birth of demons have many origins, one of these origins is in the myth of
Lilith the Mother of all Demons, she also is the first symbol of female
is the Genesis description of the creation of man, to which we look, their two
conflicting accounts. One in which both man and woman seem to be formed, on the
same day, in the same manner, from the same material. While in the second
account woman is created from the rib of man while he sleeps and is then
presented to man, Adam, upon his awakening.
is this second account with which we are more familiar, for most of us Eve has
always been the wife of Adam the mother of all humanity, derived from the Latin
Eva, derived from the Hebrew Chavah/Hava – to breathe, and chayah, to live, or
give life. The traditional meaning of Eve is living. But if we look at the
Hebrew original she is the embodiment of her name as she is the giver of life.
why these conflicting accounts of the birth of the first man and woman which
clearly seem to indicate that man and women where formed together as well as
being formed separately. In an attempt to make sense, and reconcile, these
conflicting accounts the Midrash was born. These writings reached their peak in
the 2nd century C.E, also influencing late Christian interpretations
of the Bible.
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Lilith |
was in these writings which the first woman, in the first account, was said to
be Adam’s first wife, Lilith, which means; of the night/ storm goddess, the
exact opposite of Eve’s light. She was supposed to have been created simultaneously,
with Adam from the same substance. Whereas Eve was created from a portion of
Adam; thereby making them two very different women.
what it comes down to, is that Adam was formed from dust or sand or clay
(choose your poison) and right beside him also formed from the same material
was this first woman, then God breathed life or “soul” into them both.
“So God
created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and
female he created them.” Genesis 1:27
opposed to God creating Adam in his image and then thinking since all the other
creatures had mates why not give him someone to keep him company.
“So the Lord
God caused a deep sleep to fall upon man and he slept; then He took one of his
ribs and closed the flesh at that place. The Lord God fashioned into a woman
the rib which he had taken from the man and brought her to the man.” Genesis 2:21-22
version simply states that Eve was formed from a “rib”, essentially something
that was a part of Adam thereby binding her to Adam, she cannot be viewed as a
separate entity.
verses when read this way do seem to clearly denote the creation of two
different women. Of course the argument could be put forward that this would
mean that there were two Adams as well and possibly a whole other earth if we consider
a double creation idea. Part of that hypotheses
wouldn’t be entirely wrong, there was possibly a First Adam as well but not a
second earth (but that is an entirely different blog I’ll be getting into in future),
for the story of Lilith we’ll stick to the first idea that there was only one
Adam, working on the premises which is presented by the text that indicated
that portions were only a repeat and others were a record of a change of how
events occurred a second time around. Such as the animals being created in the
same way, each separately, Adam is also created the same way, the only part
that is different is when the women are created and the way the women are
created. It would truly seem to be an almost re-writing of events with a
correction of an incorrectly recorded event but then why was the first simply
just not deleted if incorrectly recorded. So perhaps the first event was not incorrect
and the section that appeared different while everything else is the same would
could possibly then prove that it was only that part of the event that had to
be re-done or done again.
else that is interesting to note is that Adam, is derived from the Hebrew adam meaning “to be red” referring to the ruddy colour of human skin, or from the
Akkadian adamu meaning “to make”. There is a play on words adamah “earth”, so Adam seems to mean the colour of the earth or clay from
which Adam was created or simply “made
from earth”. Yet the names of the two women who were his wives have names
with very distinctive meaning, that have assigned them their roles perfectly,
Adam does not seem to have this.
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Winged Lilith |
to Midrash literature a dispute arose between Adam and Lilith: Adam tried to assert
his dominance over her by insisting that she lie beneath him during sex, it
could be possible that Adam was taking his cue from watching the animals,
noting that the male is always on top, behind the female holding her in a
submissive position, but Lilith refused. Feeling that since they were equal
because of their creation, therefore she should not have to be beneath him. From the text it would seem
that she might have submitted initially and then decided that she didn’t have
to and they should take turns being in the dominate position. Adam would not
allow it, were by Lilith is said to have loosed her hair, pronounced the Ineffable Name of God, sprouted wings
and few off into the air.
