Know Me

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Crafter of magick, intent on expanding your realm beyond what you ever imagined possible. This blog is about what interests me. If you are easily offended or sensitive to certain issues discussed here please do not read. This is about me and what interests me. Welcome to one and all, hope you enjoy your time with me.

Friday, 15 November 2013


We all have a true base nature and although most of us would like to deny that the planets and their alignments have any influence over who we are and what we do. This is both true and not necessarily the case. I have seen that my personality and many of my actions are dictated by them.

I have learned much about myself from doing research on the nature of the zodiac signs. My favourite being SCORPIO.

The Soviet Empire was established at four minutes past two o’clock on the 8th of November 1917 in the Russian capital of Petrograd (under the sign). The sun was at the center of the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio is thus regarded as the symbol and guardian of the Soviet power.

Mars (the symbol of war), the original planet ruler which was thought to influence Scorpio but after Pluto was discovered in 1930 and its subsequent integration into the astrological system it has been found that Pluto in turn affects this under the direct influence of Scorpio; it has assumed its rightful place in the sign of Scorpio. The effects of Pluto even before its discovery is and has always been the same, even though attributed to another planet.

Pluto has an inscrutable nature and even through the Soviet Union was born under the wrong planet Pluto’s very nature is demonstrated by this. It does not show its true face until the time is ripe to restructure power.

The Bolsheviks were originally members of the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party. The Bolsheviks, founded by Vladimir Lenin and Alexander Bogdanov, were by 1905 a mass organization consisting primarily of workers under a democratic internal hierarchy governed by the principle of democratic centralism, who considered themselves the leaders of the revolutionary working class of Russia. It was their influence in that then powerful party that brought it to the occult. Firmly rooting it in that other world.

Scorpio’s field of influence includes power and financial developments at the expense of others. The power-mongers of Scorpio stick together to establish power. Pluto in Scorpio also involves certain hidden circumstances, which are revealed only with the passing of time.

Due to their vindictiveness, cunning, brutality and art of dissembling, the wards of Scorpio are characterized as extremely dangerous opponents.

Those under the power of Scorpio are deeply materialist extremists who exploit others and neither forgive nor forget. If they are crossed they are possessed by fury but they will stop at nothing to reach their aims.

The Scorpion’s true nature is always shrouded in mystery.

Scorpio’s colour is red.

Symbols of Scorpio (evolution of a Scorpio)

This is the only sign that has seven symbols: The spider (which is at its lowest evolutionary scale),

Most that fall under here are children by nature, spoiled and downright mean. Most Scorpio’s skip this symbol depending on the upbringing, parents and environment.

The lizard,

More relaxed in demeanor this symbol recognizes some humility and has a tendency to watch and learn.

This is the symbol were planning revenge for past hurts takes place.

The scorpion

The well known symbol.

Primarily because of the constellation

The scorpion is still immature when it comes to dealing with people. Given to temper tantrums and jealousy thrown in, in abundance. Again a Scorpio might skip this symbol.

The serpent

Although extremely dangerous, will move away from danger unless it or its loved ones are being threatened.

It will strike back and strike back hard. Common sense does not play a role with this symbol. It is like the lizard but venomous.

The wolf

The wolf is strong, wise and protective of its home and family and makes a comfortable home for its loved ones

However if a wolf’s habitat or loved ones are threatened or harmed a quick attack will take place leaving someone lifeless.

The eagle or dove

The eagle represents the most mature Scorpio.

The eagle soars above all others, watching and learning.

The Scorpio has become a more spiritual being trusting a higher power to handle all affairs of revenge.

The eagle is of course protective of its young, raising them to be self-sufficient.

The phoenix

This is the ultimate goal as a Scorpio. The mythical Phoenix is destroyed and rises from its own ashes (a Pluto trait). Life is hard Scorpio knows this. But when Scorpio reaches this symbol they have achieved the most mature stable state of being and are comfortable with life. Knowing she can survive anything.

Scorpio is the toughest of all the signs. They will never confront an opponent toe to toe but will wait (for years if need be) until their prey is in a vulnerable position to strike, using the element of surprise. Yet the Scorpio is also loving, sensitive and patient, protective and loyal to loved ones. A Scorpio is the greatest of friends for they are secretive and keep them well, but never make an enemy of one.

