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Crafter of magick, intent on expanding your realm beyond what you ever imagined possible. This blog is about what interests me. If you are easily offended or sensitive to certain issues discussed here please do not read. This is about me and what interests me. Welcome to one and all, hope you enjoy your time with me.

Friday, 15 November 2013

Calling on the DARKNESS (Demons)

So it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that the darker side to summoning is calling a Demon. And most people when this is mentioned shriek DEVIL WORSHIP!!!

In truth this is not true. So let’s find the proper name for demon summoning, as Agrippa classed it, Goetia.


This is supposed to be the exact opposite to Theurgy but in truth I see it as the sister to it; the other side of the coin if you will.

Goetia is one of several words from the Greek signifying magic; sorcery, or witchcraft. Romans adopted the word, as well as another Greek word, which eventually gave us the word magic.

So as I have already discussed what the summoning or invoking/evokation of angels are you have to know that Goetia also involves angelic beings and the secret names of God to some extent but of course the major line of work would be to evoke (note the word please!) demons and “wicked” spirits, bind them by conjuring words of power, magical words and threats of damnation and command them to do you bidding.

Oh, it all sounds so adventurous and the promise of power makes it very tempting to many but it isn’t all that simple. Keep going because I will be discussing a number of things about this art. And oh yes it is most definitely an art and takes great skill and “power” (for want of a better word) to make a demon “bow” to you.

Goetia has largely been used to refer to magical operations which deal explicitly with the evocation and binding of demonic entities especially with the introduction of the 17th century Grimoire Lemegeton, also known as the Lesser Key of Solomon. Several other grimoires have taken their cue from this; Grimoire Verum; the Grimoire of Pope Honorius; and the Grand Grimoire, to name but a few.

The most powerful incantations have been inspired by the words spoken by Jesus Christ, :

I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Matt 16:19

Before we continue there are a few basic things we need to cover about demons….

A demon is coined as paranormal, often malevolent being prevalent in religion, occultism, literature, fiction, and folklore. Yet the original Greek word

daimon does not carry any of the negative connotations initially understood by the implementation of the

Koine δαιμόνιον (daimonion).

The Ancient Greek word δαίμων daimōn actually denotes a spirit or divine power, much like the Latin

genius or numen. Daimōn most likely came from the Greek verb daiesthai (to divide, distribute).The Greek conception of

daimōns notably appears in the works of Plato, where it describes the divine inspiration of Socrates. In actuality the Greek term does not have any connotations of evil or malevolence. In fact, ε

δαιμονία eudaimonia, (lit. good-spiritedness) means happiness. The term first acquired its negative connotations in the

Septuagint translation of the Hebrew Bible, which drew on the mythology of ancient Semitic religions. This was then inherited by the Koine text of the New Testament. The Western medieval and neo-medieval conception of a

demon (see the Medieval grimoire called the Ars Goetia) derives seamlessly from the ambient popular culture of Late (Roman) Antiquity. To distinguish the classical Greek concept from its later Christian interpretation, the former is anglicized as either

daemon or

daimon rather than demon. The Hellenistic “daemon” eventually came to include many Semitic and Near Eastern gods as evaluated by Christianity.

Is anyone scratching their heads yet? Well if you actually research Gods and even Goddesses from ancient religions you will be surprised what you will find. But I’m getting off track here, let me continue.

Demons, despite being typically associated with evil, are often shown to be under divine control, and not acting of their own devices.

In the War Scroll, Belial controls scores of demons, which are specifically allotted to him by God for the purpose of performing evil.Belial, despite his malevolent disposition, is considered an angel, and therefore is of divine origin. (Bet some of you didn’t know this and for those that did…congratulations.)

A similar circumstance appears in Jubilees, where Mastema, an angel tasked with the tempting of mortals into sin and iniquity, requests that God give him a tenth of the spirits of the children of the watchers (some see them as sons of fallen angels), i.e. “demons”, in order to aid the process.These demons are passed into Mastema’s authority, where once again, an angel is in charge of demonic spirits.

In addition to the above, sources of demonic influence were thought to originate from The Watchers, or Nephilim, who are first mentioned in Genesis 6 and are the focus of 1 Enoch Chapters 1–16, and also in Jubilees 10. The Nephilim were seen as the source of the sin and evil on earth because they are referenced in Genesis 6:4 before the story of the Flood.In Genesis 6:5, God sees evil in the hearts of men. The passage states:

 the wickedness of humankind on earth was great”,

and that

 Every inclination of the thoughts of their hearts was only continually evil” (Genesis 5).

The mention of the Nephilim in the preceding sentence connects the spread of evil to the Nephilim. Enoch is a very similar story to Genesis 6:4–5, and provides further description of the story connecting the Nephilim to the corruption of humans. In Enoch, sin originates when angels descend from heaven and fornicate women, birthing giants as tall as 300 cubits. The giants and the angels’ departure of heaven and mating with human women are also seen as the source of sorrow and sadness on earth. The book of Enoch shows that these fallen angels can lead humans to sin through direct interaction or through providing forbidden knowledge. In Enoch, Semyaz (not Satan or Lucifer) leads the angels to mate with women. Angels mating with humans is against God’s commands and is a cursed action, resulting in the wrath of God coming upon Earth.

A little interesting titbit of information there, which bids the question are demons fallen angels or are they separate and original beings but once again I’m falling way off the topic as usual but please bare with me.

The point I am trying to make is that Demons where not originally considered evil. Initially they were only considered “

unclean spirits” or as the ancient Egyptians termed them “little gods”

whose powers where believed to be not as great as the Gods themselves. And later the role of demons were believed to be under the control of heaven. (Interesting thought don’t you think? Tickles the brain doesn’t it.)

How you think about something depends on religious and cultural upbringing.

Now just about anyone can type in DEMONS or DEMON SUMMONING, or a demonic name in any search engine and I guarantee that you will be hit with results in the thousands, if not millions and probably some songs and band names as well among other things. The freedom of information makes many things easy to sift through.

Now some say that you have to believe that something has power over you or for something to have power before it can affect you and I suppose that this is true but then I am reminded of something I’ve heard a number of people say:

“You might not believe in God but God believes in you…”

So what if this holds true for what we call the devil/Satan or demons? Don’t you think then that we might be in a bit of trouble?

So with that in mind let us continue on our merry way.

Never let it be said that any form of any belief or the process by which people practice their belief is easy or simple. In all truth information and research on Theurgy and Thelema was easier than on Goetia/ demon summoning. I mean really can we just not all agree on something. At least there are two forms of consensus concerning the former. Angels might not always be helpful, ‘cause who likes being bothered when there are bigger things to do like – organising the world, but all agree that if asked nicely an angel will come and listen and maybe they will help and answer your questions and if they wont you can politely thank them and request that they leave and they will go happily and you can always try someone else, no harm done. One camp feels its better to follow a set ritual while the other says simply calling the angel is enough but they all agree that the sigil and seal are important to zero in on a particular angel for a particular purpose.

