topic that in literature has become swoon worthy.
Fallen Angels.
of the literary work of some talented and not so talented writers; when taking
about the fallen sons of the God or more often, as this reference has come to
referrer, to their half- human, half- angel descendants, we picture a divinely
handsome male or female (mostly male), darkly brooding, hiding their wings
somehow looking to find the perfect love and redemption for the sin of their
ancestors. Right? wrong!
angels have never been indicated to being any thing other than male. And no
they naturally do not have a human form but are able to assume
any form they desire. Usually, for some reason, the only preferred form of choice mentioned was
human, male.
what sin are we refereeing to?
a fallen angel is (mythologically) defined as being a wicked or rebellious
angel that has been cast
out of Heaven.
term, “fallen angel” is found neither
in the Hebrew Bible nor the Deuterocanonical
nor the New Testament. Nonetheless,
Biblical commentators often use fallen angel to describe angels who sinned and have thus been
exiled or banished from Heaven “fallen”
being a metaphor for "cast out" or ostracized.
truth there have been many names for these angels; Watchers, Grigori and
Nephilim. Essentially what these angels did was far worse than Satan’s
is that possible you ask?
So they descended to earth, big whoop right?
But it is interesting to note that in the
period immediately preceding the composition of the New Testament, that some
sects of Judaism identified the "sons of God" (בני האלהים) of Genesis 6:1-4
with fallen angels. Some scholars consider it most likely that this Jewish
tradition of fallen angels predates, even in written form, the composition of
Gen 6:1-4.
So what was the great sin of these angels?
How did they fall precisely? Well it ties in with the fact that they, well, lets say came to earth and their fall from grace. As their coming down and their fall are not exactly the same thing.
It’s therefore simple really (and complicated at the same time); they lusted and
acted on that lust.
Lester L. Grabbe calls the story of the sexual intercourse of angels
with women "an old myth in Judaism".
Until the mid-2nd century AD, Jewish writing
(such as midrashim) can be taken to identify the "sons of God" of Gen
6:1 and 4 as angels. By the 3rd century, there is evidence that some early
Christians accepted this Jewish Enochic pseudepigraphy and the application of
the angelic descent myth to the "sons of God" passage in Genesis 6:1-4.

As seen demonstrated in art
Its presence not only in the East but also in the Latin-speaking West is attested by the polemic of Augustine of Hippo (354–430) against the motif of giants born of the union between fallen angels and human women. Rabbinic Judaism and Christian authorities of course rejected the tradition. Those who adopted the tradition viewed the "sons of God" as fallen angels who married human women and by unnatural union begot the Nephilim.
usual I am getting a head of myself. So let me adopt a more reasonable pace. I
trust everyone remembers Enoch?
you do from our previous little discourse; I did mention some names would be
this particular story, if everyone will gather closer and dim the lights, if
you will, centers on the event leading up to the great flood. Why you ask would
this be important, well most people talk about the sin of man as the result for
the flood. Yet, are we referring to sin in a general sense or one particular
type of sin?
who read the bible from cover to cover will note that there are a number of
mentions of sin taking place. And there where very few if any righteous people
left so God decided that he would simply wash the earth clean. Only choosing
those who he deemed worthy of saving. Yet after the floor all the reasons
religious teaches might give for God’s just cleansing we find happening all
over again as it still is today.
the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah for example, which according to some biblical
scholars occurred between 1000 to 4000 years after the great flood. The
greatest crimes taking place in these two cities where Idolatry, fornication
outside of marriage etc, basically you average plethora of seven deadly sins
plus an extra bonus of everything else.
by Joachim Patinir Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed in a rain of fire |
had to more reason than that for the necessary extinction of human kind.
most basic view is that what it came down to was that God saw all that man did, and thought it was evil;
He decided that enough was enough. It would be easier to get rid of his naughty
creations by, simply washing them way; a form of mass baptism of the earth if
you will. Saving only the righteous.
most righteous of those he chose to save where Noah and his wife and their sons
and wives.
why this particular family, there must have been others that had adhered to the
laws of God?
this is where it gets interesting, co-incidentally, Noah was a direct descendant
of Adam and Eve via Seth, the third son born after the death of Abel.
might this not be more of a reason behind their being saved than any other
we on track so far? Everyone keeping up?
now we need to go back to before the flood occurred, quite a few years before
this in fact, as the clues to why it occurred can only be found there.
According to biblical scholars the great flood or deluge occurred 2344BC . Of all the patriarchs in pre-Hebrew time (before the time of
Abraham), one of these descendants of Seth, therefore Adam, received very special
attention, though very little is written in both Genesis from the Old
Testament and the Torah; four short verses to be precise.
His name is Enoch, and he lived before the great
biblical Flood. There are actually two individuals in Genesis, who bear
the name of Enoch. One was the son of Cain and also a grandson of Adam. But we
are more interested in the other Enoch - son of Jared and descendant of Seth,
Cain's other brother. Enoch was the seventh antediluvian patriarch in line of
In truth if we look at the chart below all Enoch’s
forbears were still alive when he was born.
Chart of
Length and Overlapping of the Lives of the Patriarchs
100 200 300
400 500 600
700 800 900
1. Adam----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+(930)
2. Seth
3. Enos (235)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------B
4. Cainan
5. Mahalaleel (395)---------------------------------------------------------
6. Jared (460)------------------------------------------------------
7. Enoch (622)---------------------------------+(987) Was Translated
8. +Methuselah (687)----------------------------------
9. +Lamech (874)------------------
10. +Noah (1056)
Yet the time span
between Enoch and his great-grandson Noah is about 1000 years more or less.
Most of what we know
about Enoch comes from the Enoch 1 and Enoch 2.
The contents of Enoch
1 reads as follows:
(1) The Book of the Watchers (chaps.
(2) The Book of the
Similitudes (chaps. 37-7l)-,
(3) The Book of Astronomical
Writings (chaps. 72-82);
(4) The Book of Dream
Visions (chaps. 83-90); and
(5) The Book of the
Epistle of Enoch (chaps. 91-107)."
First, Genesis speaks of Enoch's father, Jared:
When Jared had lived 162 years, he begot Enoch. After the birth of Enoch, Jared lived 800 years and begot
sons and daughters. All the days of Jared came to 962 years; then he died.
From these verses, you can see that Enoch had
siblings, but it doesn't say how many brothers and sisters he has.
(large sections of the biblical texts omit these)
And then in the next paragraph:
When Enoch had lived 65 years, he begot Methuselah.
After the birth of Methuselah, Enoch walked with God 300 years; and he begot
sons and daughters. All the days of Enoch came to 365 years. Enoch walked with
God; then he was no more, for God took him.
– Genesis
side note Adam would have been approximately 622 when Enoch was born and would
have died when Enoch was around 300 years old.)
is very important to this little story of ours, as he lived in a time when the
world began to go “rotten” so to speak.
What do we know about Enoch?
1. We know that he is the son of Jared,
2. and he had a son named, Methuselah.
3. And that he’s days were 365 and then
he, what died?
4. One other thing we know is that of
all the pre-Flood patriarchs, his life on Earth was the shortest - 365 years.
While his son, Methuselah, was oldest of all the patriarchs.
According to calculations, Enoch vanished 669 years
before Noah boarded the Ark(as I said -+1000years) (see List of
Pre-Hebrew Patriarchs for the calculation).
Also, Methuselah was not the
only child he had. Enoch had other children, both sons and daughters, but the
Bible doesn't tell us how many or who they were, except those of Methuselah.
It is not his relationship to his
father and to his children that interest us. It is his relationship with God and
the role he played concerning the flood that totally intrigues me, and his
mysterious disappearance.
It is stated quite clearly that
Enoch walked with God, for the last 300 years of his life, possibly after the
birth of his son Methuselah. In the Good News Bible, it is referred to as
"fellowship with God".
Did God actually walk with Enoch in
literal sense? Or is it something different altogether?
It really depends on the
interpretation. It could mean that God had endowed him with prophecy through
revelation, and from scripture we know that this is the case but this answer is
not satisfactory.
Enoch’s name
means “to wet the palate”. The Hebrew pronunciation of his name would be
Chă-o-ch, the ch is pronounced as you’d pronounce the ch in Bach
(the classical composer).
In times
before baby food mothers would chew their infant’s food and rub it on their
palate to encourage them to eat. One could say I suppose that given his name and Enoch’s
duty assigned to him by God, as well as his prophetic ability, he given talent was to encourage
people to step away from their evil deeds, he "wet the palate" for God.
So… did
Enoch die?
The reference to him being taken by
God can mean any number of things. It doesn't say explicitly that he died but after this the Hebrew Scriptures
don't say anything else about Enoch.
It is not until we come to the New
Testament that we learn a few more things about Enoch in the Bible. Both of
these come from two different letters.
From the letter by Jude:
And Enoch also, the seventh from
Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands
of his saints, To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are
ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly
committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken
against him.
