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Crafter of magick, intent on expanding your realm beyond what you ever imagined possible. This blog is about what interests me. If you are easily offended or sensitive to certain issues discussed here please do not read. This is about me and what interests me. Welcome to one and all, hope you enjoy your time with me.

Friday, 15 November 2013

“I PUT A SPELL ON YOU” - A spell

“ I put a spell on you cause your mine,

Lord! Lord!Lord!

‘Cause you’re mine

I can’t stand the things you do when you’re fooling around

I don’t care if you don’t want me

‘Cause I’m yours, yours, yours anyhow

I can’t stand when you’re fooling around

If I can’t have you, no one will

I love you, you, you.” Marilyn Manson originally by Screaming Jay Hawkins

These lyrics are both disturbing and true; there are many people, both men and women who have been driven to distraction by their cheating or disinterested lovers. Some are driven so far as to commit suicide or murder either of their lover or of the person who their lover is cheating with. A Crime of Passion it is termed in the courts.

Yet the image invoked for me by the words of this song is a distraught woman calling to the pagan gods to grant her the right to bring her lover back to her while she brews a potion to feed him to make him return crawling on his hands and knees begging her for forgiveness.

Fanciful? Just fiction?

Well not really. In the period from the 1500’s to about a good 50 or 35 years ago all a man had to whisper was that he’d been bewitched to account for an infidelity to have people pointing at a woman. In some societies today this would be sneered at but there are those that still today see it as possible to bewitch a man and ensnare his senses. People imagine potions and brews being fed to a man to make him want another woman. In the book “Practical Magic” by Alice Hoffman it talks about the aunts who let women stick pins into the heart of a dove while they voice how much they wanted the man of their desires to want them, how much they wanted him to come back, to stop cheating and most important of all to never want to look at another woman but them again. In the movie “The Craft” the four girls do a spell on the local jerk that sleeps with a girl and leaves her and if she doesn’t he still makes up stories about her. So they be-spell him to fall in love with Nancy; one of the witches, who had been his newest victim who had refused to sleep with him. Also in the book, “Which Witch” (sorry cant remember the author), a new witch accidentally spills an entire bottle of potion on to a rock size rose quartz crystal instead of a chip size which she is meant to only lightly anoint. All three of these cases the spell backfires in a bad way; in the first two it happens in a emotionally shattering way and the second in a life ending manner, the last is more comical but not the best either. The first two spells are a demonstration of spellwork forced on another person that makes them change the way they feel. Now a feeling that doesn’t exist cannot be conjured out of thin air by anyone no matter who they are but certain spells can alter a particular aspect of a feeling. What we mistake for love could be lust and even when this desire grows naturally it can be turned to obsession and obsession is something that is very dangerous. It pushes people to desperate measures. A love spell aimed at making someone love you can have dire effects as what the person feels might be something else and the compulsion that you exert can have dire consequences. In both cases the objects of the spell become hopelessly obsessed and go to great lengths to have what they’ve been made to want. In the latter case the spell cast was to attract love to her. So as a result, men who came onto contact with her were attracted to her for the smallest reason.

As I have stated before in a previous blog a spell is a prayer but whereas in most religions the person either only asks or gives thanks for something, in spell work you actively take part. Asking to be heard and requesting that your requested will not only be heard but blessed if it the God or Goddesses will to do so. Everything has a representation to remind us of what is around us and how tangible it is. Salt for the earth, a bowl of water, a candle flame for fire and a feather for air. Colours represent emotions and different states of being. When you are casting, you are asked to carefully think about your action, your requests and your state of being; not only in the present but in the future. If you do this now how will it effect not only the object you cast it over, or for but what the fallout will be for others connected to the object and how will it be returned to you. It is believed as in nature were everything is a circle curling in on itself so are your actions. All your actions and thoughts must be clear, in check and well controlled at all times. Most that follow ‘The Craft’ have no problem being called a witch even if there are negative connotations to it and please a witch is a witch whether male or female it makes no difference. Those of the Wiccan faith (yes faith not cult) and similar belief systems follow a

REDE; this is a statement that provides the key moral system in the faith, the most comment form of the rede is :

An it harm none, do what ye will.