So lets get down to the nitty-gritty then shall we…

The basic principals, as for angels, one can apply to demons (its just easier to use this term so lets do that) is that they each have a seal and sigil that is unique to them and possibly their hierarchical order/ grouping or placement in the order of how “hell” works. I’ll explain why I used the word “possible” when I refer to the demonic hierarchy in a bit. Also if you want something done call the big boss not the little guy (but this is according to your own ability).

Depending on who you’re talking to you’ll hear anything from demons are out for the destruction of man to that the human race is insignificant to them. The truth is every experience is something different. There are just as many accounts from people that demons do them no harm.

Basically what I have determined from countless hours of research is that angel and demon summoning works on quite a few of the same basic principals and demonic reactions to summoning might depend on what form of summoning you choose to perform.

So know what you’re getting yourself into. Know everything you possibly can about the demon that you are looking to summon, same as with an angel. Don’t assume anything! Demons work as much on respect as angels do.

Intent also has to be there, in other words this is something that you really have to want.

NOW for the parts that not every one can agree on.

I don’t want to use the word ancient so let’s just agree to say that the “majority” of grimoires out there state that a demon needs to be controlled by forcing it into submission by the use of knowing everything about them that you can. Not just their seal and sigil. But also how they will appear, yes I mean as in looks but also how they will begin to show their presence or how they will manifest. With the far reaching hand of the internet today you can obtain old records as well as more current accounts on others experiences with a particular demon. Demons like being summoned even less than angels by most accounts of these grimoires, they will fight you, refuse to appear and by many incantations and the use of the name of God, the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ you can force them to appear. As I stated above the words spoken by Jesus, which is why I am mentioning this first as most grimoires were written after Jesus had been long gone from the earth.

What is required for ceremonies such as these are often days of preparation, consisting of fasting, purification and a great deal of prayer. The one thing that everyone does agree on is the fact that your need to perform a purification ritual, the reasons of why, of course!, differ. A sigil including the seal of the particular demon needs to be drawn on paper or on the floor. In the grimoire rituals the circle of evocation is drawn on the floor along with the names of God, the saints and so forth in the outer circle. The means of this circle is to give the demon a place to appear and contain it. The demon by use of its name needs to be compelled by any means you can think of (which requires you to be firm, commanding and all hellfire yourself) to manifest themselves. By all accounts this could take hours, the presence of the demon is announced by a smell, probably sulphur, as well as a drop in temperature

(I have my doubts about this has there was a case where a practitioner and his assistant spent hours trying to force an entity to appear but when nothing happened they exited the circle and were promptly torn to pieces) sometimes when the demon begins to appear it will shift through a number of forms trying to terrify the practitioner into letting it go (loosing concentration), eventually settling into a form of its choice, sometimes humanoid in form, sometimes not or even an animal.

Everyone does agree on two things; that demons do not actually speak words but you’ll hear them none the less and that a sacrifice (and as usually there is no consensus about the type of sacrifice) followed by a pact is required.

Information about the actual summoning I do not think would be wise to include in full (there might be an ass out there somewhere) but I will be referencing one (or more ) of the Grimoires.

The Grand Grimoire Or the Red Dragon

The Grand Grimoire is one of the oldest of its kind and it is stated that portions have been copied from various texts completed my King Solomon who spent most of his life in study and who it was said commanded legions of demons. It is the only Grimoire which contains the exact method for summoning a demon and making a pact with Lucifer himself as well as demons. The full contract is contained in the pages of this grimoire.

The Grimoire makes reference to preparing the fulminating (or Conjurer’s) rod which makes spirits tremble and which God made use of to arm the angel who expelled Adam and Eve from Eden and which God used to strike down the rebel angels. It also states that it is with the power of this rod that clouds are formed, hurricanes dispersed and that one can make them fall on the part of the earth that one choses or desires.

I have heard mention made of this particular “weapon” a few times but unless you know what you’re looking for it’s a bit difficult to find information on this. Basically it was an item of power that was used to enforce Gods commands.

Extract from Chapter 2:

“Weak men and mortals! Tremble at your temerity when you blindly think that you possess such a profound science. You are taking your spirit beyond its spheres. Learn from me that before undertaking this work it is necessary to be steadfast, constant and most careful to observe exactly, point by point,

everything that I will tell you (without which) everything would rebound to your disadvantage, confusion and total loss. If, to the contrary, you comply exactly that which I tell you, you will leave behind your baseness and indigence and you will have full success in all of your enterprises. Arm yourselves then with intrepidation, prudence and virtuosity in order to succeed at this great and immense task, at which I have spent 67 years working day and night. To succeed at this great goal it is necessary to do exactly that which I will hereby indicate.” —-Solomon

We then are given directions of how to begin our ritual on summoning a demon.

Great Invocation to Summon the Spirit with whom one wishes to the pact excerpted from The Great Clavicle

The Principio states

(Apparently) You will pass a quarter of the month by abstaining from the company of the opposite sex, so as not to fall into impurity. (Now this could be just stay away so that you wont be tempted or as how I read it…NO sex – also keeping in mind that only men seem to have undertaken the summoning of demons).

At the beginning of this time you should make a promise to the Great ADONAY (or Adonai.

Except for “YHWH”, the two most-common names/titles for God in the Biblia Hebraica (Hebrew Bible) are “Adonai”, which expresses authority or the exalted position of God, and “Elohim”, which expresses concepts of creative divinity. Adonai is the plural noun for Adon which means “my lord”) who is leader of all spirits to have two meals a day every 24 hours of the given time period during which you will eat at midday and midnight or at seven in the morning and seven in the evening. It then gives a specific prayer which should be recited before eating.

You are required to retire to bed without removing your cloths and you are informed to sleep as little as possible (sleep deprivation) for the allotted time period of a quarter month. By the second day you will need to purchase Ematille (bloodstone) and you are now informed that you will need someone else to help you perform the ceremony but only one of you (you) must speak to the spirit.

First Offering (sacrifice)

It is essential to choose a solitary location for this operation, where there will be no noise or interruption from anyone or anything. Following this, you will buy a young virgin kid (not a child please people), that on the third day of the quarter you will adorn with a garland of

vervain (or, the sacred herb) which you will attach to his head (note also the kid that is required is male which is reminiscent of what was stated by Aleiser Crowley) with a

green ribbon. Then you will transport it to the place that has been chosen for your operation; your right arm will be bare to the shoulder, armed with a blade of

pure steel, a fire of white wood

will be lit. Before sacrificing the animal a prayer must be said to the great ADONAY which is provided. Following this you will skin the kid and take its skin, putting the rest of it in the fire until it is reduced to ashes, which you will gather and throw to the rising

Sun and recite another prayer.