– Jude 14-15
Though, the letter from Jude was
directed at the false teachers, the prophecies itself probably referred to the
children and descendants of the Watchers. As Enoch lived in the time, when
these giants ruled the Earth. The Watchers (Greek Grigori) were fallen
angels, who had taken mortal women as wives, and they fathered giants. These
wicked giants were one of the greatest causes of God in bringing the Flood in
the Genesis (from Gen. 6, 7 and 8).
As we continue you’ll understand the
reasoning most scholars, and myself, have for this view.
From the Letter to the Hebrews,
Paul writes:
By faith Enoch was translated that
he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for
before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God. But without
faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe
that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
– Hebrews
The common theme in Paul's letter in
chapter 11 is faith in God. The apostle Paul was talking about that only
through faith can people receive any reward from God. And God was obviously
pleased with Enoch, whom he rewarded.
But how exactly was Enoch rewarded?
As I
said there is no indication in any of the written works that Enoch died. All it
says is that he was translated.
What does it mean by translate?
Ponder on that for a bit, I’m sure
as we continue you’ll figure it out.
Now the role of Enoch as stated is
very important to our story so before we continue with the part he and his
descendants where to play it is now time to discuss why their role became vital
to the survival of the world, also what was the full story behind the necessity
of the building of the ark and the events that lead up to this.
from the Books of Ysrael. From Hebrew Myths: The Book of Genesis By Robert
Graves and Raphael Patai
Chapter 18 p.
(a) By the tenth generation, Adam's race had hugely increased. Lacking
female company, the angels known as "Sons of God" found wives among
the lovely Daughters of Men. The children of their unions would have
inherited eternal life from their father, but that God had decreed: "Let
not My spirit abide in flesh for ever! Henceforth the years of man are limited
to one hundred and twenty."
(b) These new creatures were giants, known as "the Fallen
Ones," whose evil ways decided God to wipe from the face of the earth
all men and women, with their gigantic corruptors.
Genesis 6:1-7
(c) The Sons of God were sent down to teach mankind truth and
justice; and for three hundred years did indeed teach Cain's son Enoch all the
secrets of Heaven and Earth.
In those three lines we are told in
full why this new batch of angels signaled the second wave of “FALLEN” and why god deemed the happening
They were eternal being, pure in
every way, the creator wanted humanity to survive but not be giving more
knowledge or time that was not what they should have. The angels introduced immortality
and dangerous knowledge.
Genesis 24
(d) Some say that Shemhazai and Azael, two angels in
God's confidence, asked: "Lord of the Universe, did we not warn You on the
Day of Creation that man would prove unworthy of Your world?" God replied:
"But if I destroy man, what will become of My world?" They answered:
"We shall inhabit it." God answered:
"Yet upon descending to earth, will you not sin even worse
than man?"
They pleaded: "Let us dwell there awhile, and we will
sanctify Your name!" God allowed them to descend, but they were at once overcome
by lust for Eve's daughters,
Shemhazai begeting on them two monstrous sons
named Hiwa and Hiya, each of whom daily ate a thousand camels, a
thousand horses and a thousand oxen.
Azael also invented the ornaments and cosmetics
employed by women to lead men astray.
So basically the following
1. God had created these amazing creations whom he
literally thought the world of.
2. His angels rebelled against him for choosing humanity
over them.
3. In returned humanity was quite disobedient in their
youth but still, let’s say He was lenient.
4. Then the human race, with Adam still alive, began to
let’s say forget to worship their creator.
5. They indulged in, what I would assume, was every bad
act that they possibly could have.
6. So God’s angels basically said “we told you so”.
7. The angels said but if we lived on earth we would do
8. And God says, you’d probably also indulged in these
9. The angels as stubborn teenagers would say “we’ll show
you we can”.
10. What happened…well they did prove they could not
There is of course another version, as there
always is, but we’ll get there.
Harut and Marut: in Islamic mythology, it is these two angels who
unwittingly became masters of evil. A group of angels, after observing
the sins being committed on earth, began to ridicule man's weakness. God declared that they would act no better
under the same circumstances and proposed that some angels be sent to earth to
see how well they could resist idolatry, murder, fornication,
and wine. No sooner did Harut and Marut, the angels chosen, alight on
earth than they were seduced by a beautiful woman.
Then, discovering that there was a witness
to their sin, they killed him. The angels in heaven were then forced to
admit that God was indeed right, whereas the fallen angels faced atonement for
their sins either on earth or in hell.
Harut and Marut chose to be punished on earth
and were condemned to hang by their feet in a well in Babylonia until the
Day of Judgment.
Harut and Marut are first mentioned in the
Qur'an (2:102) as two angels purveying evil in Babylon, and the legend
probably appeared to explain how they happened to be in that position. The
story itself parallels a Jewish legend about the fallen angels Shemhazai,
'Uzza, and 'Aza'el. The names Harut and Marut appear to be etymologically
related to those of Haruvatat and Ameretat, Zoroastrian archangels.
So this far we have 3 texts confirming one
version of how the angles fell, with a very slight difference.
So! This of course poses the
Do angels have free will?
We have to answer this before moving
Well I am sure most of us have been
taught that angels have to obey the word of God. But there is nowhere in the
bible that it states that they have no
free will.
Angels have free will too but it is different from humans’ free will.
The archangel Gabriel (peace be upon him) carries out the Divine order given to
him with the free will. He also notifies the angels of a Divine order with that
free will he has. He does not have the free will to act against the order he
gets and that is what makes him different from humans.
In addition, varying in accordance
with their levels, angels can be at different places at the same time and carry
out tasks simultaneously. Their will is not absolute but limited. They can act
within certain limits.
By doing those, they exhibit a manifestation of the Divine will of God.
Conscious beings like angels
can do nothing other than a sort of voluntary duty in accordance with their
natures and active worship which is called ‘acquisition,’ and is insignificant
and not creative. (The Rays)
I understand that correctly, angels cannot go against their set duties (the
reason why they were created), so in a sense the free will they possess is
limited. I would thus assume that if given a direct order concerning their
duties they cannot, not do as they are told. Yet from what we have learned from
the above extracts they are not exempt from temptation themselves or acting
upon it.
the fall of the angelic host once again was because of mankind, well in this
case womankind. We have already stated one version of how they fell, which
basically came down to, we your older children (creations) are better than your
younger children (newest creations) and we can prove it.
for the second version, which is even less endearing of the human race.
second version involves a specific descendant or line of descendants should I
other version of the Fallen Angels is as follows:
Jewish oral, God had specific angels to instruct man on various talents but
such as architecture, farming and music. And from the bible it is clear that
somehow for whatever reason those that were instructed where the descendants of
Cain. These are the angels who descended to earth via Mount
to clarify, those angels that where instructed to teach man, according to Jubilees 4:22, were called Watchers or Grigori, from Greek egrgoroi,
which means “The Watchers”. This is where the versions actually divide.
Watchers were also comprised of Archangels, the leaders being, Michael, Uriel,
Gabriel and Raphael; who were assigned, as far as I can determine to keep an
eye on their brethren sent to impart knowledge.
It was during the time of Jared,
father of Enoch, that the angels, known as the Watchers came down to earth to
take mortal women as wives and mate with them, and they beget monstrous
children. Some of details of this can be found in the Rabbinic legend, the
Haggada. Some of it resembles the narrative found in the Book of Enoch. More
detail about the Watchers and their children can be found in the book called
the Book of
Watchers, which
formed the first part of the Pseudepigraphal Book of Enoch.
These accounts do not say how long
these angels were actually on hearth before they actually, as well the
religious texts say, lusted after women, I’d like to see it as a bit more than
The leader of the Watchers was
Shemhazai. He agreed with others to take women as wives, only if they swore
pacts to carry through this plan. Two hundred angels made the descent to Earth,
at Mount Hermon. Two hundred angels were divided into groups of ten, each under
the leadership of chieftain or captain.
Some of these fallen angels' names are
revealed as:
Azazel, Armaros, Barakel, Kawkabel,
Ezekeel, Arakiel, Samsaweel and Seriel.
They defiled themselves on mortal
women, producing monstrous children. Their children grew to be giants of
three-thousand ells tall, which is approximately 3420 meters in height (11,250
feet tall). The wicked angels taught their children all sorts of sorcery and
arcane knowledge according to legend.
Now comes another version as mentioned before, here’s the differing in who seduced
According to the Haggada
(book 1, chapter 4 Punishment of the Fallen Angels), the angel Shemhazai lusted
after a maiden named Istehar, however, she tricked him into revealing the Ineffable
Name of God. Istehar used the Ineffable Name to ascend, thereby escaping
violation by Shemhazai. God rewarded Istehar for her piousness and her chastity
by commemorating her as the seven-star constellation Pleides.
In Genesis 4:22, Naamah was a
daughter of Lamech and Zillah, and sister of Tubal-cain. She was a descendant
of Cain, a great granddaughter of the 6th generation, hence a
Cainite. In most sources concerning Naamah, she was known for her great beauty;
and according to the Haggada, her name means "Lovely" (Zohar
32 says that her name means "Gentleness"), though the name was used
for her skills in producing sweet sounds from the cymbals. And as I said she
was a Canite therefore she was an idol-worshiper. According to the Haggada,
Naamah was the opposite of Istehar, because the angel Shamdon had succeeded in a sexual union with Naamah. Naamah's offspring was Asmodeus, a demon, instead of
a giant (a Nephilim). Asmodeus appeared in the apocrypha Tobit. Asmodeus
was noted as the King of demons.