Midrash texts seem to indicate that Adam insisted on his male rights as he saw Lilith
as only fit to be below him. When she left he appealed to God to make her
return, God then sent three of his angels in search of her. Senoy, Sensonoy
& Semangelof to bring her back, saying that if she returned all that was
made would be good but if she did not, she must permit one hundred of her
children to die every day.
lot that I’ve read about Lilith over the years has said that the angels found
her beside the Red Sea but after researching the original text, The Alphabet of Ben Sira, it turns out
that Lilith was found in the midst, the middle, the center, of the Red Sea. Not
beside it. The angels threaten to drown her if she does not return, she refuses
them, they tell her what her fate and the fate of her children will be. Lilith agrees
to the conditions but as retribution for the sentence she vows that her new
role will be, to become the killer of women in child-birth, and children; baby
boys until up until eight days and girls for 12 days. Her only show of mercy
was to agree that should an amulet be engraved with the angel’s names she would
then consider the child protected and not harm them.
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Amulet of protection |
it became part of Jewish tradition; the angel’s names were inscribed on
parchment or carved on the bed post or on a tablet where a baby slept to
protect them from Lilith.
three angles were the angles of medicine, it has been postulated that in their
original Hebrew appearance that they were related to angels that we know by
other names:
- Senoy/ Snvi – Michael – leader of the heavenly host (archangel).
- Sensenoy/ Snsvi – Gabriel – who always appears as the messenger of God (archangel because only they appeared in God’s presence).
- Semangelof/Smnglof – Uriel – the angel of truth or wisdom (archangel)
and Gabriel are the angels most often mentioned in the bible as doing God’s
bidding and traditionally;
- They are guardians of three of the Watchtowers:
- Michael to the South is Fire
- Gabriel in the West is Water
- And Uriel to the North is Earth
as far as symbols go earth is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge (symbolised by
the Torch that Uriel is usually depicted carrying), Water is the representation
of psychic ability or foresight (which Gabriel is a representative of, as he always
brings news of the future) and finally Fire is a sign of purification being
both a creative and destructive power (which Michael represents as being the
leader of the heavenly host and is supposed to lead God’s army in Revelations).
if the assumption is true that these names are related to these three angels
then Lilith was very important if they were sent to retrieve her. An angel of knowledge,
and angel of foresight and a warrior.
to say that Lilith was a very brave and strong woman because even given these
threats she would not return to Adam rather choosing the seemingly horrifying fate, than to submit to her mate.
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Lilith takes Samael as her mate |
is supposed to have taken up residence on the banks of the Red Sea in a cave
where, it is the general idea, she began to mate with hosts of demons and begot
demon children by the thousands a day, when in fact she took Samael as her
But Samael was not a demon, he in fact was an angel. The Zohar defines Samael
as meaning “the poison of God”, the
Kabbalah defines him as the “Severity of
God”, and he is also the consort of Naamah and works as the left hand of
God. He is the being who has been strongly identified with Satan. Yet the identity of Satan, the personality does not seem to fit what we have previously learned about this being. But it would appear that was of the original host which departed from God's side.
the Archangel, the destroyer, the accuser, the hater of man, the Angel of Death.)
it was when Lilith did not return that God then created Eve from Adam's rib. It
has been suggested that this was done in order that Eve would be more compliant
to Adam as she was a part of him, of him, one cannot after all go against a
part of yourself.