The night before you proceed with the summoning you must find a rod or wand of wild hazel tree that has not yet born fruit, at the highest point of the sought-after branch there should be a second little

branch in the form of a fork with two ends; its length should be nineteen and a half inches. After having found a branch of this shape, only look at it but do not touching it in any way, wait for the following day. Which you will then cut at precisely sunrise, and remove it of its leaves and small twigs. With the same blade that was used to skin the sacrifice, which will still be tainted with its blood; cut the branch when the Sun starts to break forth on the hemisphere (horizon), the following prayer must be pronounced:

“I beseech you, O great ADONAY, ELOHIM, ARIEL and JEHOVA to be favorable and to give this rod that I am cutting the strength of Jacob and the virtue of Moses and that of the great Joshua; and I beseech you, O great ADONAY, ELOHIM, ARIEL and JEHOVA to enclose in this rod all the power of Samson, the righteous rage of Emmanuel and the Thunderbolt of ZARIATNATMICK who will avenge man’s affronts on the day of Judgement.”

You will then need to have steal caps for the forked ends of the rod made from the blade of the knife used for the sacrifice but no one must touch the rod but you, so it is advisable to find a stick or piece of wood that is of the same thickness as the two ends of the rod and take it to someone who can do this for you if you cannot do it yourself.

The two steel points need to be magnetized. This can be done by placing a loadstone in fire and the points on the stone. A prayer must then once again be recited to God. The following evening take your rod, the kid skin, the

Bloodstone, the two garlands of vervain, then also, two candleholders and two pounds of virgin wax that has been blessed; take also the lodestone and two smooth Flintstones to light the fire, also half a bottle of Spirit of Water (blessed water) and a portion of blessed incense mixed with some Camfor (camphor) and four nails that were used in the coffin of a child who has recently died. Then take yourself to the place where you have to do the Great Work, doing exactly the following, executing point-by-point the great KABBALISTIC CIRCLE in the manner indicated.

(felt it necessary to put the next piece in, in full)

Start by forming a circle with the kid skin that you will nail down with the four nails, then with the Bloodstone you will make a triangle inside of the circle, starting from the direction of the rising sun; make also with the Bloodstone the four letters that are written outside of the circle. So also the saintly name of Jesus in this manner: † JHS † between two crosses so that the spirits can’t harm you from behind. Following this, the Karcist (who is the operator/”magician”) will let his Associates into the Triangle and he will also enter without letting himself become frightened by any noise that he could hear, putting the two candleholders with the two garlands of vervain to the right and to the left of the internal triangle. That done, light the two candles and put a new vase in front of you, that is, in front of the Karcist, filled with the ash of the Willow wood that you have burned earlier that same day. The Karcist will light it and pouring in a part of the Spirit of Water and part of the incense and Camfor, and conserving the remaining part to maintain a continuous flame that will suffice for the entire operation.

Having done everything exactly as has been described here you will pronounce the following words:

“I present you, O great ADONAY, this incense as the most pure, at the same time I present you with these ashes which come from the lightest (or finest) wood. I offer you them, O great ADONAY, ELOHIM, ARIEL and JEHOVA, with all my heart and spirit. Condescend, O great ADONAY, to accept them. Amen.”

Pay attention not to have any impure metal on your person but only some gold or silver coins folded in a piece of paper to throw at the spirit so that he cannot harm you when he presents himself to you before the circle and while he takes the coin you will begin the following prayer, arming yourself with courage, strength and prudence.

Be careful that only the Karcist, or Operator, speaks; the others must remain silent, even if the spirit interrogates or threatens them.

Under the first Oration  you proclaim your faith and belief in the trinity.

Second Oration you ask that God not allow rebel spirits to possess treasure that were formed my God, you then make an offering of the incense.

First Invocation to Emperor Lucifer – You command Lucifer to appear to you in the name of the trinity and the secret names of God.

Second Invocation to Emperor Lucifer – You command Lucifer to appear in the name of EMMANUEL

God’s Son, his only master and yours, and by his blood that was spilt on the cross for man. You throw in the threat to keep summoning him until he appears and if he cannot to send his messenger Astaroth in human guise noiselessly and without foul scents otherwise you will strike him and his entire kind with the blasting rod as far as the bottom of the abysses and it will be with the power of all the secret names of God.

We are then given a warning that before the third invocation is read without any appearance to insert the rod with the two point into the fire at which point your are supposed to hear cries out of the thin air. This is when you read the third invocation once again demanding the appearance of the messenger in the name of trinity and all the names of God.

If the spirit still will not appear we are informed of how next to threaten it and soon after to recite the

Grand Invocation of the Great Kabbala twice.

After this we are told the spirit will appear and then we can proceed to make our “deal”. What we need to do is to get the spirit to not lie and to make a

COVENANT of times during each day of the week when it will do your bidding and to approve the book by signing in blood on paper as well as swearing to come when ever it is called and be friendly and co-operative and also to present you with hidden treasure immediately. The spirit will or should then add a twist of its own in that you cannot say were the riches came from, you will be charitable and good to the less fortunate and that at the beginning of every month you will give it gold or silver coins. If you do not adhere to this then you will become the property of the spirit for all time.

Also present in this Grimoire is the contract that you must undertake to have signed by Lucifer/ demon, which contains

Seven Articles  and a Method of Dismissal.

The spirit is then supposed to conduct you to the treasure you have requested and make sure that you have it and return you safely to the circle. The ending of the ceremony with

Entreating and Returning of the Spirit –

 you then give the spirit permission to leave and once more threaten it to make sure it adheres to its bargain

 or less it will be punished with the rod in all the secret Names of God.

The final prayer is rendering thanks to God.

Finally the greatest secret present in the covers of the book is the Pacta Conventa Daemoniorum,

the most ultimate of pacts. The premises of this is that by performing this there is nothing that can be hidden from you in the world in any form. You will receive monetary wealth and success beyond anything you could ever dream of and the best thing of all is that the Demon can never harm you (raised eyebrows at this one). The grimoire states that such a pact was made by King Solomon and that is why he became the man he was. You are given a list of the most important demons, their purpose and positions/rank.

It then proceeds to inform you how to summon a demon for your purposes and instructs your how to draw up the pact on paper that must be in your own hand writing and signed in blood (your blood).

The basic principals is the spirit will request that in 20 years you give yourself, body, mind and soul to it to use at it sees fit. This is what your signed pact will state that in 20 years your will repay you debt in full.

Once the spirit has been dismissed the grimoire then provides you with a means of protecting yourself from evil spirits in the form of

CITATIO PRAEDICTORUM SPIRITUM, which is performed in Latin.

And that is the formal means of summoning a demon.

The Grand Grimoire is supposed to be the most…profane of the grimoires and is the only one that contains the full means of subjugating a demon as well as step for step instructions of how to make a pact and protect yourself. It also states that the ultimate pact is what not only gave King Solomon his wisdom, riches, success in battle but as well as all the women he wanted. It is interesting to note that King Solomon had

700 wives and 300 concubines

(yet we must also remember that a conquering ruler often took the daughter of the over thrown king to cement ties and loyality.)