The catch is this, according to the
introduction of the Zohar, it was Naamah who first deceived and seduced
the angels, not the angels seducing Naamah. Zohar 3 mentioned the
angels, Aza and Azael, instead of Shamdon, they were victims of her beauty. She
became mother of unknown number of demons, but there was no mention of
Asmodeus. From this same chapter and passage of the Zohar, she was more
than just a mortal woman. She would wander through the night and sleep with any
man sleeping alone in the house during the waning of the moon, taking away
their strength, like a succubus. So Naamah, became a demoness. Some would say
that through her copulation with angels she became more.
Either way this version of events
says that the angels fell hopelessly in love or lust with the daughters of men.
In truth it seems very apparent that the first chosen women were mostly if not
all female descendants of Cain. Many biblical schools of thought
therefore prefer not to accept this version because of the fact that many of
the women chosen were Canite. The other more plausible version that some Jewish
scholars and many Christian scholars have put forward as an argument for this for
is that the “sons of God” referred to were the holy descendants of Seth, the
third son of Adam, who were greatly favoured by God as opposed to the descendants of Cain, who as we have already stated, was a cursed lineage either
because of the murder of his brother Able or because he was the offspring of
something other than Adam. The “daughters of men” would thus refer to the
female descendants of Cain. It is their argument that it was decreed by God
that no offspring from Seth’s line would intermingle with those of Cain’s
blood. Which they did, there by disobeying God, upsetting him greatly.
Augustine’s influence
on later interpretations is the greatest. As he placed his interpretation
within a broad theological context. Augustine's treatment occurs in The City
of God, in which he is tries to trace the origin, nature and development of
the two cities [the society of those who love God (Seth’s offspring) and the
society of those who love self (Cain’s offspring)]. This is significant,
because it fits his objective to view Genesis 6 as continuing the story of the
two cities which, according to Augustine, emerges in Genesis 4 and 5. He writes
of the passage, "By these two names [sons of God and daughters of men] the
two cities are sufficiently distinguished. For although the former were by
nature children of men, they had come into possession of another name by
grace.... When they [the godly race (Seth’s race)] were captivated by the
daughters of men (Cain’s female descendants), they adopted the manners of the
earthly to win them as their brides, and forsook the godly ways they had
followed in their own holy society."
This View fits in well with Genesis 4 and 5 and if taken in the light
that God discouraged those who worshiped him from intermarrying with those who
did not as Francis Schaeffer pointed out.
But whereas this is a very plausible argument, and there is no real flaw
in the logic, since the female descendants of Seth would not have been allowed to choose their own husbands, and even so, if Cain was more than human the reasoning for the angelic theory would still stand. so the dispute is this :
On linguistics alone one could argue that the phrase, used biblically, “the Son’s of God”
(bene elohim)is used only three other
times in the Testament, as indicated earlier-in Job 1:6; 2:1; and 38:7. In each
case it clearly means spirit beings (used in cases referring to the angels),
twice those fallen spirits who accompanied Satan in his periodic appearances
before the Lord in heaven are referred to as such.
A similar form of this phrase bar
elohim used in Daniel 3:25, of the
fourth figure Nebuchadnezzar saw when he looked into the burning furnace into
which Daniel's three friends had been thrown. In this case it probably refers
to a fallen angel or even a theophany, but the actual identity of the being
involved is not given. Nebuchadnezzar merely says, "The fourth looks like
a son of the gods."
And of course the second point in favour of the angel argument would be
Enoch 1, where it is written:
"And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in
those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters. And the angels,
the children of heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another:
'Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men and beget us
children.'They were in all two hundred[They] took unto themselves wives, and
each chose for himself one, and they began to go in unto them and to
defile themselves with them, and they taught them charms and enchantments....
And they became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three
thousand ells.... And there arose much godlessness, and they committed
fornication, and they were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways" (chs. 6-8).
The book continues by showing the judgment of God
against the fallen angels, in which they are bound up in prison in "the uttermost depths" of the earth.
Why would the teaching of city building, music and agriculture and possibly herbal lore be considered enchantments. Enchantments were clearly given as a reason for the disgust God felt for this union. If it had been about murder tainting blood then this reason would surely have been given.
I would never presume to say that the works of
Enoch are infallible (it is not a biblical book please keep this in mind), it
could be wrong in many places (indubitably it probably is) but it is note
worthy that the works of Enoch were know to Jude and Peter who in their oblique
references to the same subject, seem to put their stamp of approval on it, at
least in this matter.
Throughout various sections in Jude and Peter
both make numerous references to Enoch’s prophecies, in some cases directly
quoting him (as show above), so why would we not assume that in other sections when the sins of
Sodom and Gomorrah are compared to the punishment of the angels we would not
think of those who chose to take mortal women.
This is my third reason for the angelic theory.
So for the sake of this particular research point
let’s stick to the Angelic theory.
As we continue, I must point out the little piece
of information concerning two other prophecies said to be contained in the
pages of Genesis that provides further clues for the cause of the flood.
The two apparent prophesies contained in Genesis:
Remember the idea has always rested
with people that the serpent in the garden is Satan. Now with that in mind many
have additionally determined that Genesis 3:15 is a prophesy referring to a
very important person that the entire second half of the Bible is dedicated to,
Jesus. The prophecy is that he would crush the head of Satan’s seed. Evil, sin
and so forth with his ultimate death.
Jesus descended from a pure bloodline
of kings. The bible tells us that he was a descendant of kings but what most
people over look is that not only was he a descendant of kings but also a
direct descendant of Adam.
Therefore he would have to be
descended from either Cain or Seth, and since Cain had been cursed, and Able dead, and as a
result his offspring and descendants as well (will discuss later) (possibility that Cain was not completely human discussed here) he could not be born from
his descendants. So that left Seth only. Since, if we accept the angel’s
fornicating with humanity myth this would have posed a greater risk to the
birth of Jesus as he’s blood could not be tainted with the blood of the fallen
angels or Cain, depending of the version of events you choose.
this particular piece also as other implications which we will return to
there was a second decree or prophesy by God Genesis 4:13-17(Hebrew bible)
particular verse that is of most significance to us is verse 15:
and “Qayin [Acquired]” said to “YHWH [He exists]”, my iniquity is too
magnificent to lift up, 14 though you cast me out today from upon the
face of the ground and I will be hidden from your face and I will exist in the
land, staggering and nodding and it will come to pass all of the ones finding
me will kill me, 15 and “YHWH [He exists]” said to him, because of this,
all of the ones killing “Qayin [Acquired]” will be made avenged sevenfold and
“YHWH [He exists]” set in place to “Qayin [Acquired]” a sign for all of the
ones finding him to not hit him, 16 and “Qayin [Acquired]” went out from
before “YHWH [He exists]” and he settled in the land of “Nod [Wander]”,
eastward of “Eden [Pleasure]”, 17 and “Qayin [Acquired]” knew his woman
and she conceived and she brought forth “Hhanokh [Dedicated]” and he existed a
builder of a city and called out the title of the city “Hhanokh [Dedicated]”
like the title of his son,
text is consistent throughout most religious texts concerning the period after
Cain killed Abel were he is rebuked by God and banished. He, God, states that
no one will harm Cain or else he will likewise be cursed tenfold. Cain’s curse
was to last into the seventh generation and would then have ended after his
natural death. This also meant that if some one killed the cursed Cain then he
would take on his curse and thus be cursed into the seventieth generation.
for this all to make sense we now need to return to Enoch.
the list of, lets call then “Evil Watchers”, who were responsible for the
education of man were as follows:
most common associations found in various texts on medieval magic regarding the
Watchers are as follows)
taught the signs of the earth.
taught the resolving of enchantments.
taught the making of weapons of war.
taught astrology.
taught the knowledge of the clouds.
taught the art of cosmetics.
taught the mystery of the Stars.
taught writing.
taught the knowledge of the Moon.
taught Herbal enchantments.
taught the signs of the Sun.
“evil watchers” fell in love and had children with women, but for some reason
it does not seem to have just been women but it extended to animals as well.
to biblical texts about the Canite people, both men and women alike went
around naked having sex with who ever and whatever they felt like. But Historically
this cannot be proven, actually the exact opposite has been proven from the Ugaritic
texts which were found and translated. It seemed that the Canaanites had very
strict ideas on sex, fidelity and incest. Scholars have now postulated that the
view taken by ancient peoples as well as those who translated biblical texts
took the view that due to the Canaanites being “Idol Worshipers”, and here Idol does not mean they worshiped statues, they believed
in more than one god, they practiced Polyeism; they “prostituted” themselves so to speak. Therefore if
they prostituted themselves spiritually it stood to reason that they
prostituted themselves physically. And that sexual depredation took place. Even
more so if they were in fact the “seed” of Cain, they had to be depraved. So
saying that the angels were seduced by the naked bodies of the women as some
biblical texts suggests would not be correct, neither would it be if they were descendants of Seth. Let us rather then assume that,
angels as well as God have no sense of time; given the fact that the angels
appeared to live among humanity for sometime that they simply developed
emotional attachments to females. Also if we take the view that it was the
children of Seth who began mingling with the Canaanites that it was to possibly
extend their land and wealth as well as possibly falling in love.
