Know Me

- Ishtar
- Crafter of magick, intent on expanding your realm beyond what you ever imagined possible. This blog is about what interests me. If you are easily offended or sensitive to certain issues discussed here please do not read. This is about me and what interests me. Welcome to one and all, hope you enjoy your time with me.
Friday, 15 November 2013
Love Potion No. 9 (I put a Spell on YOU part 2)
” Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the cauldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat, and tongue of dog,
Adder’s fork and blind-worm’s sting,
Lizard’s leg and howlet’s wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.“
Okay so we’ve talked about be-spelling someone, casting a love spell to draw them to you, making them want you. How you do this is entirely up to you of course. Just keeping in mind various ways have different repercussions. They may be good or very bad depending on what you choose to do as well as your reasoning behind it.
There are of course easier ways, if you know what you’re doing.
Food : there is a reason why the term “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” has been used for years. It is not a nonsensical idiom; it is actually the absolute truth.
Various foods combined and prepared in a specific way can have various effects on the human body.
Chilli Peppers
- They contain the chemical capsaicin, which not only makes them spicy, but also stimulates nerve endings, makes you sweat, swells your lips, increases your hear rate and makes you hotter. It can also cause you to release endorphins, giving you a natural high. Dr. John Harvey Kellogg , inventor of Corn Flakes and the founder of Kellogg’s cereals, advised nymphomaniacs to stay away from this potent food . It is also said that eating chillies are similar to making love – you get hot and sweaty!
- This fruits association with the long hot days of summer make it a sexy snack. It has an almost
Viagra-like effect, as it contains large amounts of Citrulline. This compound can relax blood vessels and improve blood flow, speeding up arousal (not to mention the temptation dripping juices causes, if you catch the hint).
- It is full of protein, which is great for stamina. It is also high in omega-3 fatty acids, which can increase serotonin levels in the brain,
elevating your moodmaking you feel good. Walnuts and pumpkin seeds have the same effects as far as aphrodisiacs go.
- They are chalk full of compounds that relax your blood vessels and improve circulation. Pop a few of these in your mouth before a romantic evening and you’ll feel great all night long. Also great sexy treats to feed one another.
Pine Nuts
- These are the edible seeds of some pine trees. They have a long history as an erotic food and they were used as an aphrodisiac as far back as Roman times. Their aphrodisiac powers come from their high levels of zinc, which stimulates the libido.
- This exotic spice stimulates circulation and heightens sensitivity in your erogenous zones. Go out for some ginger-heavy food or sushi to kick of a steamy night of passion!
- It might not seem like a very sexy food, but it actually contains androsterone, a hormone released in male sweat that can cause sexual arousal in women. Unfortunately, the jury is still out on how androsterone found in celery effects the human body. Wouldn’t hurt to dip a few sticks in peanut butter before…or during your next romp. Men usually enjoy watching women eat certain foods, don’t they?
- The oldest myth has been proven true! A team of US and Italian researchers analysed bivalve molluscs – a group of shellfish that includes oysters, muscles and clams – and found they were rich in rare amino acids that trigger increased levels of sex hormones.
- Casanovas breakfast of 50 oysters a day did make him “frisky”. Casanova who, in his memoirs, admitted to seducing 122 women had his own serving suggestion : “I placed the shell on the edge of her lips and after a good deal of laughing, she sucked in the oyster, which she held between her lips. I instantly covered it by placing my lips on hers.”
- So maybe we should take some advice from the master.
- The food of love, as been thought of an aphrodisiac a since as early as 600 BC. The Aztecs and Mayans were the first to recognise the potency of the food, celebrating the harvest with festivals of wild orgies. Montezuma (the Aztec emperor) drank fifty goblets of melted chocolate a day (notice something here) to boost his virility before visiting his harem of 600 women…
- Chocolate is known to increase Serotonin and Phenylethyalanine levels in the brain. Phenylethyalanine is a stimulant similar to the body’s own dopamine and adrenaline. It strikes the brain’s mood centres and a person’s libido. Chocolate can gently stimulate the central nervous system and gives immediate and substantial energy thus increasing stamina.
- Recent research shows that women are more susceptible ti the effects of Serotonin and Phenylethyalanine than men.
- It has been known as an aphrodisiac since 500BC, Hippocrates prescribed it honey for sexual vigour. Wedding traditions in some cultures include the offering of honey to a bridegroom and the term “honeymoon” stems from an ancient tradition of couples going to a secluded place and drinking a honey concoction until the first new moon of their marriage. Attila the Hun drank himself to death on honey the night of his honeymoon.
- Everything about honey is romantic from the way it’s made to the deep golden colour, but scientifically honey is an aphrodisiac because of its high vitamin B content and amino acid which boosts energy and stamina.
These are simpler ways to guide a man into the direction you want him to go and a lot less dangerous to you. Also it’s a way for you to show off your talents, that’s if you can cook. The truth is, cooking is also a form of the oldest type of magick. Certain ingredients and spices combined can work as well as any potion brewed. While you are cooking your strongest emotion is poured into it. Have you ever noticed that sometimes your cooking tastes not so great, or just okay and other times amazing. Think about what you where feeling while you cooked those meals, where you in a bad mood, just not in the mood to cook at all but had no choice or maybe you were in a great mood and very much wanted to make that particular dish. Ever heard the saying that “It tastes so good because it was made with love”, our emotions and thoughts affect everything around us and everything we do. What you project in concentrated doses seeps into things and those things affect everything around you.