So I am sure you noticed that just before the First Oration I highlighted some items that were to be used in the ritual. The reason for this is that these items are quite important for various reasons and have held power for decades. Everything used has a purpose and reason.

I would like to note that during the ritual were it is required that a person reduce the hours of sleep it is important to understand that the less sleep someone has the more prone they are to having hallucinations. When you mistake your shoe for a cat that is an illusion but seeing something that is not there at all is an hallucination and prolonged sleep deprivation can induce this (in extreme cases).

Depending on the length of sleep deprivation, approximately 80% of normal people in the population will eventually have hallucinations. Most of these are visual hallucinations. In contrast, people with

schizophrenia often have auditory hallucinations, hearing things that are not there.

Sleep deprivation can actually cause other symptoms that mimic mental illness, such as disorientation and paranoid thoughts. In fact, one study found that 2% of 350 people who were sleep deprived for 112 hours experienced temporary conditions that were similar to acute paranoid schizophrenia.

For those who don’t know, a Bloodstone is a dark green Chalcedony (cryptocrystalline form of silica, composed of very fine intergrowths of the minerals quartz and moganite)

with occasional spots and splashes of blood-red Jasper. The Greeks named it Plasma, meaning ‘blood’ and it is sometimes referred to as ‘Heliotrope’ or ‘Ematille’ (especially in old grimoires). Bloodstone has a reputation for being a powerful healing crystal. According to one legend the stone formed when the blood of Christ was spilled on the rocks below the cross, and the stone is blessed with the Master Teacher’s healing power. Mediaeval Christians named it ‘Martyr Stone’ and it was often used for carvings of the crucifixion or saintly martyrs. Older legends from other cultures link Bloodstone with the healing powers of the Sun God. Since ancient times Bloodstone has been considered a special charm for warriors. Roman soldiers believed it could staunch the flow of blood and prevent wounds from becoming infected and in India it is still used today as an aphrodisiac and medicine. Bloodstone is said to be especially effective for lower back pain and blood disorders such as anaemia, diabetes, high blood pressure or circulation problems. It is a useful crystal to use in any healing work, believed to increase the flow of blood to the tissues, boost the immune system and improve overall health. An old method of channeling the healing power of the sun is to place a Bloodstone in water, leave it in direct sunlight for three hours, then drink the water as a healing potion (best remove the stone first!). Meditation with Bloodstone is said to increase confidence, courage, strength of mind and firmness of purpose. The stone can help you regain a feeling of control, especially when events in life seem to be

spiralling out of control. It encourages clear thinking and overcomes feelings of helplessness or worthlessness that can paralyze you and prevent you from taking necessary actions and is said to bring success in games and competitions.

 So these are your reasons why the protective circle is drawn with this stone.

I also mention the use of the sacred herb, of which there are about five, the best known example is the

mistletoe. The European mistletoe, Viscum album, figured prominently in Greek mythology, and is believed to be

The Golden Bough of Aeneas, ancestor of the Romans. The

Norse god Baldr was killed with mistletoe. Mistletoe bears fruit at the time of the Winter Solstice, the birth of the new year, and may have been used in solstitial rites in Druidic rites. But the sacred herb we are most concerned with is Verbena or Vervain, which has long been associated with divine and other supernatural forces. It was called “tears of Isis” in Ancient Egypt, and later on “Juno’s tears”. In Ancient Greece, it was dedicated to

Eos Erigineia. In the early Christian era, folk legend stated that

Common Vervain (V. officinalis) was used to staunch Jesus’ wounds after his removal from the cross. It was consequently called “Holy Herb” or (e.g. in Wales) “Devil’s bane”. Vervain flowers are engraved on

cimaruta, it is used in Italian anti-stregheria charms. In the 1870

The History and Practice of Magic by “Paul Christian” (Jean Baptiste Pitois) it is employed in the preparation of a

mandragora charm. Other examples of sacred herbs include

yarrow, and mugwort.

So as you can see the main reason for use of vervain in the summoning ceremony would primarily have been the reason that it was associated with Christ.

Now the colour  GREENused in the invokation- symbolises the energies and influence of Venus (also, Taurus and Libra). It represents the element of Earth. The colour green used in spell work can represent gains in wealth, increase, accumulation, security and new beginnings. For the use in darker arts, using green in spellwork can bring you a monetary or situational benefit. (and since the demon was first and immediately asked to provide treasure this makes sense)

The forked Hazel rod that is used can in actual fact be referred to as a wand if you like. Wands made of this wood symbolize white magick and healing. Forked sticks are used to find water or buried treasure. If outside and in need of magickal protection quickly draw a circle around yourself with a hazel branch.

 Magically, hazel wood is used to gain knowledge, wisdom and poetic inspiration. In fact, in ancient times the Hazel was known as The Tree of Wisdom. The Hazel has applications in magick done for manifestation, spirit contact, protection, prosperity, wisdom, divination-dowsing, dreams, wisdom-knowledge, marriage, reconciliation, fertility, intelligence, inspiration, and

wrath (here is your greatest reason for using it to strike the demon). Hazels are often found at the border between the worlds where magickal things happen, and therefore Hazel wood is excellent to use to make all-purpose wands. Any Hazel twigs, wood or nuts should be gathered after sundown on Samhain since it will be at the peak of its magickal energy. The correct way to cut Hazel must not be with a knife, but with a flint. The only reason I can think that one would have to cut the hazel with the steel blade would be that it is possibly considered a blessed blade as it is supposed to still be tainted with the blood of the kid, which was a sacrifice as mentioned in the ceremony.

Also iron is the heart of the Earth but also, the heart of the universe itself. It is both terrestrial and stellar; as above, so below. Therefore, you can use iron as a grounding tool for earthbound work and at the same time, as a universal tool for other work. Iron is the metal of choice for out of body experiences and shamanic travel as it opens up the connections between this world, and the others (but some believe that steel is a magick blocking tool). Steel is protection when made into a ring.

Another item used in the ritual is willow wood ash (which I have not highlighted) it is strongly aligned with the element of water and associated with the element of spirit. The Druids associated this tree with the hare. Diana, Hecate, Astarte, Ceridwen, Arianrhod, Rhiannon, and Omulan all consider this to be a very sacred tree. Willow wands are strong in the cycles of life dealing with death and rebirth, change, the will.

Some say that burning of willow can soothe and guide the souls of the recently deceased. It strengthens the third eye, and is a great tool for divination as well. Willow will align itself to the inner will of the party that shares its energy. The stronger the will, the more effective the wood.

