblance to a horse. Around
the outer edges of both sides of the coin are undecipherable glyphs; they are
of very definite character, and show all the signs of a form of alphabetic
In 1876, the medallion was
presented by Professor Winchell to a meeting of the Geological Section of the
American Association in Buffalo. There was much speculation, but few answers.
One participant, a conservative historian, Professor J.R. Lesley, tried to
explain the object as a “practical joke” dropped into a hole by a passing
French or Spanish explorer. The professor even claimed to see the coin’s
figures as the astrological signs of Pisces and Leo, and read into the glyphs
the date 1572. However, Winchell countered that this interpretation was not
plausible. The strata in which the coin/medallion was uncovered was as follows
Soil - 3 feet; yellow clay -
17 feet; blue clay - 44 feet; dark vegetable matter -4 feet; hard purplish
clay - 18 feet; bright green
clay - 8 feet; mottled clay - 18 feet; paleosol (ancient soils) - 2 feet; coin
location; yellowish clay - 1 foot; sand, clay and
water - 11 feet.
His extended counter arguments
against such an interpretation was as follows –
1. By no stretch of the
imagination were the figures and glyphs decipherable in terms of any known
symbology or script.
2. Who, as a
practical joke, would have dropped a metal object into a hole and known that
someone several hundred years later would happen to dull at that precise spot
(within a 4-inch tolerance) and find it? The odds would be phenomenal. And
3. There is the very real
problem of explaining the accumulation of 114 feet (35m or 45.5 m according to
Peter Kolosimo) of deposit over the buried coin. Having examined all the
evidence, Winchell was convinced the coin had indeed come from this depth. It
had not fallen into a hole in the past; the sediments drilled through were
uniform and undisturbed. And the amount of sedimentation was not what would
have settled in only a few centuries.
In fact, recent calculations
based on uniform rates of alluvium deposition and radioisotope dates for this
region estimate an age for materials from just below a depth of 100 feet to be
between 100,000 and 150,000 years.
As if to further thumb its
nose at those who were disbelieving at the association, this possible forgotten
civilization produced another surprise. From the deep levels in Illinois, in
Whiteside County from another well-drilling bit there came, brought up from a
sand stratum of 120 feet deep, two copper artifacts: What appeared to be a
hook, and a ring; in 1851. Their age is thought to be the same as that of the
coin - about 150,000 years old.
When ever we are told that
man’s knowledge of things like metallurgy and mechanics is only a few hundred
years hold in some cases a few thousand years old father times throws a wrench
in the works and dances around cackling like an old witch. Somehow when we
think we know everything about the history of mankind something strange is
found in sand and in other cases, cole…
1944 Newton Anderson claimed to have found a bell inside a lump of coal that
was mined near his house in West Virginia. When Newton dropped the lump it
broke, revealing a bell encased inside. How did a brass bell with an iron clapper find its way inside
coal that is supposed to be hundreds of millions
of years old? According to Norm Scharbough's book Ammunition (which includes a
compilation of many such "coal anecdotes") the bell was extensively
analyzed at the University of Oklahoma and it was found to contain an unusual
mixture of metals, different from any modern usage.
the list of oddities continue:
iron nail was found in a Cretaceous block (now for anyone who doesn’t know, the
cretaceous period was supposed to be the period during which the dinosaurs went
extinct, anyone else asking how the hell?) from the Mesozoic era which was the
mid-1800s. A gold thread was found in stone in England in 1844. Another iron
nail was found in quartz in California in 1851 and the mold of a metal
screw was
found in a chunk of feldspar in the same year 1851, to cap of the year a silver
vessel was found in solid rock in Massachusetts.
An intricately carved and inlaid metal
bowl was found in solid rock in1852. I also found that an
iron nail was found in rock in a Peruvian mine
by Spanish conquistadores in1572.
(to be continued we'll be discussing giant races)