Know Me

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Crafter of magick, intent on expanding your realm beyond what you ever imagined possible. This blog is about what interests me. If you are easily offended or sensitive to certain issues discussed here please do not read. This is about me and what interests me. Welcome to one and all, hope you enjoy your time with me.

Friday, 15 November 2013

The POWER (I put a Spell on You part 3)

True magick, true spellcasting is not supernatural. There is no darkness and danger that is involved in this. It is a one of the most beautiful, soul moving and fiery acts that any one being can feel. It moves you to feel and connect with the earth and everything around you that sustains us and when you do, you truly feel the power of the natural world around you – in everything seen and unseen. You see the beauty and poetry in ever leaf curl and movement of insect wing.

In this piece I would like to include something that never fails to move me and that is the

Invocation of the Elements.

what some might call  :

Calling the Corners


The energy that is drawing during rituals and or spellcasting is anything but supernatural. Witches have a unique would-view which enables then to see the immanent life-force, usually referred to as the Goddess (sometimes the God but most often the Goddess), as a constant flow of energy that is not set apart from the natural world, but literally see as the natural world itself. This universal energy is seen and felt in all things and places (in some places this might be stronger than others), and is tapped into when performing a ritual so as to charge the magick with potency.

The model of the five elements can be thought of as a map to our soul. By unfolding our psyche to the land around us, we will begin to make a shift into living in harmony with the natural world around us. This relationship that is between our spirit and the universe forms the basis for the magickal overview which enables us to live a life of power. When we are consciously aware of the moving of air through our lungs and the passion in our hearts, we have begun to live our life fully.

When working with elements either in meditation or in direct experience, aspects of ourselves begin to resonate and are brought to the forward of our awareness. This can lead us to a better understanding of the self (the hidden inner part of us that we keep from the world at large), and by extension to increase the command of other talents. Often we find obstacles or blockages, psychological or otherwise, blocking our path. Sometimes these can be disturbing and even often frightening. Only be confronting and embodying these can we fully begin to grow and thrive, indeed by avoiding these we run the risk of causing ourself great harm.

When used intentionally and consistently, the model of elements can point us in the correct direction to find exactly where in our inner worlds we need healing or change, reflection or celebration, then leading us back home to our centre.

The East corresponds with the element of Air, representing the mind, intellect, the ability to reason, the power to Know. It’s time is first morning light in the springtime, Its’ colour is yellow and its’ tool is the wand.

Hail Guardians of the East,

I summon the powers of Air!

Windswept meadow,

Breath of life,

Fantastic torrent removing strife,

With Clarity, the power to Know,

We invoke you!

(Participants should take a moment to focus on their breath, feeling the powers of air in their lungs and body while examining the idea of clarity and knowing.)

By the air that is Her breath,

Be with us now!


The South corresponds to the element of Fire, representing passion, energy, and the powers of fierce change, and Will. It’s time is high noon in the summertime. Its’ colour is red, and its tools are the athamé and the sword.

Hail Guardians of the South,

I summon the powers of Fire!

Blazing flame,

Crackling fire,

The quickened pulse of heart’s desire,

With Energy, the power of Will,

We invoke you!

By the fire that is Her spirit,

Be with us now!


The West corresponds to the element of Water, representing the Deep self, emotions, intuition, and the power to Dare. It’s time is the twilight of sunset in the autumn. Its’ colour is the blue of the oceans, and its’ tool is the chalice.

Hail Guardians of the West,

I summon the powers of Water!

Rushing stream,

Vast, dark ocean,

Poetry of the soul in motion,

With Intuition, feeling, the power to Dare,

We invoke you!

(think of deep past emotions)

By the Waters of Her womb,

Be with us now!


The North corresponds to the element of Earth, representing the powers of stability, birth, death, and the power to keep Silent. It’s time is midnight in the dead of winter. Its’ colours are green and black, and its’ primary tool is the pentacle.

Hail Guardians of the North,

We summon the powers of Earth!

Cave of darkness,

Standing stone,

the celebration of flesh and bone,

With Stillness, the power of silence,

We invoke you!

(A strong moment of silence, feeling the body.)

By the Earth that is Her body,

Be with us now!


The Center corresponds to the element of Spirit, Ether, or Force, and represents the Deep Self in harmonic resonance with the other two layers of the human soul, namely Talking Self, and the

fetch. It is that which connects the directions at the center, immanence, transcendence, and life which survives death. Its’ colours are violet, white, or black, and its’ tool is the cauldron, symbol of transformation (the womb).

As above, so below.

As within, so without.

Four stars in this place be,

Combined to call the fifth to me!

Circumference and center,

Woven together,

To make the circle complete!

(Imagine the energies of the four elemental powers combining creating a dynamic force that spins, like a top, with its’ axis being the center of the circle.)

Breathing deeply you see the pentagrams takes their places in their colour presentations in the corners. Let everything settle inside of you, silent and still. Feel the energy flowing into you, feel the raw power. The combined energy of the elements, allow it to change your self. Feel the power to Know, to make intelligent choices, feel your power to will, to direct your true inner desire.

This is what the invocation of the elements is, calling the powers that surround us every day to fill us join us in our will and working and to bring balance to our core. To understand that we are all a part of it and it of us. We are listened to and heard everyday, even though we are not always sure of it. Each element represents a part of who we as a being are.

If you have ever stood any where quiet along a river bank for example with a wind blowing, seeing and hearing the wind through the leaves and grass. Seeing its effect and movement over the water, letting the feel of it over any exposed part of our flesh wash over us, or stood and watched a storm slowly brewing. Watched clouds gather and darken; the change in atmospheric pressure that causes the small hairs on you body to rise in warning and awe. Felt the pressure build along with a cooler breeze and heard the thunder and watched the extreme power of lightening splitting the air.

Then you might understand why a witch feels connected to the powers around them. Feels drawn to it, a part of it and that everything in nature not only surrounds us but flows through us.

More than anything the study of “the craft” teaches us that we are not alone in this world, that everything is connected in a continuos circle. It teaches that we are all powerful in our own right and that is we magick is neither white nor black. Either evil or good, it is you as the caster, the practitioner that determines what you do with your abilities and powers, your will. That the cause and effect of things when you exert your will on anything is your own doing.

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