There is a darker side to the Willow however, for it is also associated with grief and death. The Greek sorceress Circe is said to have had a riverside cemetery planted with Willow trees dedicated to Hecate and her moon magic. Here male corpses were wrapped in un-tanned ox-hides and left exposed in the tops of the trees for the elements to claim and the birds to eat. From this association with grief and death came the practice of placing Willow branches in the coffins of the departed, and the planting of young saplings on their graves. Old folklore advises that to plant a young Willow and watch it grow would ease the passage of your soul at death. The ancient Celts believed that the spirit of the dead would rise up into the sapling planted above, which would grow and retain the essence of the departed one.

So that is just about the reasoning behind the majority of the items used during the ritual. Strangely enough the ceremony if anyone has noticed is done with the blessing of God not the Devil/Satan or whatever it is your would like to call him so why do people refer to this act as satanic, simply cause you’re talking to a demon?

There are quite a few Grimoires out there and the Grimorium Verum (The True Grimoire) also makes mention of the fact that there are only two kinds of pact, the tacit and the apparent or manifest (or explicit);

but know at the same time that among the several kinds of spirits there are some which bind and some which do not bind, save only in a very light manner, they are those which require something personally belonging to you whensoever a pact is agreed.

It continues by saying that, as to the first,it is when you make a pact with a spirit, and have to give the spirit something which belongs to you, that you have to be on your guard

, “because the guileful friend becometh an open enemy” (makes me wonder if I don’t have friends who are actually demons in disguise)

. It is on the express understanding that they are satisfied for their part, because, as we have seen, these kinds of creatures give nothing for nothing.

It also says something every interesting about demons that there are those who appear attractive and those who do not. Spirits also do not always appear in the same shape. This is because they are not themselves of matter or form, and have to find a body to appear in and one suitable to their intended manifestation and appearance.

Lucifer appears in the form and figure of a fair boy. When angry, he seems red. There is nothing monstrous about him. Beelzebuth appears sometimes in monstrous forms, sometimes like a giant cow, at times like a he-goat, with a long tail. When angry, he vomits fire and Astaroth appears black, in human shape.

It was believed, especially, during the time of witch trials that Satan would appear to his followers in the form of a male goat and a man in human shape but black in appearance (ok how many people are laughing right now? Show of hands please!)

What we greatly need to understand is that most of these rituals are done by “Christian” means so to speak. We are asking Gods blessing/approval and protection to control what we inherently perceive as an evil being. Sacrifices are not made to the demon or the devil him or itself the sacrifices are made to God in the manner of the old testament in the form of burnt offerings. The only sacrifice that you would then make to the demon would be in the form of your soul but as I have stated the grimoire, especially, the Red Dragon gives one the means of cheating this pact with the said demon or Satan, pick your title. Now I am neither saying that I do believe or don’t believe in demons and so forth this is merely a means of being objective but my research has led me to believe that anything is possible.

Possibility has the symbol of infinity.

The rituals that we find in these grimoires or the way they were originally practiced required that the practitioner wear special garments or vestment for the ceremony very much like those of a priest in any church. This might include all white robes with the names of God and Jesus written on the hem of the under vestment for protection as well as means of protection on the shoes as well.

Others will tell you this is unnecessary (to which I tend to agree) some will tell you that you require black candles as well as “evil” incense and water which would be considered unholy water for your baptism into Satanism in order to summon the devil or demon of your choice ( and strangely more people will believe this version than that one of which it is done with God’s blessing). And that this you will do on the first night of your ritual as well as on the second night saying the Lords payer backwards (really now? I apologise if my sarcasm is palatable for this). I found a site, it is better that it remain nameless, where the person states that said rituals should be performed on the following nights :

such as Walpergisnaught (April 30) and 

Halloween/All Hallows Eve (October 31). Once again I must apologies if I sound very skeptical about the following, it is just a bit too much like the expected format about what most of us would think it is to be like, as is follows:

“The rituals can take any form you choose. It is not essential to shut out all outside light sources unless you are prone to distraction. You may adapt the rituals to your liking but they must be committed to memory. For this reason, I have left the invocations simple and repetitive. You will have no problem memorizing the invocations and can easily add your own embellishments when you enter the ritual chamber.

The following is an example ritual working which a novice practitioner may wish to employ:

Set myself apart to the Dark Lord.

Become celebate, abstain from drugs and alcohol, eat less.

Study the occult every day, perform ritual every night.

[Beginning three nights before the full moon:]

Day 1: Shave my head, take Bath of Purification in salt water.

Day 2: Recite “Renunciation & Proclamation” three times.

Day 3: Recite “Lord’s Prayer” backwards three times.

Night of the Full Moon: Burn pact giving body, mind,and soul to Lucifer.

[Beginning on the night of the full moon:]

1st lunar month: Invoke the Unholy Trinity

2nd lunar month: Invoke the Nine Lords of the Abyss

3rd lunar month: Invoke my Unholy Guarian Demon.

4th lunar month: Invoke Satan (the south, fire).

5th lunar month: Invoke Lucifer (the east, air).

6th lunar month: Invoke Belial (the north, earth).

7th lunar month: Invoke Leviatan (the west, water).

8th lunar month: Perform “Ritual to Become the Devil Incarnate.”

9th lunar month: Invoke Paimon (open the 1st lock of the abyss).

Nightly Ritual

1. Dress for ritual and make any preliminary preparations.

2. Enter ritual chamber; shut out all outside light sources.

3. Light candle(s).

4. Light incense; place incense in incense burner.

5. Wait a few minutes; allow the incense to fill the room; meditate upon intent of ritual.

6. Recite preliminary statement (“I have crossed the Gates of Hell… etc.”).

7. Recite incantation three or more times; until satisfied that the alignment has been formed.

8. Drink from chalice as a sign of communion with the Forces of Darkness.

9. Extinguish candles; allow light to once again enter the ritual chamber.

In the performance of these rites you shall set yourself apart to the Forces of Darkness, consecrate your body as a temple to the Dark Lord, cross the Gates of Hell, and become one with the Forces of Darkness. This differs from all other systems of magic involving the invocation of spirits. White magicians stand inside protective pentagrams wearing protective amulets to shield themselves from the forces they call upon. In the Satanic Bible, Anton LaVey mocked the hypocrisy of those who attempted to protect themselves from the forces they called upon for aid. Satanic priests have known for many years that the “Forces of Darkness” could be invoked (or more correctly “evoked”) into the sorcerer’s body, but rituals of this type have never been made available to the aspiring witch or wizard because of the inherent danger in such rituals.

Now first of all the spelling of Walpergisnaught is incorrect (I am not being a spelling whore but some things you just need to get it right) the correct pronunciation is

Walpurgisnacht/Walpurgis Night

 which is a traditional spring festival on 30 April or 1 May in large parts of Central and Northern Europe. It is often celebrated with dancing and with bonfires. It is exactly six months from All Hallows’ Eve


There is only one reason for which I can think that one would perform summoning on these two nights, according to this particular author, would be that the veil between the “physical” and “spirit” world is supposed to be thinner; allowing for easier communication and easier passage between worlds.