Some of the texts also
indicated that because the angels were able to take any form that they pleased
their carnal indulgence were not confined to female humans but men as well as
all manor of other creatures.
during the time of Jared, Enoch’s father, the “evil watchers” were already on
earth, and had been for some time, we are told via biblical texts that Jared
was 162 when Enoch was born. It seems that Enoch fearing, possibly for his
“purity” hid and lived in a cave once he had gained puberty.
So we need more back
ground on Enoch, well according to the Book
of Jubilees we find similar events as found in the rabbinical legends found
in the Haggada. In the Book of Jubilees, Enoch was the son of
Jared and Bâraka, daughter of Râsûujâl. His wife was Ednî, daughter of Danel,
and Enoch became the father of Methuselah. Unlike the Genesis, the Book of
Jubilees have given us names of mothers, wives and sometimes daughters of
the patriarchs.
Enoch was inventor of writing and known for his
wisdom. He also wrote the signs of heaven (astrology).
There are two works that are known as the Book of
Enoch, which were believed to be ascribed to the patriarch himself. The
Second Enoch contained mostly the narrative about Enoch, particularly his visit
to heaven. The First Enoch contained various visions, astrology and wisdom. It
is from the Enoch 1 which contains the section known as the Book of Watchers
(chapters 1-36) in which information can be found regarding to fallen angels
and the giants, which was one of causes of the great flood.
Enoch's son, was married to Ednâ, daughter of Âzrîâl, basically he married his
cousin. Just for interest sake)
Enoch became such a learned man, and it seems that he was able to interpret signs, he was gifted with the sight and dream interpretation, one of the earliest mentions of these gifts, he was given the role as God’s scribe according to numerous
sacred texts.
So as events transpired:
Genesis 6:1-5
And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the
earth, and daughters were born unto them,
That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they
took them wives of all which they chose.
And the LORD said, "My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that
he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years."
There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the
sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them,
the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every
imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Enoch 1
“And they
conceived from them and bore to them great giants.
And the giants
begot Nephilim, and to the Nephilim were
born †Elioud†. And
they were growing in accordance with
their greatness.”
Once again we are referencing the "giants in the earth" and separately there are references to their deeds, "the same became mighty men which were of old, mean of renown". One cannot say that the word "giant" here is with reference to they types of people they were to become as that is clearly done later in the passage to sound reasoning would be their large stature.
The offspring of the angels with
their human women where given many names according to tribes
Nephilim/ Rephaim/ Anakim/ Luzim/
Emim. They were also referred to as the men of old, men of great renown.
offspring, four different races:
THE ANNAKIM (they would weigh
chains until earth’s core could not support them.)
THE REPHAIM (Your heart will melt
in their presence)
THE ZAMZOUMIM (Achievers, Their
necks would obscure the sun.)
THE EMMIM (Terrifying ones)
THE GIBBORIM (The strong ones, the giants, the ancient heroes)
Zeus seducing Leda |
If we look at mythology the world
over there are stories in every civilisation and culture of super-humans, of
giant nations that warred on nations. The feats they performed were
spectacular, even taking into account Greek myths about Heracles alone. Also in
these myths the gods, Zeus especially, often took the form of an animal and
there by seduced the women of their choice.
It is said that the NEPHILIM
introduced zoophilia on earth; and broke down the natural order of things."The viper would mingle with
the lion, and the vulture with the dog, and man with nephilim, nephilim with
animals etc.....
Enoch 1
“They were devouring the labor
of all the sons of men,
men were not able
to supply them. 4/ And the giants began
to kill men and to
devour them. 5/ And they began to sin
against the birds
and beasts and creeping things and the fish,
and to devour one
another’s flesh. And they drank the blood.
6 Then the earth
brought accusation against the lawless ones.”
What was happening on earth was
that because of the offspring of the angels being born according to sacred
texts was not a pretty sight. Their unions were creating some of the most
fearsome creatures. This could be a possibility again if we look at myths
concerning Pegasus, gryphons and various others (just thinking out loud here).
The Nephilim had an appetite to
match their size, the consumed vast quantities of animals and crops and in some
cases when that was not enough they turned on humanity themselves. There are
even sections of sacred texts that referrers to fact that some people turned to
cannibalism because there was nothing else to eat. The worship of idols had increased
and basically they world was dying as strange animals roamed the earth.
God therefore warned them that He would set loose the Upper
Waters, and thus destroy all men and beasts. Shemhaza wept bitterly,
fearing for his sons who, though tall enough to escape drowning, would starve
to death.
And as for the Nephilim, when there
where not enough animals to consume they consumed human flesh and blood. I
haven’t found enough evidence or notations confirming this particular event,
only Enoch is our guide here, to be able to say that it was a high
possibility. Yet I suppose that it would be possible as they were physically
superior to the human race.
It is also clear from Enoch 1 that
The Gregori took wives; it was not simply about fornication and lust, as they
loved their wives and children enough to teach them the secrets of the
Also it would appear that these
women who had birthed these amazing creatures did survive the birth of these
children. So my theory is that when these children where born they probably
appeared, for the most part, as normal babies and then later developed in size
and or ability.
Reasoning would be simple as we see
today that genetic abnormality is usually only apparent after children are
born, giantism, extra appendages including blood disorders.
It also appears that God made more
than one effort to rid the world of the children of his angels seen here in the
extract from 1 Enoch:
“To Raphael he
“Go, Raphael, and
bind Asael hand and foot, and cast himinto the darkness;And make an
opening in the wilderness that is inDoudael.b5 Throw him there,
and lay beneath himsharp and jaggedstones.And cover him with
darkness, and let him dwell there foran exceedingly
long time.Cover up his face,
and let him not see the light.6 And on the day
of the great judgment, he will be led awayto the burning
conflagration.7 And heal the
earth, which the watchers have desolated;and announce the
healing of the earth, that the plaguemay be healed,and all the sons
of men may not perish because of themystery that the
watchers told and taught their sons.8 And all the
earth was made desolate by the deeds of theteaching of Asael,and over him write
all the sins.And to Gabriel he
said,“Go, Gabriel, to
the bastards, to the half-breeds, to the sonsof miscegenation;and destroy the
sons of the watchers from among the sonsof men;send them against
one another in a war of destruction.Length of days
they will not have;10 and no petition
will be (granted) to their fathers in theirbehalf, that they
should expect to live an everlasting life, nor eventhat each of them
should live five hundred years.And to Michael he
said,“Go, Michael, bind
Shemihazah and the others with him, whohave mated with
the daughters of men, so that they weredefiled by them in
their uncleanness.12 And when their
sons perish and they see the destruction oftheir beloved
ones, bind them for seventy generations inthe valleys of the
earth, until the day of their judgment…”
Good sends his most trusted
Archangels to deal with their wayward brothers, giving very specific instruction
of how they should be dealt with.
The Book of Giants retells part of this story and elaborates on the
exploits of the giants, especially the two children of Shemihaza, Ohya and
Hahya. Since no complete
manuscript exists of Giants, its exact
contents and their order remain a matter of guesswork.
The giants begin to be troubled by a series of dreams and visions.
Mahway, the titan son of the angel Barakel, reports the first of these dreams
to his fellow giants. He sees a tablet being immersed in water. When it
emerges, all but three names have been washed away. The dream evidently
symbolizes the destruction of all but Noah and his sons by the Flood.
He goes to the other giants and explains to them about his troubling dream
Book of Giants Reconstruction
4Q530 Frag.7 [ . . . this vision] is for cursing and
sorrow. I am the one who confessed 2[ . . . ] the whole group of the castaways
that I shall go to [ . . . ] 3[ . . . the spirits of the sl]ain complaining
about their killers and crying out 4[ . . . ] that we shall die together and be
made an end of [ . . . ] much and I will be sleeping, and bread 6[ . . . ] for
my dwelling; the vision and also [ . . . ] entered into the gathering of the
giants 8[ . . . ]
6Q8 [ . . . ] Ohya and he said to Mahway [ . .
. ] 2[ . . . ] without trembling. Who showed you all this vision, [my] brother?
3[ . . . ] Barakel, my father, was with me. 4[ . . . ] Before Mahway had
finished telling what [he had seen . . . ] 5[ . . . said] to him, Now I have
heard wonders! If a barren woman gives birth [ . . . ]
4Q530 Frag. 4 3[There]upon Ohya said to Ha[hya . . . ]
4[ . . . to be destroyed] from upon the earth and [ . . . ] 5[ . . . the
ea]rth. When 6[ . . . ] they wept before [the giants . . . ]
4Q530 Frag. 7 3[ . . . ] your strength [ . . . ] 4[ . .