is the idea that because Man and Woman were created at the same time as an
androgynous being with a front-face and back-face and that is how they were
made at the same time and equal before God split them. (This is very much like
the Greek myth of the creation of man). They were created in this way as the
image of God is both masculine and feminine. The word Elohim is a masculine
noun but Hebrew fundamentally has both masculine and feminine gender phonetic
vowel pronunciation for much of its words, besides the words tense, singularity
or plurality that affect each word pronunciation. Eloh etc are used in the overall biblical texts as a generic title
not as names. However there is evidence that the Yahwdim people and Gentiles
use it as both masculine and feminine gender names by component or a whole
person’s name and im is the masculine
plural. So in this case Eloh could be
the feminine form with im serving as
the masculine plural. And if we look at how it is referred to in Genesis 1 with
the creation of man and elohim being
used as reference to a goddess (Ki 11:5) seeing the title Elohim as both male
and female is then not a stretch at all.
most important information about Lilith we find in the Zohar. The Zohar is
essentially a Kabalistic Midrash on the Torah. It consists of twenty-two
volumes penned around 1200 C.E in Spain by Moses de Leon. Lilith’s role in the
Zohar and thus in Kabbalah is large. She
is mentioned by name in twenty-seven separate passages and by direct reference
in a further twenty-nine , for a total of 56
direct references.
Lilith is the other half of Samael, she being the body and he the soul. Also
here there is reference that Lilith was created first and then Adam (or as one
being with two faces with the Lilith countenance being first) and before God
could breathe life into Adam a thousand spirits or, what also translated as, a mist
rose, tried to enter the body but God rebuked it and they could not enter the
image of Adam it then entered into the Lilith image and animated her (this
would be the reason for the split between the androgynous being). The mist
being the defective light of Samael.
else that the Zohar mentioned is that the serpent in the Garden of Eden was
actually Lilith; I have touched on the idea according to rabbinical sources
that Eve was tricked by the demon Samael in The
Fall of Satan, but she was tricked in a sexual way. This idea stemmed from
the sexual connotation of the representation of the serpent form, as well as
reasoning why Abel seemed to be the image of Adam, the image of God and more
favoured as opposed to his brother Cain, whose description differs entirely.
Then of course we noted that Samael rode the serpent into the Garden. He did
not possess it. Secondly it has already been established that Lilith had
knowledge that Adam did not seem to, as she pronounced the secrete name of God
which gave her the ability to sprout wings and fly away to escape Adam. So is
it possible that she was also able to take other forms due to this knowledge.
The reason for the serpents eagerness to aid Samael is never explained but
Zohar 1:148-148b (Vayetze: Passage 23) does give us a reason for this, that if
Lilith was the serpent, they, Lilith and Samael, are one as Adam and Eve are
one, made from the same. Which would support the idea of the life breathed into
Lilith and why she was not a match for Adam. Furthermore it would explain God’s
anger directly aimed at the serpent. Making the prophetic statement that the
seed of the serpent would strike at the heel of Eve’s seed and the seed of Eve
would crush the serpent’s offspring under foot.
symbol of the serpent has always historically been a representation of
fertility, a creative life force. As snakes shed their skin through sloughing,
they are symbols of rebirth, transformation, immortality, and healing. In fact
most older religions believe the image or symbol that is the serpent as
positive for the most part and always plays an important role, even in
mythology. It has been seen as the protector, the symbol of possessing the secrets
of the material world and of royalty, the symbol of the possessing the third
eye from which nothing can be hidden; in this world or the next, it has meant
strength, the symbol of eternity, the double entwined snakes symbolises the
balance of power (yin/yang). It only seems to be with the advent of
monotheistic religions that the serpent became something associated with evil,
such as, lying (due to the forked tongue), or being sexual, witchcraft, the attainment of forbidden knowledge and of
course of Satan.
the if we look at the symbol of the serpent in relation to old symbolic
beliefs, it could have been Lilith as she was immortal, she held knowledge, she
held the ability to transform herself not just physically and capable of
regeneration/renewal, she was strong willed and cunning. In essences the
embodiment of the serpent. She also came too be associated with witchcraft.