Walpurgis Night also known as Beltane is not only a spring festival but a fertility festival, a celebration of new life. It is also one of the

four major “Fire Festivals”. Halloween – Samhaim- is a

Sabbat to honour the ancestors who came before us. Sunset on Samhain is the beginning of the Celtic New Year. The old year has passed, the harvest has been gathered, cattle and sheep have been brought in from the fields, and the leaves have fallen from the trees. The earth slowly begins to die around us. This is a good time for us to look at wrapping up the old and preparing for the new in our lives. Think about the things you did in the last twelve months. Have you left anything unresolved? If so, this is the time to wrap things up. Once you’ve gotten all that unfinished stuff cleared away, and out of your life, then you can begin looking towards the next year. It is not a festival of death but the moving from old to new. From what has passed to what is to come.

Around the eighth century or so, the Catholic Church decided to use November 1st as All Saints Day. All Saints’ became the festival to honor any saint who didn’t already have a day of his or her own. The mass which was said on All Saints’ was called Allhallowmas – the mass of all those who are hallowed. The night before naturally became known as All Hallows Eve, and eventually morphed into what we call Halloween.

The author also suggests performing the ritual which is supposed to be more of a, dedication ritual first, during the new and full moon. Now anyone who works in magic knows that that the moon plays a profound role in casting. As you make magic be aware that the subconscious mind is ruled by the moon.

·         NEW MOON -This is the crescent Moon when we see the first peak of light (there is no moon to see actually), this is a time of newness, the beginning of relationships, the beginning of a new venture, the energy of this phase promotes new beginnings on any level. This is the time for change and for being open to, and looking for new opportunities, tilling the soil and planting seeds actually, and the seeds of ideas.

·         FULL MOON -The full Moon is the most powerful phase, this is when the Moon is seen in its glorious fullness, this is a time of enlightenment and heightened psychic awareness. It is a time when everything comes together; it is a time of ideas, also a time of commitment, to a person, idea or project. It is also a time of family, and, or friends coming together, any spell is well aspected during this phase of the Moon.

But performing a summoning is not as simple as just knowing which phase of the moon you are in. Moon magic is also affected by the month and day of the week it is performed in as well as the day of phase the moon is in, as in, is it the first or second day of this particular moon phase.

If we further study the above author ritual and align it with information from Lemegeton, according to this, there is a list of notes which amount to instructions. These instructions consist of an observation on Times, Material for making seals, notes on the Kings of Spirits (the high ranking), Symbols, the Area used for the operations and the Orations need for conjuring and controlling spirits (of course).


The age of the moon defines the best days to work with Goetic spirits. “Age”, means the number of days after the New (/Full) Moon i.e. from

 when it does not seem to be there (New Moon), it “grows” to a full moon, then “fades” back to “nothing”. As per this listing the profitable days to deal with a spirit is when the moon (New Moon) is 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 days old. In other words the waxing moons even days, since it is regarded that the power (self/magick) grows as the moon does. The grouping of the numbers can also refer to

even = good, odd=evil as there are a number of numerical systems that deign some odd as bad and even as good.

Further more the time of day is chosen by the position of the spirit:

·         Chief Kings -9am-12noon and from 3 (possibly5) pm –Sunset.

·         Marquises – 3pm-9pm and from 9pm- Sunrise (the fact that there is no break is not explained and makes no sense at all)

·         Dukes – Sunrise -12noon in clear weather

·         Prelates (Bishop/cardinal) – Any hour of the day (it does not specify if this is during daylight hours or not, just any hour of the day).

·         Knights – Dawn –Sunrise (Yes the same time of day! Frustrating! It could refer to Midnight-Sunrise)

·         Presidents – Any hour of the day, but not twilight, night, or if his king is invoked (so basically as long as the sun is shining you’re good to go).

·         Counts/Earls – Any time of the day, in woods, or where no men go, or where no noises are (daylight and deserted places).

Kings of the Quarters

In addition, as in the original texts (supposedly of King Solomon) is made mention of 72 kings – one can conclude, though, that this is meant to mean the 72 aforementioned spirits as there are not 72 Kings but 4, which are of the four quarters .

·         1st Ameymon – ruling the East

·         2nd Corson – ruling the West

·         3rd Aiminiar – ruling the North

·         4th Goap (Gaap) – ruling the South

The use of THE TRIANGLE is for disobedient spirits; it forces them into order, this is placed toward the cardinal point that the conjured spirits belongs to.

A BRAZEN VESSELcan also be used i.e. a brass vessel or container encircled by an inscription which raises it to a magickal tool, the spirit is then conjured into this vessel to make it more manageable (now you know were Aladdin’s magic lamp came from : it contained a jinn – fire demon).

(Just goes to show maybe some stories are based on actual fact)

The reason why I have mentioned all the above detail is so that you can decide if you are able to take someone seriously who misspells an important religious holiday and refers to

the “Forces of Darkness”

and the Dark Lord in his ritual, it sounds like characters out of Harry Potter referring to “He who must not be named

”. I am sorry but I just cannot take someone like this seriously; there is too much thrown in for dramatic effect.

We have thus far established that the Demon Kings rule the four compass points  and we also know that each compass point is associated with an element. So it stands to reason that demons are also grouped according to elements. As in fire demons etc.

Another problem that I have encountered is that here is no set classification of demons or hierarchy, as I mentioned earlier by saying we’d get to that later.

There have been various classifications of demons in Christian demonology and classical occultism and Renaissance magic. Classification systems are based on the nature of the demon, the sin with which they tempt people, the month in which their power was strongest, even the saints that were their adversaries, and or other characteristics.

According to the Testament of Solomon, purportedly written by King Solomon, in which are described the particular demons that were enslaved by him to build the temple

, the questions he put to them about their deeds and how they could be thwarted and their answers, which amounts to a kind of self-help manual to protect against demonic activity. The date is a bit doubtful, but it is considered to be the oldest surviving work particularly concerned with individual demons.

Most people talk about an hierarchal order to “hell” but from what I have found very few authors actually agree on the constitution of the hierarchy. The list of

classification for demons is long and varied, some containing the same demons names but at different ranks, others put the classification of demons as to their type even the Grimoires cannot agree on the demonic hierarchy. Some demons can be used for various purposes, while others might have only one sole function or ability. What is even more confusing, to many, is that Satan and Lucifer are not the same being. They also fall under different classifications as well as ranks (surprise, surprise).

The only consensuses that I can find is that Satan and Lucifer are considered two different entities and neither do these being rule “hell” as what we know it. So that actually puts a huge boot in what we have been taught to believe as far as these being one and these same and that he is out for your soul.

Of course this would lead any person to wondering, if Satan and Lucifer are not the same being, then who is the ruler of hell, the king of demons right?