The word “Rede” derives from the middle English, meaning “advice” or “counsel”. “An” is an archaic middle English conjunction, meaning “if”. “Ye” is an archaic or dialect form of “you”. So simply the Rede reads “

If it harm none, do what you will”.

Many misunderstand the old ways because they simply have not taken the time to understand or are unwilling to because so many symbols and ways have been tag and iconized as evil or devil worship. Especially a spell, now what we forget is that it’s easy to say this when we do not look at the true symbolism of items and when we do not understand the core beliefs of any faith. Not all Wiccan’s or witches cast spells, it is first and foremost a spiritual path. A Ritualistic spell to me, as I have stated before, is like a prayer except that it is not the deity that is doing all the work your are working in conjunction with them with your own power (belief if you will/will power) to help do what you need be done. The unritualistic spells is where it is less of a prayer and using the forces of nature (which is part of the deity) to help with what it is you want, whether it is healing (using herbs) or finding something lost (scrying). I reiterate, it is against the belief system to harm something, yourself and others with a spell. Truth is the belief system actually means that it is against the wiccan law to harm anything or anyone by any means possible i.e. picking up a knife and stabbing someone is also out.

A Book of Shadows is a journal of sorts of the spells that work or have been tried, about the deities, and religious celebrations and just about anything that is relevant to a single practitioner or even for the coven.

Funny thing is like all under this belief do not all practice in the same way, the Rede is the main basis along with a few other things but some include nudity in their practice but not everyone is in the agreement that this is how it should be(yes I am smiling thinking about some who would enjoy this).

So back to spells.

As in anything you have to believe. It is your belief in it, if you do not believe it will not be possible. Now please keep this in mind no “witch” will ever exchange money for a spell. Yes there are books sold about practicing but in particular a wiccan will not exchange money for performing a spell, or providing one for ‘the craft’

Ok now with it being said that no warm be done to others animals included there are spells which are a bit invasive, but forgiveness must then be asked if this means it used. It does cause the practitioner to boarder which is considered dangerous in itself because it pushes against the Rede.

Love spell using Dove or Pigeon

Take a Pigeon or Dove and while in the grip of your pain (“love ache”) and with the power of your desire to have him take the pin or needle and stating in short what you want stab the Dove/Pigeon through the heart.

Bury the bird with the needle still in its heart and the photo of your love in a secret place or burn them all together.

(It is said to be an omen should the bird suffer in its death. It has to be clean and swiftly done. The omen could be that if the bird suffered then the love was not a love that should be which means it could turn dark but if it was clean then you would be successful in your desire.)

Variation using a Poppet

Make the poppet out of white cloth or mould out of white wax. Stuff the poppet or wax figure with herbs that attract, including the persons hair or nail clipping will help. Place a picture of the person over where the heart would be then while in the grip of your desire or passion state what you want briefly then stab the poppet through the picture.

Bury the poppet with the needle still in its heart and the photo of your love in a secret place or burn them all together.

This spell comes with the following warning: Be cautious on where your hear lies in its intentions.

A spell of this kind is not encouraged, it can be done- oh yes, but the warning is dire as I said this is NOT sympathetic magick. This is invasive, you are forcing your will on another living creature overriding their wants and needs with your own and is bordering on the darker side of ‘the craft’. This type of spellwork draws a lot from you and draws all that is dark on your direction.

The best way form of magick to do is sympathetic magick.

Knot spell

things you will need:

3 cords or string in colours of romance.

Pink for love

Red for passion/lust

White for purity

(or any other colours that are meaningful to you but make sure you are clear on what they mean)

Knot the cords together at one end and as your do this visualise new love coming to you, arriving in your life and say or chant the following (or something similar)

“Diana, Goddess of love, divine.

Bring to me the love that is mine.”

Braid the 3 cords together as you continue to visualise this romantic partner falling inlove with you and you falling inlove with then. Try to feel the emotions as your do this and the loving contact of for eg. Hugging, kissing etc.

Tie another knot and repeat the prayer as you continue to visualise. Alternately knot and braid repeating the prayer with each knot, until you have a total of seven knots.

Keep the knotted cord with you, fashion it into a bracelet or necklace, keeping it with you until you find your love

Once you find love keep the necklace in a safe place, should you want to end the relationship one day you can use it in a ritual used for this.