. ] 5Thereupon Ohya [said] to Hahya [ . . . ] Then he answered, It is not for
6us, but for Azaiel, for he did [ . . . the children of] angels 7are the
giants, and they would not let all their poved ones] be neglected [. . . we
have] not been cast down; you have strength [ . . . ]
The giants realize the futility of fighting against the forces of
heaven. The first speaker may be Gilgamesh.
4Q531 Frag. 1 3[ . . . I am a] giant, and by the mighty
strength of my arm and my own great strength 4[ . . . any]one mortal, and I
have made war against them; but I am not [ . . . ] able to stand against them,
for my opponents 6[ . . . ] reside in [Heav]en, and they dwell in the holy
places. And not 7[ . . . they] are stronger than I. 8[ . . . ] of the wild
beast has come, and the wild man they call [me].
9[ . . . ] Then Ohya said to him, I have been forced to have a
dream [ . . . ] the sleep of my eyes [vanished], to let me see a vision. Now I
know that on [ . . . ] 11-12[ . . . ] Gilgamesh [ . . . ]
Ohya's dream vision is of a tree that is uprooted except for three of
its roots; the vision's import is the same as that of the first dream.
tries to avoid the implication for the dreams stating that it referred only to
Azazel; he suggests that the destruction is only for the earthly rulers.
Giants are afflicted by more dreams, the meaning of which are obscure.
Thereupon two of them had dreams 4 and the sleep of their eye,
fled from them, and they arose and came to [ . . . and told] their dreams, and
said in the assembly of [their comrades] the monsters 6[ . . . In] my dream I
was watching this very night 7[and there was a garden . . . ] gardeners and
they were watering 8[ . . . two hundred trees and] large shoots came out of
their root 9[ . . . ] all the water, and the fire burned all 10[the garden . .
. ] They found the giants to tell them 11[the dream . . . ]
Someone suggests that Enoch be found to interpret the vision.
[ . . . to Enoch] the noted scribe, and he will interpret for us
12the dream. Thereupon his fellow Ohya declared and said to the giants, 13I too
had a dream this night, O giants, and, behold, the Ruler of Heaven came down to
earth 14[ . . . ] and such is the end of the dream. [Thereupon] all th e giants
[and monsters! grew afraid 15and called Mahway. He came to them and the giants
pleaded with him and sent him to Enoch 16[the noted scribe]. They said to him,
Go [ . . . ] to you that 17[ . . . ] you have heard his voice. And he said to
him, He wil1 [ . . . and] interpret the dreams [ . . . ] Col. 3 3[ . . . ] how long the giants have to
live. [ . . . ]
In the legible parts of the Book of Watchers, Enoch is
sought out in his cave, and taken to the others to interpret the dream. He
informs them of the impending death of their children. And it would appear that
he is entreated by them to plead on their behalf.
4Q530 Frag. 2 The scribe [Enoch . . . ] 2[ . . . ] 3a
copy of the second tablet that [Epoch] se[nt . . . ] 4in the very handwriting
of Enoch the noted scribe [ . . . In the name of God the great] 5and holy one,
to Shemihaza and all [his companions . . . ] 61et it be known to you that not [
. . . ] 7and the things you have done, and that your wives [ . . . ] 8they and
their sons and the wives of [their sons . . . ] 9by your licentiousness on the
earth, and there has been upon you [ . . . and the land is crying out] 10and
complaining about you and the deeds of your children [ . . . ] 11the harm that
you have done to it. [ . . . ] 12until Raphael arrives, behold, destruction [is
coming, a great flood, and it will destroy all living things] 13and whatever is
in the deserts and the seas. And the meaning of the matter [ . . . ] 14upon you
for evil. But now, loosen the bonds bi[nding you to evil . . . ] l5and pray.
A fragment apparently detailing a vision that Enoch saw.
4Q531 Frag. 7 3[ . . . great fear] seized me and I fell
on my face; I heard his voice [ . . . ] 4[ . . . ] he dwelt among human beings
but he did not learn from them [ . . . ]
These are what would be assumed to be from the view point of the
Gregori and their children.
It would also appear that God sent warning to the Gregori a number
of times through Enoch. He first sends Enoch to tell the Gregori that because
they took human women as wives and left their heavenly sanctuary they would
have neither peace nor forgiveness and concerning the sons that they took such
great pride they would watch them slaughtered and on their fate would they
lament and petition but they would have no mercy or peace.
When the Gregori are told their fate and that of their offspring
they ask that Enoch writes a petition on their behalf and recite it in God’s
Enoch does this and recites until he falls asleep and in a dream
is told to reprimand the Gregori. He goes to them and informs them that they
will never be allowed to enter heaven again but will be bound in chains in the
earth. He tells them about his dream in which he is shown a vision of heaven
and that :
The Lord spoke: "Have no fear, Enoch, good man and scribe of
goodness. Come hear my voice. Go speak to the Watchers of Heaven, who have sent
you to intercede for them. Tell them, You should intercede for men, and not men
for you. Why did you leave lofty, holy Heaven to sleep with women and, to
defile yourselves with the daughters of men and take them as your wives, and
like the children of the earth to beget sons, in your case giants? Though you
were holy and spiritual, living the eternal life, you defile yourself with the
blood of women, you begot children with the blood of flesh, and like the others
you have lusted after flesh and blood as do those who perish. Because they
perish I gave them wives so they might impregnate them, have children, and
nothing be lacking on the earth. But you were spiritual and immortal for all
generations of the world. So I gave you no wives, for Heaven is your proper
dwelling place."
God explains through Enoch that
because the angels are eternal he did not give them female partners because
there was no need for them to have children as there was for human man as he
was not eternal. God also passes judgment on the
souls of the Gregori’s children saying that because they are born from humans
they spirits will be bound to the earth and called evil and because their
origin is of holy watcher.
The fate of the women chosen as
wives by the Gregori is also stated by Uriel, that they would become sirens…
This is very important to keep in
mind. As we have already stated that Naamah great granddaughter to Cain seduced
two of the angels, thus became more than human, turning into an incubus which is another word for siren; a lure of men or seducer. Also I feel compelled to note here
that Noah had two wives, one of whom also bore the name Naamah…
So now we come the finale to Enoch’s
role in our tale of the watchers.
The Book of Secrets of Enoch
Two angels, Samuil and Raguil, woke
him, and escorted him to heaven. He was able to see each of the seven heavens
and the angels who dwelled there, all the way up the throne of God in the 10th
heaven. He also met the archangel, Gabriel and Michael.
Enoch was to be the scribe of God.
From the book of heaven, Enoch copied down everything, filling 366 books about
everything that happened in heaven and on earth. Enoch was said to have given
these books to his sons.
5 And when I was asleep, great distress came
up into my heart, and I was weeping with my eyes in sleep, and I could not understand what this distress was, or
what would happen to me.
6 And there appeared to me two men, exceeding big,
so that I never saw such on earth; their faces were shining like the sun, their
eyes too (were) like a burning light, and from their lips
was fire coming forth with clothing and singing of various kinds in appearance
purple, their wings (were )brighter than gold, their hands
whiter than snow.
8 And I arose from my sleep and saw clearly
those two men standing in front of me.
9 And I saluted them and was seized with
fear and the appearance of my face was changed from terror, and those men said
to me:
10 Have courage, Enoch,
do not fear; the eternal God sent us to you, and lo! You
shalt to-day ascend with us into heaven, and you shall
tell your sons and all your household all that they shall do without you on
earth in your house, and let no one seek you till the Lord return you to them.
Enoch was shown the seven levels of heaven by these angels
1 They brought before my face the elders and
rulers of the stellar orders, and showed me two hundred angels, who rule the stars and (their) services to the heavens, and fly with
their wings and come round all those who sail.
The angels at God’s command showed Enoch, still fully human and alive,
every corner of the heavens that god had created and took him into the seventh
heaven where he was left with Gabriel. And God has Michael take Enoch out of
his “earthly garments” and anointed. God then proceeds to explain to Enoch
about how he created everything including the angels and it would appear that
there was nothing not at all until God decided to start making things, so to
speak. As He explains to Enoch that he created the angels and put them in rank
then he proceeded to create the earth.
There is a very interesting extract where a disobedient angel is
refereed to:
1 And
for all the heavenly troops I imaged the image and essence of fire, and my eye
looked at the very hard, firm rock, and from the gleam of my eye the lightning
received its wonderful nature, (which) is
both fire in water and water in fire, and one does not put out the other, nor
does the one dry up the other, therefore the lightning is brighter than the
sun, softer than water and firmer than hard rock.
2 And
from the rock I cut off a great fire, and from the fire I created the orders of
the incorporeal ten troops of angels, and their weapons are
fiery and their raiment a burning flame, and I commanded that each one should
stand in his order.
3 And
one from out the order of angels,
having turned away with the order that was under him, conceived an impossible
thought, to place his throne higher than the clouds above the earth, that he
might become equal in rank to my power.
4 And
I threw him out from the height with his angels, and he was flying in
the air continuously above the bottomless.
This if I am not mistake seems to referrer to the uprising of Satan.