Well according to texts about King Solomon when he began to build the Temple to God which King David had set for him to complete he wanted to find the “Shomir” worm, which is can cut through the hardest substance with just a touch. He is advises to question a male and female demon, who inform him that only their lord and master Ashmedai would know where to find this creature. They inform the King were to find him as he’s home is on a beautiful mountain top (not hell or the abyss). He sends a young man to capture Ashmedai, who does this by removing the water from Ashmedai’s well and replacing it with wine and although the demon will not drink it at first (as it seems demons do not share in the vices of man even though they are supposed to encourage them) he is over come by thirst. Once he had passed out he was bound and taken to Solomon, on the road to Jerusalem the captive did many strange things but would not say why. It is strange to note that when Ashmedai is released he does not strike Solomon but waits for an explanation and willing agrees to help him. And even when Solomon keeps him captive for many years during the building he does not strike out when he is brought before the King to answer for his strange actions on the road.

1st text:

After the consecration of the holy edifice, Solomon had Ashmedai brought before him, and explained the reason of his prolonged captivity, requesting him at the same time, first of all, to explain to him his inexplicable conduct whilst on the way to Jerusalem. ‘What, for instance, prompted you to guide the blind man into safety, when he was entangled in a bush? Surely it could not have been compassion, a virtue to which a demon is a stranger?’ Ashmedai replied, ‘That blind man is a most pious and righteous man, and I heard it proclaimed in the higher spheres that great reward should be his who should render that man a service.’

‘And why did you lead the drunken man into the road away from the precipice into which he was walking?’ ‘That man,’ said Ashmedai, ‘is very wicked, and if he deserves any reward for ever having done anything but evil, he should receive it here on earth.’ ‘And what provoked your laughter when you heard a man inquire for boots to last him seven years?’ ‘Simply,’ said the master of demons, ‘that the man had but seven days more on earth.’ ‘Why did you weep on meeting a bridal party with their music?’ ‘Mighty King of Israel,’ exclaimed Ashmedai, ‘this very moment the last shred of flesh is gnawed off the bones of that bridegroom; he died five days after I met the wedding party.’ ‘Last of all,’ demanded Solomon, ‘what was the cause of your laughter on seeing the wizard with the people who consulted him?’ ‘Why should I not laugh when I saw a stupid person who professed to remove the veil of the hidden future, whilst he knew not that under the stone on which he was sitting there was hidden a kingly treasure?’

Now although Ashmedai did rid himself of Solomon by throwing him basically into another land he did not kill him or wreck total havoc. Almost as if it was his way of teaching the King a lesson, his acts towards others also shows a strange side to a demon completely opposite to what we are supposed to expect. So here is one text that states that Satan is not the king of demons.

2nd text:

Grandmother Lilith the Great–Samael the great demon and great king over all demons has intercourse with her. And Ashmodai king of the demons has intercourse with Little Lilith.    The demon whose name is Qaftzefoni, on rare occasions, when permission is granted him, has intercourse with, and attaches himself to, and loves, a creature whose name is Lildtha [Lilith], and she resembles Hagar the Egyptian.    A great jealousy sprang up between Samael the greater prince of all and Ashmodai king of the demons over Lilith who is called Lilith the Maiden, and who has the form of a beautiful woman from the head to the navel, and from the navel down [she is] flaming fire. Like mother like daughter… And there is no good intention in but only to arouse wars and all kinds of destruction. And they are occupied with war, the war between Lilith the Daughter, and Grandmother Lilith…. (

Patai81:464)    And they say that of the offspring of Ashmodai and Lilith his wife was fashioned a great prince in heaven who rules over eighty thousand destroyers and despoilers, and he is called Sword of Ashmodai the King. And his face flames like the fire of flame. (


The Greek name for Ashmodia is Asmodeus. It was said that a succubus mated with King David and produced The King of Demons.

Then of course the Ars Goetia will come along and say Bael is king of hell, which just leaves me rolling my eyes. Its as if the all the Grimoires on summoning demons just wanted to confuse everything.

Stories of Deals with the Devil:

Based on a German legend, Faust tells the story of a learned scholar, who, despite his success and mortal knowledge, aims to seek more in life. Thus, with the help of his friends Valdes and Cornelius, he practices to become a magician and with the help of the black arts, summons Mephastophilis, a demon. After summoning the demon, Faust gets the idea to send Mephastophilis back to Lucifer with a business proposal: allow Mephastophilis to become Faust’s slave for twenty-four years, in exchange for Faust’s soul. Why Faust didn’t obtain more years of the demon’s slavery is never made clear, but it must have had something to do with Faust not wanting to live anymore, considering the fact that he practically traded away his scholarly career. After signing a blood compact with Lucifer, the words ‘homo fuge’ (o man, fly) appear on Faust’s arm, both as a mark of their deal and as a mark of reassurance “Throughout the twenty-four years of what appears to be the most ballsy (and yet most stupid) deal in literature, Faust does a wide variety of things, such as lavish himself with rich gifts, obtain answers about the nature of the world, interrupt the pope’s dinner, literally punch the ears of the aforementioned pope, gain an audience with Charles V by summoning Alexander the Great, and summoning Helen of Troy, just to rave on and on about her beauty. Near the twenty-four year count, Faust decides that he isn’t fit to make a deal with the devil and begs to take the deal back. The Devil, disappointed at Faust for mentioning this little titbit just now (after exploiting the other pleasures he has had over the years) refuses to renege and at midnight, sends a host of devils to drag Faust’s ass to Hell.

In general, besides what the Grimoires say, there is no sure fire way to keep from having your soul taken, if that is what happens. If we understand the Grimoire deals correctly, the demon didn’t necessarily want your soul. It might make due with your body so that it could move around freely to do what it pleased.

Those “Satanists” who believe that spirits can be summoned do not hold the belief that they can be forced to do as you want. They hold the same principal as those who call on angels. That in summoning a demon it is disrespectful to place yourself and it in a binding circle. Here a banishing ritual is also recommended or a bath of purification, this is to rid yourself of all negative energies and

  when you trace a circle or triangle with the demons seal it is simply to give the demon a place to manifest.

If the demon will not appear request that he retire or not show itself at all. And if it will not do you bidding it is rude to force the issue. Although it is also stated that if you summon a demon of lust it is very rare that the demon will refuse your request. And as to sacrifices. Well it isn’t about your soul, or slaughtering for blood. No it might be something as simple as with a demon of lust; an explicitly sexual act or encouraging sexual activity in others. Nothing more complicated.

In truth if we think about it, we have been taught to believe angels are loving, caring and  have sweet natures and that all demons are evil and out for the destruction of mankind. In some ways it is only since such Occult series such as Supernatural (which had a number of people screaming blue murder when they brought angels and demons into the mix) that I suppose got some people thinking and that is why there has been an outcry.