then, rounds out the theory of the existence of Lilith is if we look at the
verses in Genesis 1:26-30 as well as Genesis 2 6-9 and 15-25 again.
man and woman are first created nothing is said about a garden, God simply
decides to create man
“ Our image, according to Our likeness and
let them rule over the fish of the
sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth
and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth”
proceeds to tell them that they may eat of every plant and from anything that
yields seeds. If we look at this, man and woman, have been given dominion over
the entire earth so even if we discount the theory of something else giving
Lilith life the fact that the same essence that was breathed into Adam would
have been breathed into her if they were initially an androgynous being. Which
would have made them equals none-the-less as they carried the same
consciousness. So was also therefore afforded the same right and power as Adam
with no limitations. (This would then of course account for Lilith’s rebellion
as she in every aspect was the same as Adam.)
Lilith and Eve
in Genesis 2 we are then told how God creates a single being, just one,
suddenly the female has been removed from the equation, maybe we are now being
told in a manner that man was already created in the divine image and animated.
This time around nothing is mentioned about God giving dominion over the earth
because he has already done that, instead we are informed that God now decided
to plant a Garden and in this Garden he places man.
In a protected place, separate from the
earth he was supposed to have already created?
also get a different story about the food source for this man; God caused every
plant to grow that was pleasing to the sight and good for food to grow here and
put man there to cultivate it and keep it.
Why go to the effort of creating a world
and then a separate place and more animals only to populate the separate place
with these animals?
And why if the entire earth had already
been populated with animals and food would you repeat the process?
answer would be that, it had been done but Adam could no longer reside on the
earth in safety. It is an iteration of man, Adam, being placed in a place of
safety (for his own good, to be kept away from bad influences), because this
Garden was clearly separated from everything else as it is described in the in-between
verses how it was cordoned off, and there is only one tree that Adam is no not
allowed to eat from. Once again animals are formed and placed specifically in
the garden with Adam, whom he names as they are brought to him to see if he can
find a match among them. Eve does not exist at all yet. And it is only after
Adam cannot find a match among the animals that Eve is created from his rib.
The literal Hebrew verse reads:
“became alone” and not “be
would then imply that he was not always alone as opposed to what we believe
So the question still remains, why are
certain things repeated and other not?
see it in the following way:
have already stated why the idea for a first wife is possible even if we
disregard the idea of her name or why she fled. Genesis 2 is clearly an
iteration of certain happenings in Genesis 1 yet everything is not repeated,
some scholars have said that Genesis 1 is an overview of the creation story and
Genesis 2 is a details description but this theory fails for me because then
everything from Gen 1 should be repeated with additional information and this
does not happen. So for me that theory can be scratched, many clergy simply
maintain that the devote should not question and just accept and that the bible
is God given to man, word for word and that the first is a mistake, it is not
important. Yet this is not true for everyone, devote rabbinical sources have
sought to explain it, and it does seem possible that one attempt was made and
for whatever reason the female version did not work. But she was simply not
removed from the earth so the explanation of her turning “evil” would account
for why God suddenly planted a Garden, effectively making it a “protected gated
community” making sure the one remaining perfect creation was safe.
But safe from what?
if Adam had already had sex with Lilith before she refused it would stand to
reason that he would want to continue with this, especially since they had been
told to be fruitful, in other words: have children, and this was no longer
happening, so he would have that urge. In Gen 2 this phrase is never repeated “be fruitful is never repeated”. Why?