Scorpio’s planets

Scorpio has two ruling planets instead of one. Mars is Scorpio’s ancient planetary ruler and Pluto is the modern day ruler.

Mars represents war, anger, passion, action, activity and masculinity.

Pluto represents life, death, and regeneration. This also explains Scorpio’s transformation, as this is an ever evolving sign.

People of the Scorpion are determined, throwing themselves completely into everything they do – but getting them to commit to something is an entirely different matter all together. It’s better to not even try. Their primary motivation for anything they do is unlikely to be for prestige or even authority, its 

real power.

It can be of the absolute behind the scenes verity, as long as they have it. In the eyes of others Scorpio seems to have great will power. Maybe they do, but you’ll never truly know but they definitely do know what they want, and they won’t go out and grab it at the wrong moments. As with everything else about a Scorpio they simply sit back, watch (quite expertly), and get it only when the moment is just right. This apparent patience is simply the powerful skill of strategy at work that they posses.

Scorpio’s are not afraid to get their hands, (bodies or minds) dirty. The darker side of human nature and life intrigues them, and they’re always ready to investigate. They simply never give up and have tremendous staying power. Confrontation is not something Scorpio shies away from in fact trauma seems to follow them wherever they go. They are defined by what they have overcome and lived through.

Scorpio seeks out emotional intensity. They are diggers and see beyond the façades and cut right to the core of a person. This ability to see what is not obvious to the rest of the world is intimidating or wildly attractive depending on the witnesses to this. Sometimes a Scorpio’s deep need for transformation and rebirth can manifest itself in various ways. They seem to attract emotional upheaval and their lives consist of plenty of dramatic ups and downs.

Doing things halfway or having meaningless relationships simply do not cut it, Scorpio’s want all or nothing. Scorpio’s hate betrayal, fear it even in some cases. Sometimes putting the people they love through a series of tests, not always consciously. But when a Scorpio commits, they can be the most loyal and committed of partners.

Even a shy Scorpio has enormous presence and their intuition is vast and eerily astounding, although often self-serving. Radiating strength is a constant and even in the absence of experience they seem to “just know” things. People instinctively want to lean on them and other less brave people run a little scared. A Scorpio has exceptional “radar” that size up a situation – and a person – quickly and expertly. This ability to understand human nature can be a bit too close for comfort for those under scrutiny. These people are on an eternal quest to get to the very heart of every matter and anything that requires though, in almost every conversation. Totally fearless about delving to depths that nobody else wants, or even thinks to explore. Adapt at learning the very core of every issue. They are blessed (sad head shake : or cursed) with surveillance camera observations skills, seeming to just see all and know all. Sometimes seeming quite “dark” in the manor of focusing on the false in seeking the truth. Scorpios are passionate in speech often given to lecturing but just as passionate about giving advice and help. They are usually willing to let you in on a few secrets about other’s that are NOT themselves. Truth is they have observed things others have not, and because of this their observations might be skewed to the negative. At their best when they are talking about things that does not personally affect them. Intelligence being absolutely instinctual with these creatures, strategies being their specialty yet their idea of constructive criticism can be viewed as destructive. It is almost IMPOSSIBLE to win a debate with a scorpio they a driven to win and not simply to score intellectual points but simply to come out on top in general (might event take great pleasure of making a fool of challengers). Besides that it is hard to deny that their thinking is quite lucid, at least in presentation. You will walk away from a speech feeling motivated thinking “wow” and feeling run over by a freight train, but generally you’ll have received an awesome pep talk if they like you.

