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Crafter of magick, intent on expanding your realm beyond what you ever imagined possible. This blog is about what interests me. If you are easily offended or sensitive to certain issues discussed here please do not read. This is about me and what interests me. Welcome to one and all, hope you enjoy your time with me.

Friday, 15 November 2013

The Art of GLAMOUR/power (I put a Spell on You part 4) - Power of Coercion

The use if the word “charisma” refers t to the lower or debased “power” not the higher gift of the Holy Spirit (the gift of gab – just in case you didn’t know), though sadly this to can sometimes exist in the same spiritual leader (I’m sure you can guess what I’m referring to). Go figure that one…

It also explains why some people continue to show allegiance to some leaders who are clearly well…a bit doggy.

This will focus on charisma and glamouring from a magickal perspective, looking at how it woks on the subtle bodies and the inner realms. The psychology of this art can be found in any number of books on fraud and messianic cults. The most important and fundamental thing to understand is that

you to can be glamoured and placed under a spell of charisma. Anyone can. Even knowing the signs of being glamoured is no guard against it.

One reason why we can all be affected by charisma and glamouring is that we all human, living imperfect lives. We all want and desire something and
many of these things we are not consciously aware of.
Glamouring and charisma work directly on those desires and also our fundamental basic need.

Interesting example:

In 1968 a very famous Spanish forger of classical paintings, Elmyr was jailed for two months. Upon his release he co-wrote a book, with Cliff Irving, a book Fake, that detailed how he managed to convince so many people that his fakes were real. A couple of years later Cliff Irving, convinced a New York publisher to advance him, as agent, $750 000USD (value of $5 Million dollars /R45 802 500-00)for a supposed auto-biography of Howard Hughes.

Now there was a document with a forged signature from Howard Hughes. But the most amazing thing is that even though Irving had co-written a famous book on the forging of signature he was still able to persuade (we say glamour) a group of professional business men out of an incredibly large amount of money. How? Because at the time most publishers would have gnawed off their own arm and gift wrapped it to anyone to get the rights to Howard Hughes autobiography, even when Irving described (believe it or not) how he met Hughes in the dead of night and signed the contract on top a pyramid in Mexico.

When we want something we can be fooled. If we want something from our smaller, ego self, we are open to glamouring.

Charisma defined

The aggregate of those special gifts of mind and character which are the source of the personal power of exceptional individuals and upon which they depends for their capacity to secure the allegiance of, and exercise  decisive authority over groups of people. (Funk and Wagnalls)

Glamour is mostly referred to as “an illusory, alluring charm and fascination”. From a magickal perspective glamour and charisma occur mostly in two realms – the astral body and/or the etheric body.

Definition break down:

(1) special “powers which are the basis for the (2) control of groups or individuals. There is also (3) an

illusion occurring and (4)a fascination with that illusion. What is not explicitly stated in the definition which is essential is that a successful glamour has to (5) both

give something and offer something more to the person being glamoured but never fully deliver the goods.

These are the 5 components for a successful glamour.

Charm and Glamour

The “special powers” of glamouring are largely psychological and can be found in any studies of gurus and cult-leaders. What it basically comes down to is that much of these “powers” stem from and absolute belief  in themselves and the work that they do, regardless of any data or proof to the contrary there of.

But we can separate psychology and magick to see the magickal qualities and processes involved in glamouring.

So before I become more engrossed in this explanation let me explain the term “etheric body”

The etheric body, ether-body, æther body, is a name given by neo-Theosophy to a vital body or subtle body

propounded in esoteric philosophies as the first or lowest layer in the “human energy field” or

aura.[1] It is said to be in immediate contact with the physical body, to sustain it and connect it with “higher” bodies, i.e the spirit (originally “breath”)

So on an etheric level a successful glamourer will have the ability to generate a large amount of excess etheric energy. They often “sparkle” with energy and much of this is sexual energy, though not always sexually expressed. Adaptations of so called “kundalini raising” exercise produces this quality readily in most people, although the side-effects can produce mental disturbance as I stated in my previous blog.

According to well-known teacher and translator Eknath Easwaran, kundalini means “the coiled power,” a force which ordinarily rests at the base of the spine, described as being coiled there like a serpent.

[11] The concept can be found under different names. For example the 8th century

Tantrasadbhava Tantra uses the term kundali (“she who is ring-shaped”).[12]Through meditation, and various esoteric practices, such as

Kundalini Yoga, Sahaja Yoga, and Kriya Yoga, the kundalini is awakened, and can rise up from the

muladhara chakra through the central nadi, called sushumna, inside or alongside the spine and reaches the top of the head. The progress of kundalini through the different

chakras leads to different levels of awakening and mystical experience, until the kundalini finally reaches the top of the head,

Sahasrara or crown chakra, producing an extremely profound mystical experience.

This is what good glamourers are able to do without this process. They also know how to consciously direct this energy through eyes and touch. Charismatic persons will engage others in ways that are more intimate than their personal space would normally allow ( it is that distance between someone and yourself with which you feel the most comfortable). So when they talk to you they stand a bit closer to you than others might in regular conversation. This allows them onto your etheric space; they are then able to direct energy and illusions much easier into this space. Psychologically this enhances the feeling and illusion that they are close to you, that they want to be close to you, that you are special in some unusual way and are on intimate terms with them.

The transference of sexual energy here is the key and most people will leave feeling the presence of the glamourer, alive and faintly sexual. This helps develop a fascination with the glamourer and the person develops the desire to receive more energy from the glamourer. The correct stimulation can create an opening. The person will keep returning not only psychologically hoping for more but because of the etheric rapport between them and the glamourer. Also there is the concept of control. The glamourer needs to be incontrol of the situation and project ability to control the subject.

The glamourer also has the ability to project images of themselves, illusions if you will (this is done astally). They can create the idealised image of themselves in any form they want, such as being sweet, the best lover, understanding etc. The glamourer then lives out this image, sometimes only until the subject is completely drawing in. In the presence of such a “charismatic” person the subject will often feel “high” as their mental state has been enhanced by the energy the glamourer has produced. It is like  the sounding of a note from a powerful drum beat in a larger drum and feeling it resonating through smaller drums around it.

There is another type of glamourer, this is the most powerful and dangerous form.

A natural glamourer is able to sense and receive the impressions of a person’s desires, wishes and thoughts.

Basically someone who is truly able glamour is not a lier or a fraud, they are gifted in creating the perfect image of themselves in the form you desire the most and in so doing you will believe that from them you will receive what ever you want. The most gifted of glamourers is even able to make you believe that what you are seeing is real even when it is not. The ability is so powerful that they are able to make you believe that they look different, that you see things that are not there.

There are not very many who are able to do this. There are of course those that a gifted in doing certain things; making others believe fanciful tales or they are able to project an image of themselves they want others to see, either to a single person or large group. Some are even able to do this with the opposite sex. They are able to cause you to do anything they want because of the persuasion they project and you will do this willingly to make them happy. When your are away from them you might feel relief to be out of their presence, you might even dislike yourself for your actions around them, your desire to be near them yet you will find yourself being drawn straight back. Some people who are able to glamour are not even aware of what they are doing and the stronger their ability the more apparent their success in just any venture or conquest.

As I said anyone can fall prey to be glamoured but there are some who are able to resist or be less affected, rarely but they are out there.

Glamour might be the lowest form or magick but it is the most potent and dangerous.

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