This does not mean that the love is in the necklace, so it doesn’t matter if you lose it, this is simply a visualisation tool to help you focus and the knots are a symbol of you coming together. The magick is in you at all times and in the emotions you poured into the making of the cord.

With this type of spell you are asking for love to be returned to you, by someone who truly feels it for you. Who ever they might be, you are leaving it to a higher power.

There is also Glamour:

Or a spell of charisma even someone who practices can be placed under a spell of this kind. There are side effects to this sort of magick. One of these is that when you are away from the person who has cast something of this sort you will feel relieved as if something as been lifted from you. Glamouring works specifically on our desires. Glamour is the art of causing someone to see that which is not there (in other words the art of bullshit).

Charisma can be defined as:

The aggregate of those special gifts of mind and character which are the source of the personal power of exceptional individuals  and upon which they depend for their capacity to secure the allegiance of, and exercise decisive authority over groups of people ( Funk and Wagnalls).

There are special powers which are the basis for the control of groups or individuals. There is also an

illusion occurring and a fascination with that illusion. What is not explicitly stated here in the definition which is essential is that a successful glamour has to both

give something and offer something more to the person being glamoured but never fully deliver the goods.

(More on the art of Glamour another time)

I’m sure you get the basic idea.

I know some people will be thinking what utter bullshit and everyone is entitled to their opinion. No one is required to believe. I will say this though, after witnessing a very good friend of mine, who was only a budding practitioner, attempt an attraction of love spell and completely messing everything up to the point that she scared herself out over ever wanting to do another spell in her life again would have been enough to make a believer out of anyone.

The truth is there are many forms of magick, some believe in a “Natural Witch”.

The idea or belief behind this term is that although anyone can decide to be a witch there are those who just seem to be born for a talent for witchcraft.

A natural witch is someone around which things just seem to happen. They are the people who when the phone rings has an idea who is at the other end. They have lucid dreams and often the things in these dreams just come true. They know things about people or see things they couldn’t possible. They have an uncanny insight that has no explanation. And often good things happen to people who are good to them or people who have been nasty just seem to be tripped up. These are the people who have no need to casting spells. They even tend to be able to Glamour without thinking about it. A natural witch might not even realise what she is. Her abilities are uncanny even to her.

Most natural witches develop an almost unnatural control over their emotions out of necessity as things the want badly enough tend to happen, especially the not so good things as dislike or hate can be a very strong driving emotion, with out realising what they are doing.

So maybe when you feel strong attraction to someone for no apparent reason or you are drawn beyond your abilities to understand why maybe you have been called your senses ensnared.


Full REDE :

“Bide the Wiccan laws ye must, in perfect love and perfect trust.

Live and let live, fairly take and fairly give.

Cast the Circle thrice about to keep all evil spirits out.

To bind the spell every time, let the spell be spake in rhyme.

Soft of eye and light of touch speak ye little, listen much.

Deosil go by the waxing Moon, sing and dance the Wiccan Rune.

Widdershins go when the Moon doth wane, and the werewolf howls by the dread wolfsbane.

When the Lady’s Moon is new, kiss the hand to Her times two.

When the Moon rides at Her peak, then your heart’s desire seek.

Heed the North wind’s mighty gale, lock the door and drop the sail.

When the wind comes from the South, love will kiss thee on the mouth.

When the wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast.

When the West wind blows o’er thee, departed spirits restless be.

Nine woods ‘neath the Cauldron go, burn them quick and burn them slow.

Elder be ye Lady’s tree burn it not or cursed ye’ll be.

When the Wheel begins to turn, let the Beltane fires burn.

When the Wheel has turned a Yule, light the Log and let Pan rule.

Heed ye flower, bush and tree, by the Lady blessed be.

Where the rippling waters go, cast a stone and truth ye’ll know.

When ye are in dire need, hearken not to others’ greed.

With the fool no season spend, or be counted as his friend.

Merry meet and merry part bright the cheeks and warm the heart.

When misfortune is enow, wear the blue star on thy brow.

True in love ever be, unless thy lover’s false to thee.

Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill, an ye harm none, do what ye will.”

(There will be more in future)

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