(now for the other face of Scorpio)

The sexual nature or stamina of the Scorpio is well, simply put, powerful (maybe overwhelming). Scorpio is attracted to taboos and their fantasies may involve blowing the taboos to smithereens!!! Scenarios involving complete and utter control and submission by the “other”. Where the “other” gives in completely, wants them completely, and will do absolutely anything for them. Their appeal is so strong in this regard that they generally do what they want. They find it difficult to share their partners but will never admit to it. Or put another way they have a deep commitment to sexual pleasure, their appeal lies in their complete and total focus on you…and their dedication to satisfying a need. They want to posses you and they do, they also make it seem attractive to be possessed. Scorpio focuses completely on their partner and depending on your personality this might be unnerving. They have a need to control, although this is at first not apparent and usually is unnoticeable as it is done so artfully. Depending on the situation they will either shoot a piercing glare your way or blow up (personally I say hope for the blow up it is safer), whichever way it goes a slighted Scorpio lover is NOT a pretty sight. Pleasing a Scorpio lover means demonstrating your complete commitment and loyalty. There is no middle ground with this sign and they generally have a black-or-white philosophy of life, these are the people that say “Just Choose!”, they are really just not comfortable with compromise – what kind of satisfaction could you get from compromise? Their survival instincts are strong and their power comes from their embracing and owning their animal nature.


Now I have mentioned Scorpio’s intuition before but in actual fact Scorpio’s uncanny ability to look at people and situations and  not just break it down but even know what’s about to happen is beyond the unnerving beyond the natural. Even the fact that Scorpio can more often than not predict what people will do and know the future as it relates to people and things about them borders on the physic. Ask any Scorpio what they know is a feeling that comes from within with so much force and colour that there is no denying that it will come to fruition. Some will even say that it is more vivid than a dream. That is why a Scorpio’s judgment is always spot on and they will tell you they are NEVER wrong. They’ve been proven right to often. They are also very spiritual beings, drawing to ceremony with meaning and depth.

They may lean to the unorthodox belief systems, with passion and sincerity because they are ruled by Pluto – the god of the underworld- they have a connection with that ethereal other world of spirits which is metaphysical. They have the ability to transform energy, or change the impure selfish desires into the gold of purity. They are fascinated by the in-depth issues of life and death and are attracted to a religion that leaves them free to explore this.

The female scorpion

Since I’m female I’ll only touch on this yet there is in all honestly not much difference between a the sexes with this zodiac sign.

No matter the personality of a female scorpo, introverted or extrovert. She turns head and grabs attention where ever she goes with her steamy sexuality. She has power of presence and a boldness and need for honesty unparalleled by any in the zodiac. It doesn’t matter what she wears (she could be covered from head to toe) it’s in the way she moves, her carriage; it is in her eyes, the way she looks at you. The Scorpio woman’s eyes are her greatest weapon she doesn’t just see, she “sees” you. Her looks cut to the very essence of you, there is no way you can bullshit her. She pins you in place with those eyes. And when she looks at you in that way only a Scorpio woman can it will be almost as if she’s crooked her finger and said “come” and you’ll go willingly. Never expect a Scorpio woman to come running to you or even express that she missed you. But that extra little sway in her hips as she walks toward you will tell you everything you need to know. Never, never lie to her, she’ll smell it (she might not say it but she knows it) and she’ll cut you off. She is a passionate and possessive lover. What she shows on the outside is usually not what she really feels or not completely. A Scorpio woman may seem as if she gives you power but this is never the case she is ALWAYS in control. As a mother and life partner she is fiercely devoted, protective and faithful. She’ll do anything she has to for her family.

So important to keep in mind. Scorpio’s are like no other sign or other people, they are beyond the average although they are very capable of hiding who they are. They are masters at presenting one sweetly innocent smiling face to the world while their real self laughs at you while dancing and laughing evilly like Rumplestilskin. They are loyal friends who would do what they must for you and they are passionate lovers that will go to unimaginable lengths to keep you happy and satisfied in every way. But they will go even further to keep what’s theirs, what they feel belongs to them and they will go through who and what ever stands in their way. No Scorpio worth their salt will ever be caught in an act of vengeance unless it’s what they want. Vengeance and the ultimate skill of strategy is an art that is part of their very bones.

The Scorpio is never to be underestimated. And like the scorpion, a Scorpio would rather sting itself to death before it is trapped or cornered. But this is where the phoenix in their nature rises up. A Scorpio will rise from its own ashes, greater and better than ever before having evolved into something else completely.

Give a Scorpio all of you and a Scorpio with give you everything, be your everything and shatter your ultimate fantasies. All they ask is your heart, body, mind and soul in return.

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