Now while God spoke Enoch wrote, he wrote down all that God had
told him, then God sent Enoch home and told him that in 30 days the angels would
return to fetch him. He names Enoch his intercessor, this would mean that God
had asked Enoch to make one last effort by using the books he had written to
get people to change their ways. As he would be destroying the world by flood.
He does provide Enoch with a reason, stating that all the humans he created
from Adam right down the line had betrayed him and no longer worshiped him
as they once did.
Enoch had 30 days to explain and teach his children and those who
were willing to listen about everything he had written down. And then the
Angels came for him. He was over 300 years old.
Metatron (meaning: One who
occupies the Throne next to the
Throne of the Most High) |
So now it is clear that Enoch did not die. The word Translated meant Enoch
became an ascended being; an angel. The Genesis' passage only referred to Enoch
being taken.
other religious scripts Enoch is given the privilege of being the only human
being to be transformed into the angle Metatron.
It is
interesting to note that in the early stellar cults of Mesopotamia there were
four "royal" Stars (known as Lords) which were called the Watchers.
Each one of these stars "ruled" over one of the four cardinal points
common to Astrology. This particular system would date from approximately 3000
BC. The star Aldebaran, when it marked the Vernal Equinox, held the position of
Watcher of the East. Regulus, marking the Summer Solstice, was Watcher of the
South. Antares, marking the Autumn Equinox, was Watcher of the West. Fomalhaut,
marking the Winter Solstice, was Watcher of the North. In the star myths the
Watchers themselves were depicted as gods who guarded the Heavens and the
Earth. Their nature, as well as their "rank", was altered by the
successive lunar and solar cults that replaced the older stellar cults.
Eventually the Greeks reduced the Watchers to the gods of the four winds.
mystical Hebrew sects organized the Watchers into an Archangel hierarchy.
According to this system the Watchers were ruled over by four great Watchers
known as Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Auriel. In the Old Testament (Daniel 4:
13 17) there is reference made to the Irin, or Watchers, which appear to be an
order of angels. In early Hebrew lore the Irin were a high order of angels that
sat on the supreme Judgment Council of the Heavenly Court.
- Micheal is to the South - Fire
- Gabriel is to the West - Water
- Auriel/Uriel is to the North - Earth
- Raphael is to the East - Air
So there have always been Watchers, guardians.
Just for interest sake, when one researches the meaning of the word Nephilim
the result that one finds is that it means Giant, I found an interesting
article by Michael S. Heiser on the various ways the word is written in Hebrew.
He states that there is some debate that the meaning of Nephilim is “the
fallen”, “those who fall” or “those who fall upon”. In this article he provides
a full linguistic argument for why it is not possible as well as it meaning
Giant here is the link
and is quite an interesting read. He also states the correct pronunciation for
the various means of spellings from Hebrew to English.
Now for the part I have been itching to get to, I love a controversy.
The flood story itself presents many problems to some people especially when
it comes to the number of animals, their size, the amount of people aboard as
well as what they lived off of if they were on board for a period of time.
It was supposed to have been made from Gopher wood, had
three stories and compartments, the dimension where 450 (137m) x 75 x 45 feet.
Acclaimed underwater archaeologist Robert
Ballard claimed his team of researchers have uncovered evidence that suggests
The Great Flood described in the Bible
was actually based on real events, meaning there is proof that it did occur. Mr Ballard told how he
investigated a controversial theory proposed by two scientists from Columbia
University that there was a massive flood in the Black Sea region. The
flood waters rained down from above and came up through underground springs.
That would for account for the quick rise of the waters.
In an interview with ABC News, he said
around 12,000 years ago much of the world was covered in ice and the Black Sea
had been a freshwater lake surrounded by farmland. But when the
glaciers began to melt during a
warming period in the cycle of the Earth's temperature around 5600BC water
rushed toward the world's oceans, Mr Ballard said. This, he claimed, caused floods all around the world and water
cascaded through Turkey’s Straits of Bosporus towards the Black Sea.
His research follows a 1997 study by William Ryan and Walter Pitman who,
drawing on archaeological and anthropological evidence, claimed that 'ten cubic
miles of water poured through each day', and that the deluge continued for at
least 300 days.
More than 60,000 square miles of land were flooded, they said, and
the lake's level rose by hundreds of feet after merging with the Mediterranean,
triggering mass animal migrations across Europe. According to their study, the force of the water was two hundred
times that of Niagara Falls, sweeping away everything in its path. It also
transformed the Black Sea from an isolated freshwater lake surrounded by
farmland into a saltwater inlet. The researchers, whose findings have been backed up by carbon dating and sonar imaging,
claimed that the story of Noah's flood had its origin in this cataclysmic
The team found an ancient shoreline which Mr Ballard believes is
proof such an event did take place. He believes that, by using carbon dating shells found along the
shoreline four hundred feet below
the surface, it took place around 5,000 BC. 'It probably was a bad day,' he said. 'At some magic moment, it
broke through and flooded this place violently, and a lot of real estate,
150,000 square kilometers of land, went under.'
The proof of a single all in one world wide flood as many of us believe is not there. The possibility is higher that it was confined to too a specific area, but as we have seen
from modern day natural disasters such as a tsunami, the world wide effect
would have been there, so just about everything living could have been affect, some places there would have been massive waves and as well as floods some not as devastating but still badly enough that people and animals would have died. There are also flood myths from all around the world so this would tie in to this idea. That there where more people that were either given instructions on how to survive like Noah, somehow managed to or that it was Noah's son's descendants that passed the story down through the generations as they repopulated the world. Also no one said that the animals that Noah took onto
the ark had to be fully grown. We simply assume that they were.
Possible height of flood waters |
Although the team found an ancient shipwreck and pottery it was
not the Ark, they not believe that they will ever find it.
(There is a working replica of the Ark built by Johan
Huibers in Schagen, the Netherlands,just in case anyone any one wonders if the ark would float, not built from gopher wood.)
The dating provided would more or less fall in line with biblical
time period the flood lasted; plus-minus 1 year 10 days. As the flood started
when Noah was 600 years old and he lived for another 350 years after the flood.
So if we calculate further, if Noah was 480 years old when given the order to
begin building it would have taken him about 120 years to finish. There also does not seem to be any proof of a Gopher Tree, some have pointed out it is possibly a mistranslation of Kopher (covering or pitch) by a careless scribe. No Hebrew expert knows for sure what gopher wood
is in modern terminology. In fact, gopher is barely a Hebrew word at all,
looking very much like a foreign word included in the text. The gopher tree interpretation could be
explained by flora re-distribution (or ark transport) due to the flood. Since
the word is obscure, perhaps the tree was no longer identified after the flood,
causing it to disappear from normal use.
Somehow everyone assumes that Noah’s sons helped him build the
ark, or that he had help straight from the get go. Here’s some news for you,
Noah’s first son was born when he between age +- 450 and 500 years old. There are discrepancies in
time period in the bible yes, but we must also keep in mind that it could be
that two different types of calendars where used. Remember that God shortened
the life span of man to 120 years so it is possible that the form of the
calendar changed. But the fact remains that his first son appears to have been
born as Noah began building. So it stand to
reason that they would only have begun to help him much later possibly at the
age of may 5 or 6 in small ways, the type of work would have increased as they
grew older. (See link here for possible
There is also the possibility that Noah had more than just 3 sons.
Verses from Moses posses this possibility as they state that before the flood
Noah’s granddaughters married evil men. So it is possible that he had more
children that did not survive to the start of the flood. Although it says that
“all” of Noah’s descendants where saved I have some theories why it is not
possible, if there had been other sons or daughters and grandchildren other than the 3 sons
named, if these children did not survive they might not have been recorded as
they would not have entered the ark, and even if they had children or grandchild who were alive but had married those who God had deemed as sinners; who had not adhered to the
laws he set forth, as scripture stated that only the righteous would be saved, would they have been allowed on the ark? Also they might not have believed their grandfather either. But it is a high possibility that these
descendants might not have survived until the time of the flood itself.
It is apparent that record keepers tried to keep
things as short and in order as possible, naming only those males well known.
Either way it is these three sons that are mentioned. So the first prophesy for
the possibility of Jesus’ birth had come to pass. The line of Noah was pure so
that the birth of a king could take place untainted. As from the biblical record we do have Noah had no daughters that entered the ark, and it is unusual in it self as it would have made it easier to be sure the line was free from any taint if they had sisters that they could marry. But, the possibility is that if there was a daughter, she could have been tainted before she entered the ark.
To date the oldest historical record of a deluge that caused the destruction of man comes from the Babylonian culture. It was included in the Gilgamesh story and the seven tablets, and written some time around 2800 BCE. According to the tablets found there are two differing tales that describe two similar deluges.One legend carved into a clay tablet found in the Library at Nebo in Nineveh and was inscribed around about 2800-2700 BCE. Uta-Napishtim tells Gilgamesh the tale about a city on the river bank of the river we now know as the Euphrates where the gods lived. The gods wanted to create a storm but Ea wanted to save the life of Uta-Napishtim and told him to break down his house and build a boat so that he would survive. He was told to take his family and every kind of grain onto the boat but to leave all his wealth and possessions. When the time came Uta-Napishtim loaded not just his family and grain but his wealth as well as live stock, friends and all the work men who had helped construct the boat. the storm lasted for seven days after which the boat got stuck on a mount. He then does exactly as another man is supposed to have; he releases birds, first a dove, which returns, a swallow and finally a raven which does not. Sound too familiar?