Cooking something magickal is the easiest and can be just as enticing.
Helps alleviate sickness. It can also help improve the mix of a potion for love and healing. It can issue out the best love potion which may drive another person toward another.
Potent love properties
Red Hibiscus flowers are for good fortune and love
Rose Petals
Roses and rose petals have always been associated with love and passion. Bathing in rose water softens the skin and infuses it with the scent of roses. The rose has been used in love spells for centuries, it brings harmony and warm feelings, roses in your garden welcome all manner of magic beings. Place rose petals around the home for an ambient environment and to reduce tensions and upsets.
Carrots and Licorice
Are for lust, belive it or not.
Lettice and Lemon
Are for love
The fact that most people don’t realise most of the foods and everyday herbs we consume have an effect on our brain, nervous system and can even have an effect on the scents our body produces is a little surprising. One would think that people would realise that not only does it affect your bodily functions as far as ones health is concerned but can influence our feeling and reactions towards people and things. There are also those people who are the most attractive to us and a large number of people of the opposite sex and sometimes you have no idea why it is that people find them so attractive, they just seem to draw others to them. The simple reason is that their pheromone excretion is higher than most as well as there being the possibility that they just know how to work it. Most people think that potions are nonsense superstitions that don’t work and some that do believe that it is possible think it is the work of the devil. Keep in mind though that you consume medication prescribed by your medical practitioner and what is medication actually if you think about it? It is simply a potion either in tablet form or liquid form. Well it is true that not all potions work; it depends on what the ingredients are, nothing is foolproof after all, also the practitioner has to know what they are doing. You truly have to know the effects that various herbs have on the body to mix an effective potion, an extensive research of herbs are important as some might have an adverse effect. The person that the potion is intended for might have an existing condition- from a severe allergy to a heart problem. There is also a reason why certain herbs are picked at certain times of the day and year. The same herb might be picked at different times of the day or different seasons for various reasons.
Today when herbs are bought commercially for medical reasons they are picked at a time of their highest potency. Therefore one needs to be sure of the dosages you are using.
Knowing what your herbs are and what they do is very important. Potions are not the types of things to be played with; if you have no idea what you are doing they can just as easily be turned to poisons. Also it is something to note that some things need to be kept in dark glass containers and out of sunlight for a reason.
Herbalists have known for century’s things that science only discovered in recent years. The various things that make a plant effective to cure various ailments are influenced by the fluctuation of the moon. Some plants are at their most potent at the hight of the full moon. The moon affects everything on the planet that has liquid in its cells. Simple science. There is a reason why the moon has also been worshiped as the representation of woman and love for as far back as man has inhabited the planet. It is she that increases the bounty of the planet and it is she that holds sway over the waters and the oceans that give the earth its life force. The moon is the very literal essence of woman.
I found a very simple, easy and effective potion that has no risk at all to your intended.
148ml water, 2 red apple seeds, 10 drops lemon juice, 10 drops orange juice and 10 drops of vanilla extract.
Once all items are assembled on work area recite the following :
“Diana is my guide and with Her help, I will proceed.”
The ingredients should be mixed together. The apple seeds carefully and finely crushed and added last to the potion.
Once the love motion has been mixed it should be placed in a small container. Such as a small dark glass bottle or vile.
While you kneel four times reciting the following prayer :
“ (Name of the loved one) should be mine, and by the power of Isis and Diana, he/she will love me forever”
The container should be placed in a cool dry place until it is consumed by the recipient
(Nicolas Herion)
It must be kept in mind that juices ferment so do not delay to long in giving it to your intended. Something like this usually works best in a drink of some sort.
But of course you have to get close enough to your intended to give this to him. So use some of that charm and fascination that you, especially as a woman have been blessed with. Let food be you greatest and best magick. Pour your good emotions and desires into it and you will definitely draw and entice him closer. For some reason, for ages passed men have been fascinated by a beautiful woman who is intelligent and can cook. There just seems to be something magick about a woman of this kind.
Yes gentlemen, next time your see a woman in the kitchen especially if she is happy. Just sit and watch her. Watch her smile over her work, the way she moves surely and deftly. She knows exactly what she is doing. Watch her hips sway and watch her elegantly bend, see her knowingly smile at the delicious smells her kitchen produces and the enjoyment that she knows it will bring and maybe you will actually come to appreciate the magick that she is.
And ladies remember that your smile, the way you move your surety of actions and confidence is the greatest magick that you have been born with. If the man that you want, or are with does not see this about you, then he does not deserve you. The one that sees all this in you is the man who will move heaven and earth for you if he has to to keep you happy and smiling and he will willingly do this for you simply because you make him the happiest man alive.
If you have to draw him in by magickal means, then he is not the man you want to be with. Drawing love from the universe asking to be blessed with someone who will love and cherish you is one thing but making someone who you love but you aren’t sure he loves you in return come to you is a disaster waiting to happen. If you are thinking, if he can just have sometime to know you then you should not be resorting to magick.
Let he who is worthy and has worth come to you naturally. Love yourself, love life and treat yourself others well regardless of what is done against you or said about you and you will be blessed with love beyond measure. The universe is set up in a manner that tests us to see if we are worthy and will appreciate the blessings that is waiting for us. And everything we have is earned by our actions and thoughts.
What the God and Goddess will so mote it be.

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