Well because Adam was already blessed in that way so God wouldn’t need to do it
a second time. And as for the creation of more animals in the Eden, well Lilith
had been given equal rights of dominion over them as Adam, so it is possible
that the animals in Eden might have been free from her influence, as she had
been given dominion over the animals of the earth and Adam were separate
entities and the Garden was also a separate place. It has been suggested that
Adam mated with the animals in Eden, that is how he knew they were not his
equals. This would enforce the idea that Adam had carnal desires and required a
mate; therefore Eve was created for this purpose. And even if we do not accept
this idea the fact remains that he would not have been able to be fruitful
without a mate, so Eve had to come into being.
could no longer eat from any tree in the Garden, it was the one command that he
received, if he ate the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil which
would effectively make him mortal, stripping him of the essence of God that
made him immortal. If we look at the words used “in Our image”, “in Our
likeness”, these words are interchangeable as they essentially mean the
same thing but what if what is being referred to is not only physical aspect
but the essence of what made God eternal as well. Meaning Adam would have been
physically perfect which is what would have made him immortal as would Lilith.
That is why possibly “eating” from
the tree would cause the physical aspect to lose that perfection causing it to
begin to wither away. That would explain why Lilith would remain immortal and
physically perfect because she was never bared from “eating” of the tree only Adam and as a result Eve as she was of
Adam in essence. (Also the blessing of to be fruitful in Gen 1 would apply to
Lilith as well, which would account for her hordes of offspring.)
another verse Gen 2:23 reads:
“And man said, “This
time, it is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. This one shall be called
ishah (woman) because this one was taken from ish (man).
wording of is very odd, this time and
this one could implying Adam.s search
through the animals for his mate, but it could also be seen as more than just the
animals God created from dust, as well, but then again Lilith would also have
been created from dust, where as Eve was taken as part of Adam.
to round out the theory of Lilith as the serpent in the Garden, since Adam and
Eve where immortal, and she had promised to “take possession” of the children of
man how could she do this if they were immortal and protected then it would
mean that she would somehow have to reverse the protection. It would be fairly
simple if we could just end it there but there is as usual much more to the
story. It serves to fully explain the Evil that Lilith was endowed with and would
serve to explain why women were seen as powerful entities, even though, they
were forced to believe they were not.
expounded on the joining of Lilith and Samael.
Lilith, seeing that she was had been replaced wanted to return but has been locked
out of the Garden. Thus, out of jealously (and possibly revenge) she
joined with Samael in his seduction of Eve and if we go with the revenge theory
this idea works even better.
often result in misunderstanding caused by translations. In latin malum as an adjective means “evil”, but as a noun
means “apple”. In Europe, interpreters reading the story in Latin and understanding
the forbidden fruit as the source of evil naturally concluded that it must have
been an apple (that is where we get the idea of an apple from and why it appears
in paintings). So what if what was meant is that God viewed certain types of knowledge
as evil and that he was warning Adam not to partake of it, as remember the
warning was given specifically to Adam not to Eve, who would have been informed
by Adam that this was forbidden.
the story goes that Lilith joined Samael in his seduction of Eve which was a
sexual seduction and possibly also provided her with the knowledge that Lilith
and Samael were in possession of, thus Eve’s menstrual blood became the actual “filth and the impure seed” of Samael. In
turn Eve having gained “knowledge” seduced
Adam during her menses; the act of sexual intercourse during a woman menses is
forbid in the Bibel, Torah and Qu'ran, the Bible of course simply states that
man should not let menstrual blood touch him, but does not say why. Here the
Kabbalah provides that reason; Once Adam defiled himself with this act, being
that Eve’s menses was unclean, Lilith became strong “in
the power of blood is very important to note, the Kabbalists, are describing
the power thought to be in blood, here, menstrual blood specifically, and the
link between it and Kundalini energy which takes a serpentine form. This, the
primal energy which is located at the base of the spine, is described as lying “coiled” at the base of the spine (like a
snake), represented as either a goddess or sleeping serpent. This is spiritual enlightenment,
“mother energy or intelligence of complete maturation”. It rises through the
body, “uncoiling”, like a serpent,
through the chakras to reach the Sahasrara Chakra at the top of the head, the
image is of a blooming lotus flower (the flower as also been a sign of virginal
means the revelation of the Divine Splendour and attainment of Supreme
Consciousness, or more plainly, Self-Realization (the awareness of Heaven and
Earth) is reached. Now we take into account that the serpentine form
represented knowing and power, which Self-Realization would give to one.