So the first prophecy has been ensured. But what about the second?
The second prophecy that Cain’s curse would last until his
natural death, yet remember Cain did not die naturally. Let me remind you Lamech
accidentally murdered not only his son – Tubal Cain but his Great Grandsire,
Cain, what happened to the curse if Lamech and Tubal Cain where the last male
descendants of Cain’s lineage?
Well let me turn your attention to the Book of Moses
Chapter 8
12 And Noah was four hundred and fifty years old, andabegat Japheth; and forty-two years afterward he begat Shem of her who was the mother of Japheth,
and when he was five hundred years old he begat Ham.
This would allude to more than one woman, more than one mother and wife. But who is she?
The fact of the matter is that if
Noah’s 3 sons had the same mother the Book of Moses would not have noted that
Shem was born from the same mother as Japheth and stated that later on Ham was
born. It would have been simpler to state that the first to were born and his age when the youngest came along. This wording seems deliberate so as to imply that only two of the children shared the same mother.
In fact the wife of Noah is mentioned five times
in the flood story ( Gen. 6:18, 7:7, 7:13, 8:16, 8:18) though she lacks any personal identity, this is another strange thing.
It is the The Midrash in Bereshit Rabba
23:3 and the eleventh
century Jewish commentator Rashi which maintains that Noah’s second
wife was Naamah the sister of Jubal Cain descendant of Cain :
"And the sister of Tuval Kain was
Na'amah" (Gen. 4:22). Rabbi Abba bar Kahanah said: Na'amah was the wife of
Noah, and why was she called Na'amah (pleasant one)? Since her deeds were
pleasing , and our rabbis said: There was another Na'amah, and why did they
call her Na'amah? She played melodies on the drum to accompany idolatry".
The argument has been put forth that there
are two Naamah’s and that they were to very distinct women. One being
completely evil and depraved because she was the seed of Cain while the other
was a totally righteaous woman. Maintaining that Naamah Tabul Cain’s sister was
the one to seduce the angels while Naamah, the daughter of Enoch was Noah’s wife, and she was righteous. In fact there are
only two Naamah’s mentioned in biblical text; Naamah the youngest daughter to
Lemach and Zillah and Naamah wife of Solomon, mother to Rehoboam.
The Sethite “
Naamah” is only mentioned in the Book of Jasher.
Naamah the woman
that she was represents a great mystery as no one seems to agree who she was
exactly. Yet every Naamah seems to have two things in common, they describe her
as the most beautiful woman and their talent for music was great. Yet it is the
descendants of Cain who are said to have created instruments and music.
Something else that would bother anyone is
the fact that if Cain’s line died with Lamech and Tabul Cain what would become
of the prophecy that stated that whomever killed Cain would be cursed into the
seventieth generation? Would God simply forget a curse that he had specifically
placed on someone? If so then why would anyone take the entire bible seriously
if God did not carry through on prophecies?
So this does cause a few problems for us doesn't it.
If we take the Sethite Naamah as Noah’s
wife, keeping in mind that if she is the daughter of Enoch that would make her
Noah’s great aunt, she could not have been a daughter to Methuselah as Noah chose wives for his son's from Methuselah's daughters, well, they would have been granddaughters. And although all of Adam’s descendants only started having
children after the age of 200 Noah was by far much older when he had his last son by his second wife. So she would have been a great deal older than he
was, as the book of Jasher does state, Noah's wife by calculation was 82 years older than he was. But if she had been Enoch's direct daughter she would have been a lot older. This makes no sense as the common practice seemed to have been to marry
half-sisters, sisters and cousins. The possibility is that she was related to
Enoch descendant of Cain. In early languages, the words son and daughter could be used
to refer not only to one's child, but to one's descendants. There is therefore
no reason to suppose these accounts to be in conflict. Naamah is mentioned in
Genesis 4:22 as the sister of Tubal-Cain, descendant of Cain through Enoch and
Lamech. So since the Book of Jasher chapter 5 simply states that he took Naamah daughter of Enoch not daughter of Enoch son of Jared so that Cain's son would be easily ruled out. Although record keepers do seem to try and make things simpler, they where usually a bit more specific. As I
said before the genealogy of names between Seth’s offspring and that of Cain
are to close to be ignored. Also Lamech's two wives, as they were sister's, after Lamech killed Cain took there remaining children and went home to their father's house. The text from Jasher chaper 2 Clearly states that Zillah's womb was opened by God on both occasions so that she could become pregnant with both Tabul Cain as well as Naamah. So these where blessed births, which means that Naamah was not necessarily raised in opposition to God's teaching. So Noah thus taking Naamah, descendant of Cain would
have insured that the curse of Cain would continue as was foretold. It is very
important to note that the other women who are mentioned in the Genesis account
are mentioned only as mothers (and even these are omitted in many cases), and
daughters and sisters are not mentioned except when they are relevant to the
story (i.e. we know of Dinah the sister of the twelve sons of Israel only
because of her rape and the subsequent sack of Sechem), so that it also why I noted it is strange that Noah's wife's name is not mentioned at all in the bible, and the isolated mention of
Naamah as a sister without mentioning her husband, her posterity, or her
involvement in any episode is highly unusual. It seems likely that accounts of
her role were sufficiently well known among the early Hebrews that the Genesis
author did not feel the need to repeat it, just as one would not need to explain
the relationship of a great aunt. If this was
not the cause why was this one woman singled out so specifically.
Once again we return to the idea of
the curse of Cain, as stated it has been said that it was either a marking of
colour or something like a protuberance, i.e. a horn. Moses 7:8; 7:22
specifically mention colour.
"There was a
blackness came upon all the children of Canaan".
seed of Cain were black"
son was named Ham, actually the correct spelling is Cham but appears in the
English spelling with an H. This name Ham is identical to the adjective (ham) warm, hot, from the verb (hamam) meaning be hot, warm, inflame. And when
spelled with a C, the Hebrew meaning is still hot.
have alluded that he was therefore named according to the colour of his skin.
Ham’s male descendants where Cush, Mizraim, Phut, and
Cush is a region usually
associated or equated with Ethiopia, but more accurate is Nubia, the region
south of Egypt
Mizraim, this
name is also the common name for Egypt.
Canaan the name surely has to
do with the Hebrew verb kana (1001) meaning be humbled, subdued, low.
About this verb, HAW Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament states,
"It denoted bringing a proud and recalcitrant people or spirit into
subjection." It
also emphasises the fact that due to his father, Ham’s, sin he became
subjugated to his uncles.
(A side note that I just
have to put in, why was Canaan cursed, well, scripture states that when Noah
became drunk from drinking from the wine he had made, His son Ham saw his father
nakedness while Noah was asleep, the Genesis text is not as clear as it might be
in this section of Scripture and some commentators have suggested a different
explanation, that being sexual in nature. One of
the suggestions is that Noah's wife was the victim of incestuous
behaviour,[other’s say that it might have been Noah himself]. In other words,
this would make the phrase 'the nakedness of Noah,' to
be a reference to Noah's wife rather than to Noah himself, and 'to uncover Noah's
nakedness' would
be to have illicit sexual relations with his wife. If this is so, it might
explain more. For example, some scholars now suggest that such incestuous acts
were often all about inner-family power struggles and it was usually an
ambitious son who attempted to sexually compromise his mother! And Canaan was
cursed either because he was the result of the union or because he was Ham’s
favourite. But also keep in mind incest was not outlawed yet until Moses’ time.)
It has been thus
postulated that the first two reasons shows that the son’s of Ham having
received the curse of Cain where darker of complexion than others of their
According to the Book of
Abraham, a Latter Day Saint’s scripture, Ham had a daughter who was named
Egyptus, named for her mother, and she discovered the land of Egypt, which is
thus named after her. She settled in this land with her son, of which her
oldest was named Pharaoh, suggesting that Ham’s family was very different from
others. It was never heard of a woman ever discovering or naming anything, her
husband is never mentioned. (Keep in mind though the Book
of Abraham was written round about 1835 it was written by Joseph Smith, Egyptologists
do not agree with the translation)
The problem is that although the bible
mentions that the wives of Noah and his sons entered the ark with them, not
only does it not give Noah’s wife’s name but neither does it give the names of
the daughter’s in-law.
This has led many people to speculate
where these women came from. Up until this point we have been able to trace
most of the wives of those who played significant roles. The bible easily gave
up their names and on occasion their ancestry. If not you can usually find it
with some searching. Also it is easy to determine that most wives where related
to their husbands in some way as the names are carried through the generations.
Yet in this case not a
word. The Book of Jubilee’s give the names of the son’s wives, Shem’s (or
Sem’s) wife was Sedegetelebab (or Zedkat Nabu), Ham’s (or Cham’s) wife
Naeltameuk (or Nahalath Mahnuk), and Japeth’s (or Japheth’s) wife was named
Adataneses (or Arathka).