If we look into the nature of some angles purpose for being brought into being was to tempt man with various vices and see if he could resist or others were put there for the destruction of man while still some “demons” actually come from older religious practices that since the advent of

monotheistic religions were denounced as evil. Some of these so called demons did serve darker purposes when they were still considered gods while other did not but because they encourage the baser desires of men such as sex they where delegated to demonic status.

Still others regard the summoning and existence of demons in a different light in that during course of a man’s life, there are moments of clarity and there are moments of pure darkness. At his mental peak, he can and will often experiences great clarity of thought and profound realization (and some people attribute this to religious fervour). And at his lowest, he experiences depression, anger, or melancholy.

Drugs, chemicals, foods and lifestyle changes may (usually do) effect his thought processes in various ways. Let us disregard for the moment the existence of spirits or demons, for most, ritual magic is a way to control the mind, as it involves ritual purification (sometimes) and a great deal of meditation, without the use of drugs or chemicals, the magician controls directly his level of conscious awareness. He experiences “being awake” mentally, a state which the ordinary person only experience after large amounts of caffeine or other stimulants. The spirits or demons he calls upon exist within his subjective mind and responds to his invocations. As a magician progresses in the Magical Art, he gains control over his emotions and experiences more “peaks” than “lows”.

Therefore it is not necessary in my personal opinion to prove the objective existence of spirits or demons in order to show the effectiveness of magic. Parapsychologists have shown, through years of research and investigation which only the most cynical will deny, the definite existence of telepathy or mental communication. The human brain operates, like a radio, receiving the brain waves “broadcast” by others of similar frequency. For this reason, telepathy is most common among close friends or family members. In truth if most of us will really think about this we will find that it is true, as we often have the urge to check on those we care about for no particular reason when we usually would not. A magician may therefore be seen as someone who has converted the “receiver” of his brain into a “transmitter.” At first he may only be able to influence those who are on a similar “frequency” to his own or will have to learn how to change “frequency” in order to influence those on different “frequencies”. But the more powerful his “transmitter” becomes, the more people he will be able to influence directly.

In other words the person who is able to alter their brain waves will be able to open themselves not only as a “receiver” for various things around them but “transmit” feeling and desires drawing what they need from others or from the environment.

It has been proved that through meditation this can be achieved, as somehow through mediation we are able to reroute our brains electrical impulses.

It was noted that a very important brain circuit, called the

Default Mode Network (DMN) closely correlates with our sense of introspection and operates during non focused internal thought — that is, daydreaming, memories, future planning, wondering and thinking of others.  It is very connected with the sense of who we are as a person, or the sense of “I”.

The DMN ordinarily consists of medial prefrontal cortex and posterior cingulate cortex with coherent slow brain waves. Significant recent research has shown that

meditation changes the DMN

, briefly for novice meditators and permanently for experienced meditators. The new default network of meditators, and hence the new sense of “I,” includes the dorsal anterior cingulate and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. These changes are consistent with increased focus and self monitoring, but less mind wandering.

 Some people are born with this ability through genetics.

(also change of religious practices seems to cause this to happen, extreme prayer is also a means of meditation, as your are in a mind altering moment)

The quickest and most direct route to the brain is through the optic nerve. Mental transmissions from the brain are sent through the optic nerve to the eyes and out through the eye cavities. This is the origin of the “evil eye” and “fascination”, as well as the expression “the eyes are the window to the soul.” In the Middle Ages, witch-hunters used to remove the eyes of “witches” so that they would not be able to look upon them and curse them.

Once a magician has acquired control of his own mental states (through ritual magic/meditation), and has converted the “receiver” in his brain into a “transmitter”, he is able to “influence” rather than “be influenced”, as he has developed control over “himself” i.e he no longer struggles over emotional states. He may even feel contempt for those who are led around upon rash emotional whims without the slightest balance or direction.

Many people carry around with them subconscious masochistic tendencies, causing them to do things which will bring pain or misery upon themselves. In magical terminology, this is called a “curse” or better knows as a self-fulfilling prophecy in phycology, what we ultimately believe we deserve in our deepest depths we make happen. By this means, if we feel deeps seated guilt we might not believe that we deserve to be happy even through we tell ourselves and others the opposite. In its most severe form, the human mind becomes unbalanced, resulting in mental illness, paranoia, psychosis, or schizophrenia. Many people have “cursed” themselves or have been “cursed” by others, either intentionally or unintentionally.

Wishing to place a curse on his enemy, an accomplished magician (someone who has mastered the mental states of his consciousness) may enter into a ritual chamber (enter into a “waking state” in which his mind is fully active), invoke a spirit of destruction (create the mental image of the spirit within his subjective mind), and command the spirit to go forth and destroy his enemy (send out the mental “transmission” of hate.) It matters not weather spirits exist objectively or not. They are real to the magician who invokes them and to the victim who suffers the force of the mental “transmission”. This is what people used to call the evil eye, so whether or not someone can actually do magic is not the issue. If your dislike or negative emotions are strong enough and you have mastered the art of control and being able to focus those feeling of hate you

 can trip up someones life.

A I see it if spirits or demons exist objectively, as actual intelligent beings, then one might think that they would have more important things to do than appear before a “magic circle” and serve the whims of mere mortals. One might also think that there would then be one “correct” tradition of magic and one “true” pantheon of deities. This is not at all the case. All systems of magic use similar techniques and work relatively the same whether or not it is viewed as evil or good (white or black). The fact that magic based on the worship of pagan gods has the same efficiency as magic based on the Judaeo-Christian Caballa and Gnosticism, shows that it is the techniques used (and their effect upon the practitioner’s mind) which accounts for magical powers and not the particular deities or spirits called upon.

Many spirits are accredited with giving knowledge of “arts and sciences”. The “Lesser Key of Solomon”, a book of goetic sorcery, lists 72 demons which Solomon allegedly bound inside a brazen vessel. This Cabalistic tale has its origin in the Babylonian legend of the 72 Lords of the Djin. The word demon comes from the Greek “daemon”, an influencing spirit of intelligence (which is a much better description don’t you think). Djin (or genie) is also the root of the word “genius.” Although the word “genius” is often used by the mundane, he who is called a “genius” is said to be under the influence of an intelligence, therefore it could be otherwise stated that he is under the influence of daemon, or genie. If demons do not exist objectively (only subjectively), then the question arises: how can we explain sudden knowledge acquired through contact with a spirit?

To the true sorcerer there is no “good” and no “evil”; there is only his WILL. This is the basis of Crowley’s Law of Thelema. Those who interpret Crowley’s law “do what thou WILL” as “do what you want” fail to understand that it is the magical WILL Crowley is referring to. What the sorcerer desires (or thinks that he desires) may not be the thing which his “higher self” has truly WILLED to occur. Expanding upon the Law of Thelema, Michael Aquino conceptualized and proclaimed the Word XEPER, by which the sorcerer may “become” and ultimately attain his true WILL, and the realization of his “higher self”. Without Thelema, Xeper could never have been, for it is by THELEMA that XEPER is possible.

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