(Through her interaction with Lilith and Samael, Eve attained enlightenment)
belief is carried further, because Eve was able to seduce Adam, bend him to her
will, it shows the authority Eve was able to exert over Adam, proving the power
and belief in her blood, women’s immense potency to compel man to act against
his will. Suddenly Eve had also become rebellious and strong. Therefore, it
might be said that persuasive gift was given by Lilith to Eve during her
seduction and as well through her connection with Samael via the blood.
ability and awakening of woman was of course called a curse on mankind, and in
addition to this Eve would produce an heir for Samael, Cain.
from then on Lilith was free to wreck havoc on the descendants of Adam and Eve except
for those protected by amulets and she and her daughters became the succubus who
would visit men in their sleep and through sexual dreams steal their seed.
the daughters of Eve became cursed by the church as weak and open to evil and
seductresses of men. A nature we are told we must be guarded against. Part of
that curse was the pain of child birth as well as to endure menstruation once a
month, according to the church.
name for Lilith comes from the Sumarian word “lilitu”, which meant a wind
spirit or a female demon. Lilith is mentioned in the Epic of Gilgamesh, a
famous poem of ancient Mesopotamia dated back to not later than C. 2100 B.C.E.
the table was added to the original text much later, c. 600 B.C.E, in its later
Assyrian and Akkadian translations.
appears, as the dark maid (or demon), in the centre of a tree being tended by
the goddess Inanna. In the Babylonian Talmud, she appears as a dark spirit with
an uncontrollable and dangerous sexuality stealing the seed of sleeping men to
produce hordes of demons.
find Lilith in the Sumero-Babylonian Goddess Belit-ili or Belili, Goddess of
the Moon, love, the underworld, trees, wells and springs. To the Canaanites she
was Baalat, the “Divine Lady”, on a tabled from Ur, ca. 2000 B.C.E, she was addressed
as Lillake,the Goddess of desolation, the embodiment of loneliness, emptiness
and the wildness of nature.
is from the Sumarian lilitu which the name for Lilith was attained, before this
there was simply the first Eve and the second Eve.
view of the seed of two women, at odds with one another, gives the bible a very
different flavour which speaks more to the power within the female, it suddenly
is no longer, the battle being waged between good and evil, God through Adam
and his male line against the devil. It now seems to be, on the surface, the
battle between light, Eve, against the darkness, Lilith.
if we were to examine the Biblical creation story more closely with all these
new views from the Kabbalah, the Zohar and from the many Goddesses and spirits
that lend their identity to the first Eve, Lilith. We may begin to see
something with a deeper meaning, something more than a disobedient woman who
was punished for her rebellion, as we seem to have supposed to be seeing. The
story was designed to show women that least submission to husband is given one
is destined only to fall. Instead Lilith embraced her fate, rising above it,
reborn as something more and if we look at her original image in the Goddess
form we see her standing alone as an even stronger image. Neither can Eve be
viewed in the same light anymore, she is no longer weak and easily lead, Eve
makes a choice choosing to know, instead of remaining in ignorant bliss. The
story is a way of explain to women that, husband and father know better and if
one were to go against that, then one, woman, would bring great shame and
trials not only on herself but on her family as well, yet Eve chooses to want
more, and in that wanting gains great knowledge.
ultimate goal in teaching that women where either weak and easily influenced or
destined to destroy themselves if not guided by man was to destroy the Goddess
religion, the Aspect of the Great Mother who exerts power, the very seat of
feminine strength, ability and power.
they very nearly succeeded, if not for the knowledge and intuition that it
seems Lilith passed on to Eve.
Lilith deserve the title Mother of Demons, yes she does, she was the first
women to choose her own mate, and together they spawned powerful offspring. She
was also powerful enough to reach forward in time and through mythology to disrupt
the plans of men.