According the Patriarch
Eutychius of Alexandria, writing in Arabic, that the three wives of Noah’s sons
where all daughters of Methuselah, meaning that they were descended from him.
Yet I cannot find more evidence to
corroborate this, the only two wives’ parentage I can confirm is that of Adataneses and
Sedegetelebab (according to site an ancestry. com). Adataneses and Sedegetelebab were both the daughter of Eliakim who was the son of Methuselah. For
those who don’t know, Methuselah was Noah’s grandfather so Shem and Japheth
married sisters who were also their cousins. This keeps in line with what we have become familiar within the same family intermarrying to keep the bloodline clean. Yet Ham is simply
mentioned as marrying Naeltameuk, her parentage is not mentioned at all. So
if she was a daughter of Methuselah there does not seem to be a confirming
record of this. This might be the reason why the bible does not mention the
names of the wives because all three’s parentage could not be named.
So where did she come from.
Some assume that she as well as Noah’s wife was a descendant of Cain. And the
sources that claim that Naamah was descended from Cain not Enoch are greater
than those who disagree.
Now owing to the fact that Naamah is
mentioned as being both the wife of Noah as well as seducing the angels some
have passed the idea that Ham might not have been Noah’s descendant but
something else. As it is clearly stated in Genesis 6 (where the flood is
described) that the Nephilim were also on the Earth afterward, meaning after the
flood. So if the flood was designed to wipe out the Nephilim and as well as all
the evil in the world what happened?
There is one post-flood mention of the Nephilim
by that name, but other associations are drawn. The spies sent by Moses into
Canaan reported having seen Nephilim where in Numbers 13:33 it identifies that (the descendants of Anak
come from the Nephilim). That the analysis of the land reported by the spies
is referred to as a "bad report" is suggested by some as meaning
"erroneous", but it is more probable that it was simply "bad
news" since the people occupying the land were formidable. The validity of
their report is confirmed in Deuteronomy 1:28 and again in Deuteronomy 9:1-2 where Moses describes
the Anakites. The spies, to prove what they said returned with a cluster of
grapes that took two men to carry it.
Humanly speaking, they were descended
from Anak, and so were also known as the Anakim. These people were, of course,
known to Moses and it was probably he who editorially inserted the phrase “and
also after that” into Noah’s original record here in Genesis 6:4. Moses
probably also inserted the information that these were the “mighty men of old,
men of renown,” men whose exploits of strength and violence had made them
famous in song and fable in all nations in the ages following the Flood. To
rebellious men of later times, they were revered as great heroes; but in God’s
sight they were merely ungodly men of violence and evil.
So after the flood had
passed eventually Noah’s son’s and their families went their own ways.
According to an extract
from Jubilee’s Chapter 8
“This is the land which came forth for
Japheth and his sons as the portion of his inheritance which he should possess
for himself and his sons, for their generations for ever; five great islands,
and a great land in the north
But it is cold, and the land of Ham is hot, and the land of Shem is neither hot
nor cold, but it is of blended cold and heat.”
The favourate son of Noah was the eldest,
Shem. His skin colour might have been “dusky”, or sandy, as this is the meaning
of the name Shem. THIS, interestingly is Abraham’s line, a lineage which does
not extend into Israel as we now know it, or Lebanon, or Syria or anywhere near
the western Mediterranean. Let us discuss in which direction Shem’s sons did
go. Shem’s wife’s name sounds strangely enough like an Indian-Persian name. His
son Elam, also by the way a great Kingdom of history, is usually associated
with the ancient region of Elam, in regions by contemporary Arabia and Iran.
Ashur, or Assur, is the father of the Assyrians, the great Assyrian Empire of
the Tigris valley. Arpaschad (or Arpakad), whose line would bring Abraham (or A-Brahm)is associated with Ur,
Babylon, and even southeast Turkey; Lud, or Lydians proper, the southern Greeks
who would later extend into southern Italy; and Aram, from whence comes the Aramaic language.
Japheth the middle son’s descendants are
associated with Ashkenaz, or Askuz, which is a Scythian city according to old
Hebrew, and Ripath is associated with Upper Turkey in the region of the Black
Sea. Some say Japheth’s son Gomer is the father of Slavs, Russians and Poles as
well. Javan, Iovan, formed the line that extended to Greeks, through Ionia, and
so, of course later Romans. Javan’s descendants, say scholars, are
responsible for the Romance languages, and possibly extended as far into Europe
as Southern Spain. Tubal is considered to have populated the Southern
Black Seas region and surrounding areas, and his line also extended westward as
far as Spain; legend has it that Tubal gave Europe there languages. Meschoch
inhabited the area in between the Black and Caspian Seas, which would encompass
contemporary Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbeijan. Finaly Tiras extended a line
straight north, whereby we had Thracians, Teutons, Anglo-Saxons, and Germans.
Japheth literally means “Fair”, as in complexion.
Now as for Ham , the youngest. Biblical
Scholars trance his people to regions varying form Northeast Africa to
Southwestern Asia and even to regions south and east of the Red Sea. Cush is
usually traditionally associated with Southern Egypt, Ethiopia, and
Sudan, and Nimrod with Akkad, Babel, and Sumeria, but the name is stil used
today for a region in the Himalayas . Mizraim, is associated
with Egypt proper, Ludum, Eastern Libya, and even Cyprus. Put is usually given
a place by northen Libya and Phoenicia. Canaan, of course, is from where
derives the region Canaan, today encompassing Lebanon and Israel, there lived
Amorites, Hittites and Syruans.
And according to Jewish texts the Emim, the Amorites, the
Zamsummim, the Horim and the Anakim were all Giants, or if you prefer unusually
large and or very strong.
wicked emperor Hadrian, who conquered Jerusalem, boasted, ‘I have conquered
Jerusalem with great power.’ Rabbi Johanan ben Zakkai said to him, ‘Do not
boast. Had it not been the will of Heaven, you would not have conquered it.’
Rabbi Johanan then took Hadrian into a cave and showed him the bodies of
Amorites who were buried there. One of them measured eighteen cubits
[approximately 30 feet] in height. He said, ‘When we were deserving, such men
were defeated by us, but now, because of our sins, you have defeated us’”
[quoted in Judaism, edited by Arthur Hertzberg, p.155-156, George Braziller,
New York: 1962].
It is very apparent that
Ham as well as his descendants did not look like his brothers at all. So even
if, he was not the descended for the Watchers of Enoch’s time but was of Cain’s
seed instead, as is suggested by some references, Cain was not exactly human
then either. In Genesis it is stated that Cain was not born in Adam’s image.
And let us not forget that Moses sent his spies into Canaan and it was here
that they witnessed these amazingly frightening people and Canaan was the name
of Ham’s cursed son after all.
we have thus confirmed that the Watchers are still angels regardless of their
“moral” fall, and their children the Nephilim, although neither fully human or
angel were also not demons, but, and this is a BIG BUT, those chosen wives of
the Gregori where cursed to become sirens. Sirens are through all mythology
termed as seductresses who in some form or another fed on humans, men mostly,
usually classified as a demon. So
this is our first mention of demons. And let us not forget that Naamah was said
to be the mother of the king of Demons, not a Nephilim.
Could this be where demons first came from? or is there another source. One other thing that I feel compelled to point out at this point is that yes we have our first clue where demons started, we have also discovered that a second group became fallen but they did not become evil demons. Their wives might have been cursed to become something else but these angels as their other "fallen" brethren still await punishment as they are eternal beings. Yes the flood was, as far as we can see from text, meant to have wiped out the Nephilim, yet regardless of this their seed somehow survived. Which is apparent not only from Moses' biblical texts but that is another blog all together.
It is has been very clearly pointed out that the record of a variety of giant and strange races are to wide spread to have been confined to one section of the family line. Therefore it has also been widely noted that Noah himself did not have the most normal of early years.
In fact :
"106:1 And after some days my son, Methuselah, took a wife for his son Lamech, and she became pregnant by him and bore him a son. 2 And his body was white as snow and red as a rose, the hair of his head as white as wool and his demdema 29 beautiful; and as for his eyes, when he opened them the whole house glowed like the sun—(rather) the whole house glowed even more exceedingly. 3 And when he arose from the hands of the midwife, he opened his mouth and spoke to the Lord with righteousness. 4 And his father, Lamech, was afraid of him and fled and went to Methuselah his father; 5 and he said to him, “I have begotten a strange son: He is not like an (ordinary) human being, but he looks like the children of the angels of heaven to me; his form is different, and he is not like us. His eyes are like the rays of the sun, and his face glorious. 6 It does not seem to me that he is of me, but of angels; and I fear that a wondrous phenomenon may take place upon the earth in his days. 7 So I am beseeching you now, begging you in order that you may go to his (grand)father Enoch, our father, and learn from him the truth, for his dwelling place is among the angels.”
When Methuselah sought counsel from Enoch, Enoch simply explained that Noah was righteous and that the flood was coming.
S See also